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Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:19 pm
by Tomate
Bigbishounen wrote:Ok, Finally got around to Finishing Lilly's route over the past weekend, thus closing out the last unfinished route in KS for me. I should note that for this route I decided to put the flowchart aside, and experience the story from the beginning as "blind" as I could. (No pun intended)

What a beautiful route. I can see why so many consider the Lilly route to be the "Canon" route for KS. Almost all of the other character routes are touched on here, at least marginally, and we see large parts of two other routes as the relationship between Shizune and Lilly is finally repaired and Hanako gets a "good end" for herself, no matter which ending Hisao gets. words words words
+1 for insightful post.

I think its amazing how can lots of different people, from different ages groups can find new motivations and lessons by playing the same game.

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:44 pm
by encrypted12345
Tomate wrote:
Bigbishounen wrote:Ok, Finally got around to Finishing Lilly's route over the past weekend, thus closing out the last unfinished route in KS for me. I should note that for this route I decided to put the flowchart aside, and experience the story from the beginning as "blind" as I could. (No pun intended)

What a beautiful route. I can see why so many consider the Lilly route to be the "Canon" route for KS. Almost all of the other character routes are touched on here, at least marginally, and we see large parts of two other routes as the relationship between Shizune and Lilly is finally repaired and Hanako gets a "good end" for herself, no matter which ending Hisao gets. words words words
+1 for insightful post.

I think its amazing how can lots of different people, from different ages groups can find new motivations and lessons by playing the same game.
Yes, indeed. While for some people, it has some... negative effects, on the whole, this game definitely is inspirational. Which is why I was insane enough to mail a heartfelt letter to my soon-to-be married cousin who I treat as an older sister. Many of my family members keep saying that she hasn't dated enough people to really decide if she met the right man (No thanks to them -_-), so I recommended her this game using snail mail (partially due to my shyness) that contained 6 double spaced pages of why she should play it. She still hasn't gotten it yet, so I'll see what happens.

Her wedding's in June so even if her fiance manages to get the Katawa Dick Syndrome, he'll probably be over it by then. Probably.

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:55 pm
by Bigbishounen
encrypted12345 wrote:...Her wedding's in June so even if her fiance manages to get the Katawa Dick Syndrome, he'll probably be over it by then. Probably.
I'm almost afraid to ask. Is this like emotional ED?

Only because, I totally didn't get that. Kinda the opposite. I've had more sex with my wife in the last month than the previous 3 combined. :oops: After the stress of a new baby and just being generally too tired/stressed out to really be interested, KS kinda "unlocked" me. Helped me open up emotionally, and thus sexually.

Of course, my wife was/is still all stressed out, but my being more emotionally available and willing to go out of my way to help her out has made a huge difference. Now if I could just get her to PLAY KS at least once, maybe she can get some release too.

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:34 pm
by encrypted12345
Bigbishounen wrote:Only because, I totally didn't get that. Kinda the opposite. I've had more sex with my wife in the last month than the previous 3 combined. :oops: After the stress of a new baby and just being generally too tired/stressed out to really be interested, KS kinda "unlocked" me. Helped me open up emotionally, and thus sexually.
Well, nice to see that this cripple porn game managed to increase someone's sex drive.-_-

That aside, I never knew that catharsis could actually increase sex drive. It usually has the opposite effect. Well, there are a lot of different people in this world, I guess.

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:13 pm
by Tomate
encrypted12345 wrote:
Tomate wrote:
Bigbishounen wrote:Ok, Finally got around to Finishing Lilly's route over the past weekend, thus closing out the last unfinished route in KS for me. I should note that for this route I decided to put the flowchart aside, and experience the story from the beginning as "blind" as I could. (No pun intended)

What a beautiful route. I can see why so many consider the Lilly route to be the "Canon" route for KS. Almost all of the other character routes are touched on here, at least marginally, and we see large parts of two other routes as the relationship between Shizune and Lilly is finally repaired and Hanako gets a "good end" for herself, no matter which ending Hisao gets. words words words
+1 for insightful post.

I think its amazing how can lots of different people, from different ages groups can find new motivations and lessons by playing the same game.
Yes, indeed. While for some people, it has some... negative effects, on the whole, this game definitely is inspirational. Which is why I was insane enough to mail a heartfelt letter to my soon-to-be married cousin who I treat as an older sister. Many of my family members keep saying that she hasn't dated enough people to really decide if she met the right man (No thanks to them -_-), so I recommended her this game using snail mail (partially due to my shyness) that contained 6 double spaced pages of why she should play it. She still hasn't gotten it yet, so I'll see what happens.

Her wedding's in June so even if her fiance manages to get the Katawa Dick Syndrome, he'll probably be over it by then. Probably.
This got me thinking, so imagine the scene:
Your cousin plays katawa shoujo, then she decides that love can be much more than she has, then she dumps her partner. That dude was dumped because her fiancée played a visual novel mailed by a distant relative, i pity the dude.

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:23 pm
by encrypted12345
Tomate wrote: This got me thinking, so imagine the scene:
Your cousin plays katawa shoujo, then she decides that love can be much more than she has, then she dumps her partner. That dude was dumped because her fiancée played a visual novel mailed by a distant relative, i pity the dude.
I considered that scenario, too. It just means that what she has wasn't ready to become marriage, and that it probably would have been an unhappy one if their relationship was weak enough to be torn apart by a cripple porn game.

Unhappy marriage flag averted! Aren't I an awesome cousin! :lol:

Her parent's marriage is the type that breaks down as soon as the children grow up, so I want her to find a truly happy and stable one. Think of this cripple porn game as a test. :wink:

Re: Just started KS... UPDATE: Complete!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:51 pm
by Bigbishounen
encrypted12345 wrote: Well, nice to see that this cripple porn game managed to increase someone's sex drive.-_-

That aside, I never knew that catharsis could actually increase sex drive. It usually has the opposite effect. Well, there are a lot of different people in this world, I guess.
Heh, well that's not exactly what I meant... :lol:

But yeah. Catharsis is generally a good thing. In my case the stress of everything that happened with the baby and other stuff in my life just made me emotionally shut down. It was easier to "go Vulcan" and just avoid trying to feel anything. When that happens your sex life pretty much stops. Unless you're buying it, of course. But honestly, I was just so stressed out and tired all the time that I simply had nothing left to give. I had bottled up all my emotions. This game has sort of "uncorked" alot of that and allowed me to reach out to my wife and connect with her on an emotional level again. Thus, more sex.

So yeah, not really so much getting boners from the sex scenes as having feels enough again to get boners over my wife. :lol: (TMI? :oops: )

Also, the Emi exercise thread is helping too. Get healthy emotionally, get healthy physically and Voila! Healthy sexually as well. I have a long way to go still, but it's been a good start.