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Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:12 pm
by Gundam_M3ister
This would be an alright idea, depending how it was executed.
Besides, I've always wondered how guys who are paralyzed from the waist down or who are in a wheelchair actually... ya know. Do it. Is their thingy paralyzed too? D:
Hmmm, maybe a dude who's diabetic. Maybe a guy with a glass eye? Huh.
And if there were a female protagonist... what would her disability be? Same as Hisao?
I think a gender swap of all the characters already there would be a little bit boring. I like the idea of an alternate reality or whatever.
Gee, I'm rambling on. Honestly though, I'm too excited for the full version of KS to worry about this. XD

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:42 pm
by RedSavant
Genital excitement... huh. I'm not entirely sure, come to think of it. I think it'd be an issue, actually; erections are stimulus-based, so if the spinal cord was severed above the waist, it might not be possible.

My Google-fu says that only 25% of men with spinal cord injuries can achieve erections to the extent necessary for penetration. (Source)

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:59 pm
by Gundam_M3ister
That's... really sad. ;-;
If I were a dude and that happened to me, I don't think I could go on living. O_____O

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:25 am
by qinop
I've actually pondered on this a little while back...

I've only thought of some small things, so sorry if it's unappealing. By the way most of this is based off of this pic: [shimmie]217[/shimmie]

Lilly-> Luscious He would be a sort of a magnificent lady-killer, though he would usually be more concerned with his good friend Hanamaru. until hisako came, he was the only student who ever made any effort to try and calm Hanamaru. Actually, Hisako's success at helping Hanamaru is how they meet. He often spends time with Hisako, trying to help her adjust to her new school. He would be similar to the above depiction, just normal can and no cape.

Hanako-> Hanamaru He would still be burned, and suffer from trauma. But instead of being timid, he would get pissed and go berserk whenever someone was making him feel uncomfortable. Only Luscious and Hisako ever get close to him. He's been known to getting into fist fights with Male Shizune over this and that, usually because he insults Luscious when he's not around. He's also kind of big. Think crispy quarterback.

Male Emi He would either be a shota or a very short version of that Dan Hibiki-esque concept. Still sprints, still a health nut, and still poplar.

Rin. For all intents and purposes he would be the same. Even his name. Similar design to his female counterpart, right down to (thanks a lot aura) his wonderful, 'most excellent hair.' Also, I thought about this awhile: on the fireworks scene, he just needs help going to the bathroom. Zippers and such... Kind of simple, no?

Male Shizune I honestly never thought about him past being a Magnificent Bastard if Hisako hangs out with Hanamaru/Luscious too much.

Male Misha I've thought about him even less than Male Shizune. Which is saying something.

Kenji-> Kaori Still a hikkikomori, still legally blind, still wears that great Scarf of Love, and still a bit on the pale side. She sometimes wears the boy's uniform, because it 'misleads the spies.' (Maybe Hisako could make a meta joke on it?) She doesn't follow the whole 'patriarch' conspiracy thing, simply because the facts aren't there; the world doesn't have to be genderswapped, now does it? Instead, she rants about pop culture trying to brainwash the girls of the world so they could be forced into international sex camps. Which makes one of his/her utilities sound hilarious in a new context:
(I got puppets. You wanna see the puppets?)
(No! I mean, I wouldn't want you to go through all the trouble...)

Hisao-> Hisako Not much to say. Had her first heart attack when she tried to confront Male Iwanako on that fateful day. She would be a little bit shorter than what I assume Hisao to be. ...I like to imagine that she played volleyball instead of soccer.

...Leave it to a writefag to triple an originally six line post.

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:30 am
by Gundam_M3ister
Male Emi is not attractive at all... D:

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:15 pm
by RedSavant
^Yeah... I've never been a fan of that picture, mostly since Man!Rin and Man!Emi look like fridges on steroids. The facial designs are fine, but why didn't the artist go with the bishonen archetype instead?

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:41 pm
by Gundam_M3ister
LOL. Male Rin's face is fine. He's just a bit bulky for a dude who doesn't use his arms. I would have imagined a scrawnier guy. And Male Emi... I don't like anything about him. XD
Omg... fridge on steroids... XDD

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:40 pm
by Darlat
RedSavant wrote:^Yeah... I've never been a fan of that picture, mostly since Man!Rin and Man!Emi look like fridges on steroids. The facial designs are fine, but why didn't the artist go with the bishonen archetype instead?
I take it you have had experiences with fridges on steroids?

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:26 pm
by Folves


Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:40 am
by Gundam_M3ister
I like male Lilly's pimp cane. XD

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:11 am
by Bringerof_D
can be done...if the main character is really cute. the same disabilities can be used with the respective characters. it would just require a rewrite of their personalities. the scenarios would mostly fit the same way as they currently do, you'd just need to reqrite the reasons they do things and how.

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:25 am
by Grand Haberdasher
Male Emi would probably make moving/cheesy speeches about the bonds between hearts and the value of friendship in lieu of the puppy dog eyes.

Male Shizune would have just-as-planned smirks instead of :3.

Male Misha would have short hair, but an oddly magnificent mustache for a boy his age. I'm also having a really hard time not picturing him as the Heavy Weapons Guy.

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:02 am
by catface210
Coming from another girl's perspective. I would absolutely love it if it was done from a girl's perspective on disabled guys. I've thought about it on several occasions and had always thought that if done well, it would be great. I am in love with this game now without it having to be in female perspective though. I think it would work just because it is such a different category of story.

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:29 pm
by BlueJester
New personalities and some new disabilities would be a must in my opinion. It could take place at the same school, maybe include some references/other stuff related to KS. The real question is if it's worth making it because I can hardly imagine masses playing it since it would be made for females (I might be wrong though).

Re: Katawa Shounen

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:34 pm
by Mirage_GSM
BlueJester wrote:New personalities and some new disabilities would be a must in my opinion...
Then what's left of the original? You'd have a bunch of OCs who look vaguely familiar...