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Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:43 pm
by swtrooper42
So we have:

Hisao: Shirou
Lilly: Saber
Shizune: Lancer
Misha: Luviagelita
Emi: Caster (heh, she floats)
Rin: Dark Sakura (Just attacks through shadows)
Hanako: Rider

Aw, no Tosaka?

This is going to be awesome.

Older images from the Shimmie:

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:44 pm
by Smoku
hm, not bad of a choice you did there.

Then again, how did a pizza get to a secret-like "base"...? xD

I'd love to see drawings as well. I wonder what's gonna happen next

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:26 pm
by PharaohSauron
swtrooper42 wrote:Aw, no Tosaka?
I am afraid I would be unable to do that tsundere, Zettai Ryouiki goddess justice if I gave her to one of the KS girls. Besides, we wouldn't want to see her get the beat-down, right?
Smoku wrote:Then again, how did a pizza get to a secret-like "base"...? xD
Uh, I've got an open-door policy. VERY open. :D

I also left subtle hints as to who my female friend is... or, shall I say, "accomplice?" BWAHAHA.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:59 am
by Xuan
Shizune is Lancer's uniform... *nosebleeds*

Hanako as Rider, well, Rider IS the most beautiful woman in F/HA after all, holy, her art is 'Seduce'...

Rin as Dark Sakura. Unlimited Codes' DS is full of rape (Literally, go YouTube and check it out), so unfortunately this is the only character I think not fit for any KS girls to represent.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:00 pm
by PharaohSauron
Xuan wrote:Rin as Dark Sakura. Unlimited Codes' DS is full of rape (Literally, go YouTube and check it out), so unfortunately this is the only character I think not fit for any KS girls to represent.
Just like Kotomine, I've got it covered. 8)

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:35 pm
by GG Crono
Some points:
"Now, the reason I have chosen you people in particular here is because, when I sped through the list of enrolled students, you seven were the only ones that seemed to have any sort of depth and character to."
First off, lulz at this statement. :) Second, I think you forgot a word on the end.
"You also seem to run the gambit of more common disabilities..."
The phrase you're looking for is "run the gamut".

Anyway! I've never seen/read FSN, but still, this is kinda interesting. :)

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:58 pm
by Leotrak
GG Crono wrote:Some points:
"Now, the reason I have chosen you people in particular here is because, when I sped through the list of enrolled students, you seven were the only ones that seemed to have any sort of depth and character to."
First off, lulz at this statement. :) Second, I think you forgot a word on the end.
Missing word is likely "them"... At least, that's what makes most sense to me >_>

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *Fate/Crippled Codes- CH.2*

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:33 pm
by PharaohSauron
Leotrak wrote:Missing word is likely "them"... At least, that's what makes most sense to me >_>
Yes, it is; it sounded fine in my head without "them," but in reality, not so much...

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:16 am
by PharaohSauron
And now, the first fight! Feel free to listen to the awesome music of your choice for this one.
There was something else I was going to say here, but I can't remember it.

Chapter Three: The Drunkard

“The first match shall begin right in this very temple. The rest of you will not be able to interfere with the match, but you can shout words of encouragement to them,” Seraph explained, as his voice announced over the air.

“Just a few more things before we begin. First, the general story is that you are fighting Servants and Masters, to the death, for control of the Holy Grail, which is said to grant any wish the winner makes on it. Second, I had scanned several people around the school and town during the vacation, so some of their personalities may have bled into the characters you will be facing; it will make things interesting, to say the least.” Seraph ended that on a dry note.

“And finally, I have some… things to attend to, so my friend that you saw at the computer will be here to take over for me. Say hello, Cici.”

“Hello, Cici,” said the slightly-monotone feminine voice. Great, another dry sense of humor.

“While Seraph takes care of his business, I will be here to answer any questions you have and announce the match-ups. I will also be monitoring your vitals, just in case…” She seemed to trail off on purpose. “With that said, the first match will be between Dark Sakura and Berserker.”

All of us looked toward Rin, who, herself, was looking behind her to see who everyone was looking at. Yeah. It was pretty obvious Rin was this Dark Sakura, because she was the only one whose dress looked like the character’s name.

“Oh, I guess she means me,” said Rin as she saw everyone looking towards her. “Someone wish for me to break a leg.”

