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Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:02 am
by ziamatt
A Humbled Fan wrote:
ziamatt wrote:
Especially since their routes are so similar due to their closeness. You could easily re-write Lilly's route as Hanako's with little effort, at least what I've played of it so far.
Not only that, but I sort of developed an attachment to Hanako as a character. It just felt wrong not looking for her in the library vs going to town to find lilly. Choosing to go to Lilly instead felt like i was abandoning Hanako. /feels :(
I hear that. I have Hanako as my desktop background, the background on my phone, and as my avatar here though, so I won't forget her so easily.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:08 am
by A Humbled Fan
ziamatt wrote:
A Humbled Fan wrote:
ziamatt wrote:
Especially since their routes are so similar due to their closeness. You could easily re-write Lilly's route as Hanako's with little effort, at least what I've played of it so far.
Not only that, but I sort of developed an attachment to Hanako as a character. It just felt wrong not looking for her in the library vs going to town to find lilly. Choosing to go to Lilly instead felt like i was abandoning Hanako. /feels :(
I hear that. I have Hanako as my desktop background, the background on my phone, and as my avatar here though, so I won't forget her so easily.
She is definitely one of the most memorable characters in fiction that I've ever experienced.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:31 am
by ziamatt
Agreed. I don't think any character in my memory has moved me as much of Hanako. Usually I don't think about a character after the story ends until someone brings them up again. I think Hanako is the only character I find myself pondering about even days after I completed her route. I know I've never used a background or avatar for anything based on a fictional character. Even the other characters in this game don't have me as enthralled as Hanako.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:36 am
by A Humbled Fan
Actually, i take that back. Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh has always held a special place in my heart...

I think I'm going to read and watch through those again...

But Hanako, there is just something special about her as a character that seems to have take hold of me... Not that I mind.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:47 am
by crystal
I played Lilly's first. While I didn't like the others as much, I didn't have any problems pursuing the routes. Though in one of them Lilly said I was ignoring her(in jest), and I just wanted to apoligise and join Hanako/Lilly's group.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:58 am
by Ryto
ziamatt wrote:
A Humbled Fan wrote:
ziamatt wrote:
Especially since their routes are so similar due to their closeness. You could easily re-write Lilly's route as Hanako's with little effort, at least what I've played of it so far.
Not only that, but I sort of developed an attachment to Hanako as a character. It just felt wrong not looking for her in the library vs going to town to find lilly. Choosing to go to Lilly instead felt like i was abandoning Hanako. /feels :(
I hear that. I have Hanako as my desktop background, the background on my phone, and as my avatar here though, so I won't forget her so easily.
Pretty much me. I even have her as my persona on Firefox (need to get a good picture that hopefully nobody else has used for my avatar though).

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:09 am
by Tomate
ziamatt wrote:
A Humbled Fan wrote:
ziamatt wrote:
Especially since their routes are so similar due to their closeness. You could easily re-write Lilly's route as Hanako's with little effort, at least what I've played of it so far.
Not only that, but I sort of developed an attachment to Hanako as a character. It just felt wrong not looking for her in the library vs going to town to find lilly. Choosing to go to Lilly instead felt like i was abandoning Hanako. /feels :(
I hear that. I have Hanako as my desktop background, the background on my phone, and as my avatar here though, so I won't forget her so easily.
Even i have a Hanako Avatar. And im not a huge hanako fan.
She is just memorable.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:01 am
by ziamatt
Ryto wrote: Pretty much me. I even have her as my persona on Firefox (need to get a good picture that hopefully nobody else has used for my avatar though).
I don't usually use Personas, but I just got the Hanako persona. I know 4LS isn't looking to make a profit off of this game, but I would definitely buy a Hanako poster. I hate posters. I literally have no posters here at college. And I would still buy and use a Hanako poster.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:15 pm
by Koppov
First VN I have played, I didn't even know you can have different paths. Thought Emi's path is only one as it was so long and detailedly written. Can't be more paths, right? It was free, for god sake. I had in back of my mind there might be "bad" and "good" ending while playing through, but it would be with Emi either way. I didn't think the decisions affected how the story continues much at all, I thought it only made you choose different side path but it would return to same path after few screens. So it was bit of a surprise to me. It's better that way though, I didn't choose the path depending on what girl I wanted to know better by initial expression, I just made the natural decisions in order to make Hisao continue going to school without any problems.

