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Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:17 am
by TamagoTwo
For me, its Misha first; I like curvy, full figured women and she is as close as the game comes to that. Large chest, wider waist; a bit of meat on her bones (she isn't fat, nor do I particularly like fat women, its just having curves in the right places). I definitely wouldn't be able to stop looking, though I think I'd have to be around her in moderation as her personality isn't what I go for. But in a way, part of how she acts is why I think she is attractive (when she's fanning her skirt and undoing her buttons in the summer, that was too much...)

Second is Lilly because she is supposed to be an attractive girl, and she is. She's busty, girly, elegant and restrained which I like. I know being restrained is not a physical characteristic but its more, the way she carries herself and acts; because she is so prim and proper I'd find my eyes drawn to her.

As for Hanako being "not beautiful/attractive", well she looks attractive in all her artwork. I always thought that she was a nice looking girl whose scarring was so bad you initially couldn't see past it. I always assumed that her scarring was supposed to be worse than the artwork shows which makes it hard for people to see beyond that. It's kinda pointless to say "Hanako would be hot without her scars"; that's kind of the point of her as a character.
When questioned by Kenji, Hisao says Hanako had a pretty nice body, but it was hard to say if she was cute because at that point he had difficulty seeing past the scarring.

Often for me, girls who are "too attractive" I find hard to take seriously and pursue, because I think they're a bit beyond me (like Misha) or they're so conventionally pretty that I actually find it kind of boring. They're nice to look at but beyond that there's nothing to grab me. People have said I have odd taste in women though so oh well.

In a nutshell; I would stare at Misha and Lilly all day but I'd still find myself more drawn to a girl like Hanako; I don't mean the scarring, but the fact she is attractive, its just not the first/only thing about them, there's a mystery and intrigue to them.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:18 am
by Rivan
So, at start of Page 3, Shizune and Lilly are practically head to head, with... Hanako being third.
Kinky, guys. Really kinky.

I am especially stunned that Misha, Meiko and Rin are such a close match... Also, Miki Miura seems to be undervoted compared to the amount of people who screamed for her route ;)

The votes are slightly surprising to me, especially given Hanako's third place.
Now, I can admit Hanako is physically attractive despite her scarring, ~but it does detract from her beauty. Maybe less so in anime-style artwork, but even then...
It just seems kind of hurtful to assume that scarred Hanako is somehow still more beautiful and attractive than physically healthy KS girls. Am I lead to believe Hanako fans cannot be objective and have to vote for their "love" here, or are they really that kinky? ;) I'd appreciate a proper explanation, at least.

Overall, I largely agree with the points TamagoTwo made (nearly all of them).
newnar wrote:I feel really horrible posting this, but maybe Lilly?

This is such an unfair comparison between the KS girls.
This is mostly a test to see where KS players' taste lie. Unfortunately, it seems not everyone is voting according to taste or some of us have weirder tastes than I thought.

Admittedly, Sae is in the poll mostly so that no girl's fans feel bad she is placed last, although, since we have Meiko, a Mother I'd Like to... Play With, we can assume someone may take the maturity thing a bit further.

I never meant to compare anyone, I just wonder who likes what and are my tastes that weird. Admittedly, most of the girls in KS were designed to be physically attractive, either overall or to a specific group.
Palas wrote:Shizune? What's wrong with you guys?

Now, I voted for Misha and Emi. Misha because I like Misha (she's not fat goddammit, she's not even chubby though she does have a wider waist) and Emi because I like petite girls. However, I could have voted for Miki, too, and Hanako would have come as a fourth, even though this:

EDIT: Doesn't hurt (ok, maybe it does) to remind you people that the devs have already stated that Hanako is NOT beautiful. Her cute depiction is there just for the moe, but she is not intended to be attractive in the game's universe.
I think there's nothing wrong with them. Shizune has no visible physical disability, is dark haired, has an overall nice figure... Admittedly, I'd never put her so much up the list since all her assets are already shared by some other girl and she's outdone in other areas, but I can see how someone could see her attractive.

