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Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:27 am
by pandaphil
WhySoNatsu wrote:
pandaphil wrote:
WhySoNatsu wrote:I finished Hanako's path the other day and I'm about to start Lilly's. Is it long? Hanako's path seemed like it took me longer to complete than Emi's path.

I know there was a thread awhile back that compared sizes of all the arcs. Darn if I can remember where though. As far as game time, Lilly's covers her return from Scottland and far beyond.

I'm with H&H though. Hanako has my heart, but I think I love Lilly just as much because they're almost as inseparable and Shizuni and Misha.
Wasn't Misha a lesbian? I read in one of the topics around here that she is. I can actually picture Misha and Shizune but I can't picture Hanako and Lilly lol

Not THAT way, silly person. :)

More like, its hard to imagine seeing one without the other.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:47 am
by Guest Poster
And yet it happens all the time. Hanako spends a lot of her time reading in the library without Lilly around. Lilly spends a good deal of time interacting with other friends in whose presence, presumably, Hanako wouldn't feel comfortable.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:24 am
by YZQ
Reading time at the library is "me-time" for Hanako. Even good friends need private moments.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:35 am
by pandaphil
You guys are right I guess. Unlike Misha, its not like Hanako is Lilly's shadow or anything.

And welcome to the thousand post club YZQ! :)

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:39 am
by YZQ
Both Lily and Hanako will be VERY offended if you use "shadow" around them.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:07 am
by Hisao&Hanako<3
Hmm, the thing to piss off Lilly would be to walk in and say something like "Aww, you're blind, I feel bad for you."

Or to pull pranks on her cause she can't see you doing it. She'd be PISSED.

Although I'd wonder what her vulnerabilities are. Be it issues with her family, or whatever. I don't feel that someone cares very much for me until they open up to me and show me their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Cause if you really care for someone, you should naturally open up to them.

Here's a little secret... usually trustworthy people are trusting as well. Usually if you're not trusting, it means you're untrustworthy as well.

Heh, with that tangent out of the way, I wonder what's beneath all of Lilly's upbringing and schooling background. In fact, I wonder about a lot of things. I wonder about what kind of relationship Hanako had with her parents. You don't get to learn too much about her past, or the pasts of any of the girls, really. A few details here and there if any doesn't help the imagination much, lol.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:10 am
by YZQ
Lily's main weakness is her desire for her parents' approval. Notice how she jumped at the chance when her parents summoned her to Scotland? This also feeds into her other problem of not letting others know about her emotions. She has her down points, but she actively hides it from others.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:41 am
by Guest Poster
Lily's main weakness is her desire for her parents' approval. Notice how she jumped at the chance when her parents summoned her to Scotland? This also feeds into her other problem of not letting others know about her emotions. She has her down points, but she actively hides it from others.
Lilly's traits tend to make more sense when you realize she's KS's version of the traditional Japanese (ironically since she has mixed blood) and the traditionally Japanese mindset often applies to her. Here's a page containing some stuff about the Japanese mindset. A few things that catch the eye:
Many school children have said they have never seen their parents kiss. Young adults don’t talk about their boyfriend or girlfriend or lack of one and generally don’t like to be asked questions about their private life. In one survey Japanese university students said they considered a good friend to be someone who respects their private life.
Kimiko Manes, author Culture Shock in Mind, wrote in the Daily Yomiuri: “Japanese culture is not very open. When something goes wrong, a Japanese person frequently will not share the problem with others, instead suffering alone as they try to solve it. For example, suppose someone was not able to complete a task for a colleague by a certain date. Rather than explaining the nature of the trouble to the colleague, the Japanese person frequently tries to tackle it on his own....Asking the other party the reason for their difficulties would be construed as a sign of disrespect....The truth behind a problem frequently is not communicable, which can lead to bigger problems later. The Japanese reluctance to hurt or make the other party lose face overrides the temptation to rationally explain the issue at hand,.”
In addition, I remember a quote saying Japanese are not allowed to have an opinion until they're 50. This was a reference to the fact that Japanese are often expected to never question their elders or those with authority...even when it's justified.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:47 am
by pandaphil
Her parents pretty much abandoned her when she was twelve would likely leave her with guilty feelings, believing it was her fault that they left her behind. So from then on she felt she had to drive herself to be as perfect as she could, hoping for their approval. When she got the call, she probably felt that she was finally good enough to be allowed back into the family.