Now I don't feel like seeing those other paths, it feels like cheating on Emi. I can't deny Emi's the type of energetic girl who I'd wish to partner with, to add counter-weight to my traits that are much more withdrawn and emotionless, but hopefully offer her traits that she lacks, like calmness, rational thought, humor and protection and perhaps in process creating a "full" or something. Rin felt uncomfortably familiar, which I didn't want to even admit, but reading here a little bit I probably only saw the surface. I thought the writer made Rin typical artsy, non-sensible kind of side character, who you couldn't get to know better, which I thought was all too predictable choice of design.

I'm now a little depressed and think how self-centered it all is. Initially I approached Katawa Shoujo as a quick fap material, all the while thinking how horny those Japanese guys must be for making these. It changed though and I didn't even want too see any eroge material after a while, when I got to that point they felt very off for me. I haven't watched really any pornography since, and I think I will keep it that way. I'm left with longing for partner like Emi, though, perhaps pretty stupid, but can't deny it. I just want to take care of someone that emotional, pure and full of energy. Perhaps I'll return to look into the other paths, but it feels forced and I don't even know how to trigger those other paths, I don't want to think about how to trigger paths.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:49 pm
by imercenary
Generally speaking, all VNs are playable only once by design.

If you "feel" for X character, you don't want to play through a second time because choosing Y character feels like a betrayal of X character.

Vice versa, if you DON'T "feel" for X character, why are you playing/continuing the game in the first place? Just restart and switch to Y character/uninstall the game. (In which case, see above but replace X with Y and Y with Z)

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:59 pm
by myshoesarebrown
I... didn't like Hanako all that much. I thought the good end was all sweet and everything, but I just couldn't feel for her. Though, I played her route right after I had got Lilly's bad ending, and was concentrating more on the fact that I was still with Lilly all the time, but they acted like they didn't know each other. Because most everyone else liked Hanako's route a lot, I think I'll go back through it, focusing on her and not Lilly, hah.

I understand that awkward feeling of "cheating" on a character you just got an end with. My first route was Emi, and I felt kind of like a manwhore going for Shizune the very next day. Ended up laughing it off, though seeing Emi again was still... awkward.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:41 pm
by yipyapper
myshoesarebrown wrote:I... didn't like Hanako all that much. I thought the good end was all sweet and everything, but I just couldn't feel for her. Though, I played her route right after I had got Lilly's bad ending, and was concentrating more on the fact that I was still with Lilly all the time, but they acted like they didn't know each other. Because most everyone else liked Hanako's route a lot, I think I'll go back through it, focusing on her and not Lilly, hah.

I understand that awkward feeling of "cheating" on a character you just got an end with. My first route was Emi, and I felt kind of like a manwhore going for Shizune the very next day. Ended up laughing it off, though seeing Emi again was still... awkward.
I had pretty well the same experience, except I went for Rin first then Shizune.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:12 pm
by themocaw
It's odd to me, but I've never really had that issue with VNs. I think it's because my name isn't Hisao.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:41 am
by Popo
The hardest parts for me, were when Kenji asked about Hanako and having to say "she wasn't cute", and Lilly saying something like "I was beginning to think you forgot about me" in another girl's route.

Re: Playable Only Once

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:53 am
by newnar
It felt really bad when you had to reveal your relationship with Lilly to Hanako in Lilly's arc after playing Hanako's arc. Also, the entire Hanako's birthday event and her not going to class/locking herself in her room event seemed way too artificially minimized while on Lilly's arc. Something definitely felt out there. Not mentioning the fact that Lilly's arc's ending kinda conflicts with Hanako's arc's ending, because in Hanako's arc, she was sick and tired of being treated as just another person to take care of, which she basically happily became in Lilly's arc after Lilly and Hisao got their act started. Very weird. And when Hanako congratulated the two I just can't help but think, "What happened, Hanako? What happened to you?"