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Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:44 pm
by Xanatos
OtakuNinja wrote:Here we go again... :roll:

Emi - because she doesn't want people to become close to her = she'd treat her child like she treated Hisao.
Well, assuming this is bad end Emi and she still has her issues, she wouldn't want to get close to her new guy so she'd abort or give up the kid outright because it'd just create an added problem both by getting close to her itself and by giving the guy a new reason to try and get close.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:13 pm
by CreedKeeper25
Even though the OP seems to have paid as much attention to the characters as my ADD-riddled brain does to high school, these magnificent puns kept me going
Selim Bradley wrote: Go to second 32: 14 seconds in

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:48 pm
by Katie
OtakuNinja wrote:Here we go again... :roll:

Emi - because she doesn't want people to become close to her = she'd treat her child like she treated Hisao.
EXACTLY. Emi's an emotionally abusive girlfriend, but somehow she would never ever treat her child the same way? lol. Do you guys have any defense for that besides "Emi is my waifu and I must defend her honor"?

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:53 pm
by Xanatos
Katie wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:Here we go again... :roll:

Emi - because she doesn't want people to become close to her = she'd treat her child like she treated Hisao.
EXACTLY. Emi's an emotionally abusive girlfriend, but somehow she would never ever treat her child the same way? lol. Do you guys have any defense for that besides "Emi is my waifu and I must defend her honor"?
Yes, actually, I do have a defense. She got better, genius. It's in the damn story.

And even assuming we follow some path where that change never occurs, she would never have/keep a child in the first place as doing so runs completely counterproductive to her desire to avoid closeness.

But let's say there's a chance. Emi's the only one with such a chance so this poll becomes moot anyway.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:21 pm
by Oddball
EXACTLY. Emi's an emotionally abusive girlfriend, but somehow she would never ever treat her child the same way?
So Hanako has murder fantasies and Emi is emotionally abusive.... yeah, you and me did not play the same game.

Emi isn't emotionally abusive. She has trouble with letting people get really close to her, but even then she still has friends and loved ones (yes, even in the bad ending.) She just has a certain level than she has trouble letting people get past. I wouldn't say what she is is abusive in anyway.

But you know what? Let's play your game. Let's say Emi never changes from how we see her in the game. At all. Then she has a child.

So, she's still able to hang out with the kid (like she does with Rin), still able to teach the kid and help them (like she does with Hisao), is still able to make jokes and pal around with hem (like she does with Nurse) and still maintains a mostly friendly attitude with them (like she does with Lilly and Hanako).

All she isn't able to do is depend on her child for support and understanding and wants to handle her own problems in her own way. As far as the view of the kid goes, that would make Emi a perfectly normal parent. Sure, Emi would still have some issues, and be under some stress, but there's nothing there that would even hint at her being abusive to somebody because of it.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:28 pm
by Xanatos
Oddball wrote:All she isn't able to do is depend on her child for support and understanding and wants to handle her own problems in her own way. As far as the view of the kid goes, that would make Emi a perfectly normal parent. Sure, Emi would still have some issues, and be under some stress, but there's nothing there that would even hint at her being abusive to somebody because of it.
Oddball, what you've described is CLEARLY emotional abuse of the highest order. Get off your waifu's dick and face reality. :P

Hell, I'll grant that she might count as emotionally abusive with Hisao (in that sort of relationship, there is reasonably supposed to be more than fucking, and dragging the guy along just isn't good) but to a kid? She'd just be a parent. :lol: Really, what parent consults their kids to handle their emotional stresses anyway? :lol:

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:47 pm
by Selim Bradley
CreedKeeper25 wrote:Even though the OP seems to have paid as much attention to the characters as my ADD-riddled brain does to high school, these magnificent puns kept me going
Selim Bradley wrote: Go to second 32: 14 seconds in
I more meant Knockout's laugh afterwords, but hey I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:07 am
by Katie
Oddball wrote:
EXACTLY. Emi's an emotionally abusive girlfriend, but somehow she would never ever treat her child the same way?
So Hanako has murder fantasies and Emi is emotionally abusive.... yeah, you and me did not play the same game.

Emi isn't emotionally abusive. She has trouble with letting people get really close to her, but even then she still has friends and loved ones (yes, even in the bad ending.) She just has a certain level than she has trouble letting people get past. I wouldn't say what she is is abusive in anyway.

But you know what? Let's play your game. Let's say Emi never changes from how we see her in the game. At all. Then she has a child.

So, she's still able to hang out with the kid (like she does with Rin), still able to teach the kid and help them (like she does with Hisao), is still able to make jokes and pal around with hem (like she does with Nurse) and still maintains a mostly friendly attitude with them (like she does with Lilly and Hanako).

All she isn't able to do is depend on her child for support and understanding and wants to handle her own problems in her own way. As far as the view of the kid goes, that would make Emi a perfectly normal parent. Sure, Emi would still have some issues, and be under some stress, but there's nothing there that would even hint at her being abusive to somebody because of it.
You make a surprisingly good, logical argument.


