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Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:06 pm
by Thatswhatbradsaid
My problem wasnt that Shizunes route was bad... It was very good. But the writing style didn't go with the other ones and the story felt a bit too isolated for my liking... But different tastes for different people

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:29 pm
by Softclocks
I feel like Shizune's route suffered due to weak writing. There was a distinct lack of conflict and even though it started out very well I felt like it didn't really go anywhere. Her father didn't strike me as that much of an asshole because he just wasn't believable. It seemed like somebody had just written down a load of strange comments for the xD!!randumz!. There was a whole lot of Kenji stuff that didn't go anywhere and it never really tried to do anything with Misha's troubles (which I found very interesting).

It does indeed have a few positive sides to it though, Shizune was well handled and I'm glad Hisao didn't end up "fixing" her. In the end it really looked like she was the one who helped him and I liked that.

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:50 pm
by yummines
I dont like it for the same reason OP liked it, ironically
I play games and read stories to be put in another world, with conflict and stuff going on
For this reason i couldnt stand Lucky Star or Azumanga Daioh

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:13 am
by metalangel
Softclocks wrote: Her father didn't strike me as that much of an asshole because he just wasn't believable. It seemed like somebody had just written down a load of strange comments for the xD!!randumz!.
People like that really do exist. You're lucky if you haven't encountered one. Consider Rachel's father on Friends, he's another one (the episode where they go to lunch). My real world example was a school friend's alcoholic father.

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:14 am
by inquisitivenegro
Out-All Knight wrote:Same here, Its definitely one of the down-to-earth (Got that right? Right?) routes aside from Emi's route.
Although I'm in Miss Lily's camp, I consider her one of the friends you should be treasuring and she just needs to be a bit more understanding towards others in my opinion. In fact, Her theme is about friendship right?

and the only thing that could screw that up is by choosing a certain option that would make you a cold-hearted asshole.
Well its a rather large trap, that word comfort

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:31 am
by MishaAtHerEmiest
This is why I've always considered Shizune's route the "canon" route, if there has to be one at all.
Well, if it were a high school anime.
If it were a romance/feels, I'd say Emi's.

Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:45 pm
by Megumeru
themocaw wrote:So six months after the release of the game, after a conversation in an unnamed place regarding unmentioned events, I've finally figured out why I like Shizune's route, despite all of its glaring flaws.

It's normal.

There's no huge feels. No drama. No trauma. No one bleeds, no one burns, no one leaves forever or nearly dies. It's just. . . normal.

Shizune's route is the one where Hisao gets to have the most normal high school life. It's the one where his biggest concerns are that his best friends are fighting and his girlfriend's dad is kind of a dick. All he needs to do is not be an idiot and things will work out fine.

It's a breather. It's comfortable. It's simple, it's clean, and in the end, it was what I needed.

Love you man.


Re: Why I like Shizune's route.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:04 am
by Turupawn
I also loved this route because it's down to earth and rational as many said. But above all she impressed me cause she is really into games (of all sorts), that makes her fun and exiting.