And having to play housewife, cooking and cleaning for her older sister at such a young age left her with a strong mothering instinct.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:35 pm
by Xanatos
Guest Poster wrote:[Japan stuff]
You know, sometimes I think I'd like to visit Japan. Then I'm reminded that Japan is apparently Uptight Bullshit: The Nation.

@panda: Lilly believes they left for business. Her constant 'perfect' facade is just to mask the vulnerability that comes with blindness.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:40 pm
by Guest Poster
You know, sometimes I think I'd like to visit Japan. Then I'm reminded that Japan is apparently Uptight Bullshit: The Nation.
Eh, visiting isn't a problem. They don't really expect foreigners to live according to their rules and if you mess up, they generally don't complain about it. Just don't get lost...that avoiding confrontation-thing means it's not uncommon for them to make stuff up in order to avoid an uncomfortable moment if they don't know how to get where you want to go. Don't get pancreatic cancer either. Apparantly telling a patient who has this and is terminal that he has mere pancreatitis in order to spare his feelings is acceptable. It does shed some light on Lilly's actions.

Essentially, Lilly's path is a deconstruction of the traditional Japanese woman. The game basically says: "You want a girl who was groomed to be a polite, friendly and calm Yamato Nadeshiko? Fine. Now let's put you in a situation where the mindset those traits are part of starts blowing up in your face. Have fun." Ironically, if Hisao ALSO behaves like a traditional Japanese and avoids painful subjects on that route, he'll end up alone. He ends up convincing Lilly to stay by appealing to her Scottish side.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:46 pm
by Steinherz
Guest Poster wrote: Eh, visiting isn't a problem. They don't really expect foreigners to live according to their rules and if you mess up, they generally don't complain about it. Just don't get lost...that avoiding confrontation-thing means it's not uncommon for them to make stuff up in order to avoid an uncomfortable moment if they don't know how to get where you want to go. Don't get pancreatic cancer either. Apparantly telling a patient who has this and is terminal that he has mere pancreatitis in order to spare his feelings is acceptable. It does shed some light on Lilly's actions.
Holy shit really?
Guest Poster wrote: Essentially, Lilly's path is a deconstruction of the traditional Japanese woman. The game basically says: "You want a girl who was groomed to be a polite, friendly and calm Yamato Nadeshiko? Fine. Now let's put you in a situation where the mindset those traits are part of starts blowing up in your face. Have fun." Ironically, if Hisao ALSO behaves like a traditional Japanese and avoids painful subjects on that route, he'll end up alone. He ends up convincing Lilly to stay by appealing to her Scottish side.
Most of the paths are a deconstruction of some kind of stereotype of sorts.
Also that last sentence brings to mind something one of my friends says all the damn time:
"If it isn't Scottish, it's crap."
(hilariously she's only 1/8th Scottish :lol: )

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:58 pm
by Guest Poster
Holy shit really?
Apparantly. It's on the same page I linked to earlier. Here to be exact. The avoiding troublesome situations fixation can go pretty far.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:17 pm
by YZQ
For once, I agree with Xan on the bullshit quote. Not to worry, though. The population will drop by 50% over the next few decades*, and hopefully, we'll have less bullshit.

*Demographic decline in any nation is hard to reverse AND takes a long while. I don't see Japan succeeding in this department anytime soon.

Re: Thoughts after Lilly's path

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:55 pm
by Jovereign
Yellow 13 wrote:Thoughts?

Why isn't she real ;_;
On the same boat with ya there man :(.