Even if I accept the notion that Emi isn't an emotionally abusive parent, can you honestly tell me that she always treated Hisao well? She wasn't being abusive the MANY times she made some snotty remark about Hisao being a white knight rushing in to save her on his trusty steed? She wasn't being cruel and coldhearted in her bad ending? I hate men, but Emi somehow managed to make me sympathize with Hisao. I wanted to smack that girl across the face more than once.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:15 am
by Xanatos
Katie wrote:I hate men...
And in just three words, all your credibility and worth is out the door. :lol: Bravo, madam. Fucking encore!

I could very easily attack the rest of that but there really isn't any need after THAT spectacular display of complete and utter failure. Don't let the door hit you on your way to getting the fuck off my internet.

Actually, I'll go ahead: Yes, Emi's incredibly negligent and leads Hisao along for god knows how long. Yes, she's a wretched, stubborn bitch in her bad end. But that's completely irrelevant to the topic of how she would treat her kids so bringing it up serves no real purpose. Now, remind me, which of these girls shows any inkling of potential to abuse children?

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:15 am
by Oddball
Even if I accept the notion that Emi isn't an emotionally abusive parent, can you honestly tell me that she always treated Hisao well?
No she did not.
Nor did he always treat her well.
In fact, if you want to start looking around, you could probably find instances of just about every character "not treating the other well," to various degrees.

None of that matters a bit though, because there's a rather huge gap between not treating somebody well and being abusive.

Now a quick question for everybody else.

Who actually voted on this poll and why did you select the option you did? Don't be afraid to say "well, I had to vote for somebody. There was a poll there!" I'm really curious here.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:23 am
by Xanatos
Oddball wrote:Who actually voted on this poll and why did you select the option you did? Don't be afraid to say "well, I had to vote for somebody. There was a poll there!" I'm really curious here.
In my head, I rewrote the poll as "Who's most likely to suck dick for meth?" and voted Misha because Shizune starts a drug empire and needed to stock her inventory. Enter desperate unrequited lover...

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:57 am
by ShadeHaven
Katie wrote:
You make a surprisingly good, logical argument.


Even if I accept the notion that Emi isn't an emotionally abusive parent, can you honestly tell me that she always treated Hisao well? She wasn't being abusive the MANY times she made some snotty remark about Hisao being a white knight rushing in to save her on his trusty steed? She wasn't being cruel and coldhearted in her bad ending? I hate men, but Emi somehow managed to make me sympathize with Hisao. I wanted to smack that girl across the face more than once.
How recently was it that you completed her route? I only remember her making comments about Hisao's tendency to be a white knight about twice. And as others have said yes, she was being rather cold and heartless during her bad ending but that still does not justify any reason whatsoever for her to abuse or show any type of hatred towards her offspring.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:11 am
by win746
Oddball wrote: Now a quick question for everybody else.

Who actually voted on this poll and why did you select the option you did? Don't be afraid to say "well, I had to vote for somebody. There was a poll there!" I'm really curious here.
I didn't vote yet, I still don't see any much chance of the characters being anything much like that. If Emi never got over the "I don't want to get close to anyone" thing then I doubt she'll even got someone to have children with her.

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:51 am
by Dream
Uh, guys, don't you think you're going a bit too far/much with katie-hate at this point? I might not like some of her posts, but ganging up on someone who hasn't shown any aggresive or malicious intent seems kinda much or uncalled for.

Anyways; While Emi is certainly not abusive in any manner towards Hisao or anyone, the not-very-healthy manner she chooses to deal things with, combined with some or her pathologies do bring a certain deal of suffering for the people that care for her (apparently Hisao most of all, Meiko and Nurse don't seem to care as much) And even if spare, the white-knight accusations are pretty uncalled for.
Who actually voted on this poll and why did you select the option you did? Don't be afraid to say "well, I had to vote for somebody. There was a poll there!" I'm really curious here.
Chose Shizune and Emi. Emi because of her pathologies and her apparent tendency to deal with things in... Not the best of manners. Shizune because her strong personality and Jigoro's upbringing might lead her to her being somewhat harsh or demanding/cold with her kid as a hope of making him strong, which could backfire/turn into well-meaning abuse.
In my head, I rewrote the poll as "Who's most likely to suck dick for meth?" and voted Misha because Shizune starts a drug empire and needed to stock her inventory. Enter desperate unrequited lover...
Goddamit i am so fucking lucky i wasn't drinking when i read this oh god i can't stop laughting :lol:

Re: The most likely to become an emotionally abusive mother?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:04 am
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:...ganging up on someone...
Where is that happening? She put forth a ridiculous premise on a forum with numerous members and numerous members all came to the conclusion, separate and apart from one another, that it's a ridiculous premise. Ganging up requires conspiracy, not coincidence. :P

And also, you're welcome. :P