“Uh, how about ‘bust some heads,’ instead?” I offered, seeing as breaking a leg wouldn’t do Rin too well.

Hanako chirped up, saying, “Uh, Berserker is s-supposed to be the spirit of Heracles, from A-Ancient Greek myths. B-Because of his class, and partly due to Heracles’ story, he is supposed to go in a mad rage when he fights, so be careful.”

With that in mind, Rin walked over to the front of the temple, while we stood off on the grass, away from the stone walkway. “Wait, where’s your weapon?” Emi noticed that Rin was basically unarmed… crap, uh, she didn’t have any weapon with her. Seraph had mentioned that he took care of that, but what did he mean?

“I’m fine, just wait and see.” Rin said coyly, and then ended with a decidedly un-Rin-like sweet giggle. Oh, man; this doesn’t sound good for Berserker. Moments later, the earth shook, then again, and again. It felt like someone was stomping their way closer to us.

Then he appeared through the temple archways: a giant, in the true sense of the word, over eight feet tall, and muscles upon muscles. All he wore was a type of metal skirt that soldiers wore in ancient Europe. He was dragging a giant stone sword behind him that looked like it weighed a few hundred pounds; Hanako called it “Nine Lives.” I was beginning to wonder who Seraph picked for this character, because there weren’t many who would fit this insane character. Unless…

Oh, man. He knows us better than I thought. On top of this hulking mass of muscle was the head of Kenji, complete with red-and-yellow scarf and coke bottle glasses. He did have wildly flowing black hair, which managed to suit him; matches the crazy.

“GGGRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” Oh, crap. This might not be easy. “DAMNED FEMINISTS!” Well, it’s still Kenji. On steroids. With a sword.
“FIGHT!” Cici’s voice rang over the temple. Immediately, Kenji rushed, as fast as a giant can, toward Rin. He moved the slab stone sword with great ease. Rin stood there motionless, waiting for him to get closer. As she was within the sword’s range, Kenji roared out, “GIGANTOMACHIA!” He lifted the sword directly behind his back, as if putting all of his strength into this swing.

Rin, however, let loose a sadistic smile, and vanished. Yes, vanished, just as the sword was about to connect with her head. Nine Lives connected with the stone walkway, instantly turning the stones into powder. As the dust cleared, Rin was standing on the threshold of the temple doorway, giggling. A pool of deep red and black shadow had formed under her, and began to waft through the air around her, almost like smoldering vapors. She slowly stepped down the temple stairs, moving no faster than an old man. How in the world did she get away from the strike?

Kenji was too preoccupied with removing his sword from the three-foot deep crater he created. As soon as he lifted his sword back up, Rin had teleported through her shadows within a foot of his personal space. Kenji roared, either from surprise, fury, or the fact that a woman was mere inches from him; I’m not sure. You can’t reason with madness.

“Try and dodge this, big boy.” Rin smiled and began waving her armlets toward Kenji, the long sleeves flapping with the movement and the wind. With each flick, the shredded frills of her black dress became sentient, although they stopped just below her crotch area; how nice of them to keep her decent. The strips of cloth turned into expanding and extending spears and spikes, which moved at alarming speeds, striking Kenji in the gut. However, each strike appeared to do little in the way of stunning him, because he roared in frustration as he grabbed Rin by the neck.


He slammed Rin into the cold, hard ground behind him, then lifted her up and slammed her again. The force was enough to bounce Rin into the air as he lifted his sword behind him. She was about eye level with him when he swung the sword downward. It connected with Rin with a sickening “THUCK,” who then let out a yelp from the pain, and then he flicked her prone body away with the sword, like he was flicking a can out of his way. Rin’s body crashed into the deck of the temple, causing it to splint and warp from the force.

We were expecting the worse, when all of a sudden, Rin stood up, although in slight pain. There was a giant slash going from her left shoulder to right hip, but it appeared to be healing extremely fast. A small trickle of blood ran down the side of her mouth. She stuck out her tongue, licked the blood off her lip, and simply muttered:

“I’m hungry.”