Honestly, I expected a race between Shizune and Lilly from the start, with possibly Miki or Meiko being the dark horse.

To be honest, I far more wonder about people voting for Hanako or Rin and their explanations (if there is any).

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:29 am
by encrypted12345
alien.marksman wrote: Absolutely nothing. 8)
I do admit that Shizune's Figures:
Bust/Waist/Hips: 88/52/85
Are very appealing to me, not to mention Dark hair, in a short cropped hair style, with Glasses and Blue eyes. Throw in Zettai Ryouiki and I'm sold.
All that appeals to me as well. It helps that I am a breast man. :mrgreen:
Rivan wrote:To be honest, I far more wonder about people voting for Hanako or Rin and their explanations (if there is any).
Hanako does have a surprisingly well-balanced figure. Curvy and neither too big nor too small. As for Rin, some people just like tomboys (She has decent sized breasts, so that helps).

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:37 pm
by maggo
I ended up voting for Misha.

I am genuinely surprised at how much love Shizune gets.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:43 pm
by erisi236
Mrs Ibarazaki, I'd be up in 'dat every day and twice on Sunday's. :mrgreen:

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:20 pm
by Mogami-kun
Picked Hanako. I don't have a fetish for scars or anything, but I find her irresistibly cute and attractive at the same time. Actually, when I first saw her in her casual outfit I paused the gameplay and clicked the hide text button, which was the only instance of it happening during regular playthrough.

Miki would be a close second and Misha with drills (okay, I'll put her original long hair on the third spot).

Now that I think about it, I don't find most of the girls attractive (Rin, Emi, Shizune, Lilly, Akira ) that much. I'm kinda confused that I've realized this so late.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:23 pm
by A Humbled Fan
TamagoTwo wrote:For me, its Misha first; I like curvy, full figured women and she is as close as the game comes to that. Large chest, wider waist; a bit of meat on her bones (she isn't fat, nor do I particularly like fat women, its just having curves in the right places). I definitely wouldn't be able to stop looking, though I think I'd have to be around her in moderation as her personality isn't what I go for. But in a way, part of how she acts is why I think she is attractive (when she's fanning her skirt and undoing her buttons in the summer, that was too much...)

Second is Lilly because she is supposed to be an attractive girl, and she is. She's busty, girly, elegant and restrained which I like. I know being restrained is not a physical characteristic but its more, the way she carries herself and acts; because she is so prim and proper I'd find my eyes drawn to her.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:42 pm
by Guest
I like my women like I like my coffee...deaf.

(Jusk kidding, I voted on Miki. )

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:10 pm
by StepmaniaFreak
I honestly didn't know how to pick. I ended up voting for Misha (Based on having cut hair and/or prior the pink) and Hanako even though IRL if I saw someone like Hanako I probably wouldn't. However....that casual wear. :wink:

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:13 pm
by Paul Atreides
Rin, i like girls with short hair

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:23 pm
by gRaViJa
She's too much of a loli in some pictures, but in the pictures where she's more adult-looking i like Emi most. Lily, Hanako and Emi's mom are also appreciated, lol.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:34 pm
by Guest
Only 11 votes for Mrs Ibarazaki? Seriously?

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:45 pm
by uwa
I've recently noticed that long dark hair really does it for me. Big brown eyes are beautiful too. Put them on top of a nice figure and, yeah, the top choice is Hanako.

Of course, most of that applies to Miki, but we don't get any CGs of her up-close. So there's less to go on.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:05 pm
by HarvestmanMan
Misha has the breast...I mean, best...figure.

But Emi is just so cute.

Re: Most Physically Attractive Girl

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:22 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Guest wrote:Only 11 votes for Mrs Ibarazaki? Seriously?
Might be an indication of the average age of the users of this forum...