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Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:36 pm
by EternalLurker
I probably would've just figured that Yuuko was meant to look like that and thus not bothered with her much (there isn't much else to like about her aside from her original attractiveness, since she's a minor character who's naive and clumsy and that's about it), but the alternate Emi doesn't take a comparison to the original in order to stand out ridiculously.

Ninja' comment.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:31 pm
by atat
There is some truth to the complaints, personally since it's free, and act one was good, I'm patient (also VN's aren't my main thing, I'm a turn based strategy guy).

The truth is, that deadlines might help the dev's. It might not. Some people break under pressure, some thrive (I thrive when the gun is to my head). It would be nice if the dev's were the thrive under pressure folk because then some one could gun to the head them, and it would come out... but they seem like 'thrive away from pressure' types. Not my kinda of people, but eh.

But like I said, I really don't care. Ain't no biggie, I'll just keep checking and one day it will be a nice little present, hopefully on a day I could use a little pick me up (a day when I'm not perfectly content, I'm pretty laid back). That would be sweet.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:34 pm
by EternalLurker
atat wrote:It would be nice if the dev's were the thrive under pressure folk because then some one could gun to the head them
...Who? They are a collection of random people on the Internet who have expressed absolutely no interest in getting money for this product despite plenty of interest. Neither rewards nor threats could possibly be sufficient to enforce a deadline against a group like that.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:19 am
by Guest Poster
It would be nice if the dev's were the thrive under pressure folk because then some one could gun to the head them
Yeah, because then instead of having to wait passively and acknowledge the fact we're reliant on others, we could spend our time spamming the boards with those typical "It's never gonna be released. Just admit it. I dare you to prove me wrong!"-posts that pop up here on occasion and feel good about our abuse by knowing we're really helping the game get done sooner. Things don't work that way, m'boy. Accept that there are things in life that are beyond your control. :)

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:18 am
by HeMeido
Oh, hai Aoko VN that was announced two years ago, delayed several times and has no sex, no voices and only one path. And hai, Tsukihime remake that was also announced two years and then never mentionned again.

At least I know I'll see Shizune naked eventually.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:16 am
by Xuan
I'll patiently wait for my Tsukihime no matter how long it takes. Starcraft DID survive for 10+ years you know.

I hope Shizzy is no Tsundere. After playing Deardrops Riho's route, that's what I hope. But I think the chances are low.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:21 am
by G3n0c1de
Xuan wrote:I hope Shizzy is no Tsundere.
As much as I disagree with that sentiment, A22 has stated that he dislikes the tsundere archetype, or at least wants Shizune to not be shoved into that category. So while she may have some tsundere moments, that won't be all she is.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:27 am
by Fenrir
I agree with basically everything Suriko said.

I would like to add that releasing the VN early had a good side effect. Many people were kind of oblivious about or had a negative opinion on visual novels, dismissing them as mostly "dating sims for lonely guys".

However, this managed to spark interest even in those people, who in turn surrendered and decided to check out this one out of curiosity.

I'm one of these people. I used to think the genre was basically an excuse for fan service and fapping. Little did I know that many VNs tell a great, emotional story, and that the hentai thing is actually well connected to the story and not forced.

Now, I play VNs every now and then (didn't play many, but I'm progressing - I really loved Kana Little Sister and Yume Miru Kusumi, for example), and I honestly have the Katawa Shoujo devs to thank for, because if they never sparked my curiosity, I would probably never give the genre a chance.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:00 am
by Shades of gray
Having read through this (yeah, i'm not a TL;DR person) it makes me feel glad that the fans and devs feel the demo was a good thing.

and Suriko's Joke(?) date has made my day, cos when it comes out someone (most likely not me) can say "you released it early!"

However, KS, and its Popularity makes me wonder on its wider affect on the VN scene, i mean for gods sake the demo... i repeat THE DEMO is being compared to what a few years ago were called "the best VNs" what effect will the completed version have?

now... I'm going back into my hole (with generator, pc, cigs, and a kettle) to wait for the final ver.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:34 am
by CEOofPwnage
Frankly, i believe that the demo wasn't released too early. For me, with the demo/act 1 out, i have a general idea of how the game is going to be, great. Even if the demo was released closer to the actual release date of the game, some people might not have gotten hooked onto the game early enough to stick with KS.

Had the demo been released later, KS might have lost (can't think of the right words. something along the lines of the people that heard of the idea from the beginning).

For me, i've only been along with the whole KS thing from v2 i think (i think the first version i played had the current lilly, but only 2 story paths?/original emi and yukko?), and since then i've been checking on the site only on and off, but now a few years later, i'm starting to pay more attention to KS, hence my joining the forums. But from the first time playing KS, i've stuck with it since then and still haven't lost interest, if anything, gained more interest in KS.

Sorry if this is just a repeat of another post.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:07 am
by cpl_crud
The one thing that I do regret is the number of people that are going to point at their forum posts in a year's time (or thereabouts) and say "Look! I told you! I worked all of this out!".

There are so many ideas floating around on this forum right now that some of them are bound to be correct. I sometimes chuckle at the hits and misses, but I think that will irk me a little.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:37 am
by delta
What's going to be even worse is people claiming that we totally got the idea from them.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:43 am
by Suriko
We didn't?

Oh wait I wasn't meant to say that was I...

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:18 am
by delta
Well, I didn't, don't know about you.

Re: KS Demo mistake? Released too early?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:47 am
by Aura
Lilly path ghost written by KS forums, news at eleven. Also I don't mind that someone guesses right, it's not like KS is a mystery/detective story.