With that, the shadow from beneath Rin jutted out within a foot of Kenji, who appeared to be unaware of its approach, where it then stopped. The shadow began to rise out of the ground, forming a large bulb. It continued to swell quickly until it burst, spraying outwards, sending hundreds of shadow shards and vapors toward Kenji. This had a visible effect on him, in that he was thrown about twenty feet backwards into the temple wall behind him. The wall instantly collapsed into the hole he formed, burying him with rubble. Rin began to meander toward Kenji, when he appeared to rise from his premature grave and began to hurl the midget-sized debris at her. Rin, being naturally fast on her toes, side-stepped the projectiles easily.

“C’mon, Rin; give this sexist bastard a real lesson!” My, my; Emi has quite the mouth on her. “I wanna see him bleed whisky!” Wait, how does she know about that? Oh yeah, you can smell it the minute you walk near our doors.

As Kenji began to deplete his ammo, Rin began to twist her feet into the shadow, as if trying to “Do the Twist,” albeit much deadlier. While each flick of her arms sent out spikes and shadow fists, each twitch of her feet sent forth a visible wave within the shadow, eventually forming a wide, waist-high mist that someone the size of Kenji couldn’t dodge. Several of the spikes impaled him at various points in his limbs and abdomen, and the mist shredded his skin, but even as he was bleeding he continued as if nothing was there. Rin’s rapid-fire plan of attack appeared to do the job, never giving Kenji an inch, until…

“GGRRRRRAAAAAARRRRR!!!” Kenji gave a guttural roar, like before, but his body was surrounded by a bright light. There was a visible shockwave that emanated outwards, causing Rin to break off her assault. While Rin was stunned, Kenji managed to bridge what gap there was between them, and yelled out, “NINE LIVES!”

Rin barely had time to form a shield in front of her as Kenji began to swing his sword at her. The first strike was slow and heavy, creating sparks as it glanced off the shadows. The second was slightly faster, as were the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, each increasing in speed. I lost count as the sparks managed to obscure our vision. In the twelve seconds it took from when he yelled out his attack until he stopped, he must have swung that sword at least one hundred times, and he didn’t even break a sweat. The impact between the final swings at the shield forced Kenji backwards a bit. After the barrage ended, Rin lowered her shield, and simply stood there. As Kenji took his first step toward her, Rin stated:

“Art: Angra Mainyu…”

The sleeves of Rin’s dress, as well as all the material above her nipple line, extended into the shadow below her, which had grown to cover the entire courtyard, including where we were standing. Sufficed to say, I got an eyeful of pale, white cleavage, however blemished by the blood-splatter-like marks scattered on her breasts and collarbone. The black cloth tentacles wrapped around Kenji wrists and ankles, and lifted him spread-eagle high into the air. As he rose, so did four shadows, each gaining the form of headless giants, with “giant” meaning twenty feet high. They had white dots for eyes, and seemed to “speak” in low moans and groans, if these things could speak. The giants then pulled their arms back, and struck Kenji with all their might. The tentacles immediately threw him to the ground, and reformed Rin’s top half. Kenji lay there, motionless.

Seeing as how no one could survive that particular assault, we were about to head toward Rin to congratulate her, when Kenji rose AGAIN. I yelled out, to no one in particular, “Why won’t he just die!?”

“That’s my line, Hisao.” Rin then teleported within an arm’s length of Kenji. The sleeves, yet again, became sentient; however, they went straight for Kenji’s ankles. Just as they grabbed him, Rin let loose the most sadistic smile you could imagine, and said:

“Heaven’s Fall…”

The shadow then extended underneath Kenji, and the sleeves pulled him under it toward Rin. As they pulled him closer, the upper half of her dress became tentacles again, and forced him closer to her. She began giggling maniacally, and crawled as best she could on her knees toward him, breasts jiggling due to lack of support, when she appeared to be thrusting…


We couldn’t interfere, but it looked like she was raping Kenji. Fitting, but in a sick, twisted way. After about four thrusts, Kenji was ejected from the shadow at quite a fast speed. I’m sorry, but I always knew he was the real one with “pant’s trouble.” Upon landing, Kenji croaked out a weak “Femi-Nazi…” before slowly evaporating into bright, shining sparkles of light.

“Dark Sakura wins.” Cici’s voice spoke, once again, calling victory for Rin, but at what cost? As we ran over to Rin, she was crouched on the ground, knees in her chest, rocking back and forth, muttering to herself. “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts…” I swear, I will kill Seraph for putting Rin through that.

