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Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:49 pm
by Pentaghost
The part that really got me with Lilly's ending was when she was saying goodbye to Hanako at the school gates. Although Hanako had gained a certain degree of independence by this point in the story Lilly was her only true friend and the person she loved most in the entire world. Watching them say goodbye to one another left a rather large lump in my throat.

I did feel a little depressed when the story was finally over just because it had managed to suck me in and captivate me so much. Which is an indication of what a truly great game KS is. As a lifelong gamer this is the first game that has provoked such a strong emotional response from me and I really wasn't expecting it.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:52 am
by Alexbond45
Pentaghost wrote:The part that really got me with Lilly's ending was when she was saying goodbye to Hanako at the school gates. Although Hanako had gained a certain degree of independence by this point in the story Lilly was her only true friend and the person she loved most in the entire world. Watching them say goodbye to one another left a rather large lump in my throat.

I did feel a little depressed when the story was finally over just because it had managed to suck me in and captivate me so much. Which is an indication of what a truly great game KS is. As a lifelong gamer this is the first game that has provoked such a strong emotional response from me and I really wasn't expecting it.
Much agreed

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:59 am
by Zer0
So.... I went back. And now, after having played through everyone's story but Rin's... I HAVE to ask.... IS IT JUST ME, OR DID SHIZUNE'S (good) END SUCK ASS???!

If I have all this right... you bang her twice.. go on, what 2 dates? and you go through all the Sh*t with Misha (and she's DRILL-LESS, no less... seriously, they were the only thing interesting about her...) and then, RIGHT at the end... you tell the bitch you love her, and, instead of saying it back, or setting up plans for post-graduation or something.. she goes and tells you AND Misha, EQUALLY that she HAS to see you sometime sooner than 5 years... which heavily implies that we are in fact going to not see eachother very often anymore and/or split. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?? And maybe this should'nt be bothering me as much as it does, but you never even TELL her about your heart condition... it's kinda implied that she knows... something. but I mean, what the Hell?? You'd think it woulda come up at least once... "hey, just so you know, I could drop dead at any second... thought it might concern you since we're fucking and all."

I mean, EVERY other girl so far.. the endings were bliss. ish. You got the girl. You love the girl. the girl loves you. you both intend to stay that way. all of your time MEANT something. what did your time with Shizune mean? some fun times? a romp or two? pointless drama? What the Hell is the difference between her good ending and bad ending really?? At least in the bad end you get to fuck a lesbian! fuck.

-Does anyone else share my thoughts on this, or am I completely off-keel here?

Well, if nothing else, I got a little more back story on her and Lilly... and some FANTASTIC scenes of Kenji I wouldn't have had otherwise.. including how he looks without glasses... lol.
I plan to Do Rin's story next, just to kinda finish it off.... I'm only slightly scared of what lies ahead. It's at least be funny though... right? right?? ...I'm not hopeful.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:34 am
by Althamus
Zer0 wrote:I plan to Do Rin's story next, just to kinda finish it off.... I'm only slightly scared of what lies ahead. It's at least be funny though... right? right?? ...I'm not hopeful.
I lol'd bro. Rin's arc has all teh feels. ALL OF TEHM.

Also, mebbe better to discuss Shizune in a Shizune topic rather than a Lilly one ;) Although yea, a lot of people aren't that pleased with Shizune's arc, it's generally seen as the weakest of the 5.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:42 am
by Elitesweets
charmisokay wrote:Hum, you made my eyes wet :(
More than the game itself

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:55 am
by encrypted12345
Althamus wrote:
Also, mebbe better to discuss Shizune in a Shizune topic rather than a Lilly one ;) Although yea, a lot of people aren't that pleased with Shizune's arc, it's generally seen as the weakest of the 5.
With that being said, it's not a good idea to incur the wrath of the Shizune Taliban. They actually love Shizune's route for justified reasons. Subtlety being one of them.

Of course, making something too subtle probably is bad writing, but I'm willing to give A22 props for somehow writing a romance game route where Shizune is kept in character. I would never want to write about someone as difficult to write as her. Especially in a romance story. I would be forced to make her some crappy Tsundere. :(

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:59 am
by Mysterious Stranger
Zer0 wrote:(and she's DRILL-LESS, no less... seriously, they were the only thing interesting about her...)
encrypted12345 wrote:With that being said, it's not a good idea to incur the wrath of the Shizune Taliban.
The Shizune Taliban, eh? Let's not forget the Shiina Mikado Schutzstaffel, my friend.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:57 pm
by Althamus
encrypted12345 wrote:
Althamus wrote:
Also, mebbe better to discuss Shizune in a Shizune topic rather than a Lilly one ;) Although yea, a lot of people aren't that pleased with Shizune's arc, it's generally seen as the weakest of the 5.
With that being said, it's not a good idea to incur the wrath of the Shizune Taliban. They actually love Shizune's route for justified reasons. Subtlety being one of them.

Of course, making something too subtle probably is bad writing, but I'm willing to give A22 props for somehow writing a romance game route where Shizune is kept in character. I would never want to write about someone as difficult to write as her. Especially in a romance story. I would be forced to make her some crappy Tsundere. :(
Eh, I didn't see anything that wasn't true :P There was a topic at some point which polled which route people liked least, and Shizune's came out as top by a reasonable margin.

I personally liked the latter half of Shizune's route (when the Shizune/Misha/Hisao conflict came into play). Before that I felt it lost it's way a bit.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:28 pm
by Sin of my sins
Well, I haven't and don't intend to 100% the game, but having completed 3 paths I can say I know how you feel.

In each path, I empathized on Hisao's character and did a lot of self-examination. Each of the paths had its own lesson to be learned, and I found myself constantly thinking about the choices I made, wondering if I made the right choices, and compared them to the choices I have made in my own life. I also had a surprising emotional surges, especially in Hanako's path, since I know people who suffer from the same mental states as she does and could backtrack events to the real life. Like, for example, there's this boy in our class who barely ever speaks with anyone, rushes out in the middle of the classes, plays truant and doesn't show much enthusiasm towards working in groups. He reminds me a lot of Hanako, and recently instead of ignoring him and telling myself he's not just cut out for socializing, I've tried my best taking him into our conversations and tried more forgiving viewpoint. I even formed somewhat of an affection to her, silly me, fuzzing over video game characters. At first I felt kinda depressed, since any relationship I've had so far haven't held the same, completely honest and mutual feelings of love as between the characters, but more like those of a crush or a childish affection, which kinda explains why I broke those bonds after only a few months of going out.

An example of the connection between KS and real life, there's this boy in our class who barely ever speaks with anyone, rushes out in the middle of the classes, plays truant and doesn't show much enthusiasm towards working in groups. He reminds me a lot of Hanako, and recently instead of ignoring him and telling myself he's not just cut out for socializing, I've tried my best taking him into our conversations and tried more forgiving viewpoint.

But, the lesson got through, and in the end I think I've changed for the better. I am by far more tolerant and open-minded person, gone past those emotional surges and have regained my faith in finding real love. Life is full of bumps, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Give it time, and you will make it out of the experience better and stronger a person.

Re: I feel... empty (Lilly ending spoilers)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:21 pm
by fabio.salvador
Rin annoys me. Shizune annoys me even more. Rin simply isn´t a rational person. Shizune doesn´t want a boyfriend, she wants a slave, a lackey, a servant.