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Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:33 am
by Csihar
At the Manifest panel they mentioned cutting a sex scene where Hisao tries to rape Lilly and dies. You know, even if he didn't die from that, I think I'd have to try to find a way into the 2D world to kill him myself.... But yeah, it kinda sounded like there's not going to be any rape or sex-induced deaths in the final product.
ContinualNaba wrote:Or we could, y'know, for a change of pace, trust that the devs aren't screaming retarded man-apes.

Shocking, I know.
You lost me there, guy. :?

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:40 am
by Suriko
Csihar wrote:At the Manifest panel they mentioned cutting a sex scene where Hisao tries to rape Lilly and dies.
Hanako, not Lilly. Just for the record.

That said I think there are about four Lilly H-scenes that got cut for various reasons before the final draft.

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:04 pm
by Escalator
Suriko wrote:That said I think there are about four Lilly H-scenes that got cut for various reasons before the final draft.
Any chance those scenes (and all other scenes that were cut from the game for that matter) will make it to the public, maybe after release?

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:09 pm
by kapparomeo
Huh. So I was closer to the truth than I realised...

Escalator, I wouldn't expect that there'd be anything to see - as Suriko says that they were cut before the final draft, they were probably excised from the script as plain text and didn't have any art assets assigned to them (correct me if I'm wrong, though).

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:18 pm
by neumanproductions
Escalator wrote:
Suriko wrote:That said I think there are about four Lilly H-scenes that got cut for various reasons before the final draft.
Any chance those scenes (and all other scenes that were cut from the game for that matter) will make it to the public, maybe after release?
I doubt the actual scene CG and script was all layed out before being cut. Especially if what Suriko says about there being four is true. So i'm thinking they were just ideas that were shot down. Otherwise it would be interesting to see what got rejected on the cutting room floor. Perhaps a podcast after the release where all the devs can discuss their joy, and sorrows, of making this game. 8)

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:53 pm
by Csihar
Suriko wrote:
Csihar wrote:At the Manifest panel they mentioned cutting a sex scene where Hisao tries to rape Lilly and dies.
Hanako, not Lilly. Just for the record.
Sorry. You Aussies all sound the same. ;)

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:25 pm
by Mercutio
I gotta say, I'm going to be really damn surprised if there's a rape scene anywhere in the game. in a Psych class I took last semester, we went over sexual deviancy and all that, and one of the big things about rape is it's not about sex, it's about power and control. from how he is in the demo, I just can't buy Hisao needing that kind of power over a girl that he'd rape her. I mean, I understand getting frustrated (I think every dude who's ever had a boner in his life understands that), but Hisao seems more like the "forget it, I'm done" kind of guy if things got really bad.

also, I'd stop playing the game and uninstall it if there was a rape scene. but that's just me. and I really don't want to have to do that. :(

as for how the sex scenes in general are handled, the devs have convinced me that they know what they're doing and that they love the characters, so I'm not really worried. what I am is hoping there's happy fun sexytimes with Rin in the art room at some point. :mrgreen:

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:48 pm
by Suriko
neumanproductions wrote:
Escalator wrote:
Suriko wrote:That said I think there are about four Lilly H-scenes that got cut for various reasons before the final draft.
Any chance those scenes (and all other scenes that were cut from the game for that matter) will make it to the public, maybe after release?
I doubt the actual scene CG and script was all layed out before being cut. Especially if what Suriko says about there being four is true. So i'm thinking they were just ideas that were shot down. Otherwise it would be interesting to see what got rejected on the cutting room floor. Perhaps a podcast after the release where all the devs can discuss their joy, and sorrows, of making this game. 8)
They were all in the working game copy at some point.

Stuff that doesn't leave our own computers/notebooks/minds generally doesn't get brought up much. If we talk about 'scrapping something', that means in almost every case that it was in the actual game for some period before being removed, usually in the process of rewriting from first draft to second draft/final copy.

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:55 pm
by Caesius
So crud, if you're reading this, how long was it between writing a script for a rape scene and having it thrown out, and what prompted you to write a rape scene in the first place?

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:55 pm
by Darroth
Suriko wrote: They were all in the working game copy at some point.

Stuff that doesn't leave our own computers/notebooks/minds generally doesn't get brought up much. If we talk about 'scrapping something', that means in almost every case that it was in the actual game for some period before being removed, usually in the process of rewriting from first draft to second draft/final copy.
Right. So any chance of releasing the scripts for the cut scenes as-is sometime?

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:59 pm
by Suriko
It depends on what each writer feels they want to do with their stuff. Some of it really is quite embarassingly bad. Personally I don't really know yet, though may do so after release.

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:01 pm
by Aura
I'm not really keen on releasing anything not release quality. It's the same thing as all the technical development material.

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:10 pm
by kapparomeo
While everyone loves glimpses behind the scenes, and the completionist (less charitably, hoarding packrat) in me is aggrieved at the prospect of anything ever being discarded, I can understand your desire to make sure the scatterings on the cutting-room floor get swept away. I'm reminded of an occasion when enthusiasts of The Prisoner secured a batch of scripts for the show which never saw production. Naturally this was incredibly exciting and the press soon clamoured around Patrick McGoohan, asking for his experience of them... only to be met by the brusque but fair response: "These are not unused scripts. They are rejected scripts. Send them back to the furnace where they belong!"

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:20 pm
by Aura
I suppose that's a valid angle too. There's likely going to be more than enough to bear with the feedback and talk around the ~half a million words that will end up in the game, doubling the amount of material people can bicker about seems like something people equipped with our level of patience don't want to do.

Re: About the game's erotica...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:50 pm
by TipsyRooster
MY hopes is that they, not create an arousing image, but to convey the passions of expressing love.