“Are you… okay, Rin?” I managed to choke out as I kneeled down and placed my left hand on her left shoulder. “No, during that last attack, I stubbed my toe.” Wait, what? “Uh, Rin, what exactly were you doing to Kenji underneath the shadow?” I slowly asked her that question, unsure if it was an appropriate one to ask. “I was just kneeing him in the crotch.” I whipped my head up as I heard all the other girls face-fault to the ground upon hearing her answer. Shizune fell over, as well. “Oh, Rin, we were so worried that you were doing something horrible to yourself,” spoke Emi as she was sitting back up. “It wasn’t that bad, it actually felt pretty good,” said Rin, apparently not getting the message. “No, we all thought…” Emi whispered the rest into Rin’s ear, almost seeming embarrassed to say such a thing in front of me; I understand why. “My goodness, Emi; what kind of girl do you take me for?” I immediately placed my hand over my face as Rin began ribbing Emi, in her usual “Rin” way.

“What was it like, controlling those shadows?” Shizune signed, apparently truly curious. “Well, I can’t exactly describe it. They were like a part of me. Think of it as receiving arms, and knowing how to use them without having to use them before. I knew how to form those attacks without ever fighting like that before. It felt… good.” Rin paused and began to stare off into space as she remembered the fight.

“What about that giant gash through your chest?” “Oh, so you were staring at my chest, Hisao?” At least I know she’s still Rin. “Yes, I was; it was a little hard to miss, what with the giant hole in it.” Rin thought back. “Well, it did hurt for a minute, but then vanished.”

“U-uh, Servants and some Masters can use mana to heal q-quickly. Dark Sakura was able to reattach her head after being decapitated in the v-visual novel.” Hanako explained to all of us. “This is also a game; if such injuries were allowed to persist, the matches would be very short,” Cici explained, in a dry, matter-of-fact way.

“The results for Rin’s match have been saved, and all vitals appear normal and unchanged. Please enter the temple, now.” The sliding doors to the temple opened, and all that shown through was a bright, white light. We entered it, and as we walked a few feet inside the light, we reached a metal door. As I opened it, I saw nothing but gravel and metal air conditioner cubes. I walked over toward the edge of the low wall, and saw an entire city lit by the lights of the buildings under the night sky, although not bright enough to erase the view of the stars high in the sky. As I looked around, I saw that the girls were awe-struck by the view from this skyscraper.

“Please enjoy the view before the next match begins,” Cici stated. “The next match is between Saber and Assassin.”


So, have fun guessing my choice for Assassin...
Also, do you think I've dropped some hints heavy enough as to who my "friend" is?

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:22 am
by Leotrak
The pizza gave it away in the previous chapter for me... :P

It also helps you picked the exact same namechange as did the creator of a game I play, in which this particular character is also parodied. :P

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:13 am
by Xuan
Oh yeah, the infamous Dark Sa- I mean Rin rape style. Crazily overpowered, Kenji never stood a chance.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:13 am
by Smoku
oh, lol. go on. I wonder if the real Kenji is fine.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:05 am
by Xuan
Hmm, wait a second. Does the tranformation to another gaming character affect, more like, gaining another personality? Our beloved Rin might be mad/crazy/lost but she doesn't laugh like a sadistic bitch. Kinda spoils my beautiful image about her. *sob*

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:32 pm
by Smoku
Xuan wrote:but she doesn't laugh like a sadistic bitch
Which is the most gentle thing Sakura ever done in her path after she simply cracked and snapped.

Re: Pharaoh's Phables: *F/CC Ch. 3: The Drunkard*

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:52 am
by PharaohSauron
Xuan wrote:Hmm, wait a second. Does the tranformation to another gaming character affect, more like, gaining another personality? Our beloved Rin might be mad/crazy/lost but she doesn't laugh like a sadistic bitch. Kinda spoils my beautiful image about her. *sob*
*in overly dramatic voice and style* 'Tis called acting!

More specifically, the character overview/personality is described to them when the info for attacks is "synced" with their minds; at the time, I couldn't think of a better way to describe it, so left it slightly implied. That is why Rin goes back to "Rin-ing" after the fight; or you could say she turned nasty because she really wanted to mess Kenji up. Let's say he insulted her art.