The piano and a change


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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »


From this day forward me and Lilly started dating. Hanako was considerate for us all this time, she gave us a lot of privacy. It seems this made her happy. Well, it WAS her plan since the beginning.
The sabotage incidents were still occurring from time to time, but I learned myself how to repair the piano from various damage it took. We had absolutely no proof if it was the doing of Shizune and Misha, we couldn't just accuse them just like that.
Oh, well...

I was still holding onto Kenji's dorm key and his glasses. He didn't return to his room. I opened it and found nothing unexpected of Kenji: school facilities plans, totally absurd feminist conspiracy theories, yaoi manga, his stuff, his PC. No sign of him, no letters, nothing. He vanished. Well, maybe he had an accident and was hospitalized.

Or maybe...
Just maybe....
The feminists got him...
No, wait. That's the stupidest thing I could come up with.


I'm in here a week now. A WEEK. That girl has been torturing me with this.. healthy food, exercising, running. This is madness. I have to make another try and run for it.
I approached the door silently, just in case anyone actually could hear this. And when I put my hand on the door knob, a sudden bang could be heard from the other side. Someone was knocking and actually pretty hard.
I opened the door and there was standing a girl with a little bag. She was holding it in her... mouth. Well, it's pretty obvious since she had no hands. She was dressed in a boy's school uniform as well. She passed the door, almost ignoring and went inside. I moved from her way. She put the bag on the desk and let out air from her lungs.
-Phew. This thing wasn't light- she said and sat down on my chair. She didn't even turn her head to my direction.
I closed the door, in blank amazement. Who again barges in this fucking cell?
-Who might you be, feminist scum?- I asked the woman.
-I prefer Tezuka Rin then feminist scum. Hmm... feminist for Tezuka and scum for Rin... so in English I might be called scum feminist by the likes of you, eh? Doesn't sound right- she started talking and unpacking the contents of the bag with her legs. The bag contained two pinkish round boxes with yellow stripes.
-Who am I? Hmm, well that's not a simple matter. Who are we, where are we going and what's in the end? I am me, you are you. How should I know who I am. Do you know who you are?- she unpacked one of the boxes with her feet alone. What agility and skill. It happened to be lunch. She started eating using a fork from inside the box.
-Well.. I'm Kenji- I answered. I had no idea how to answer her.
-Works for me- she smiled and started eating- You gonna eat that? -She pointed the other box with her foot.
I sat on my bed and took the second box. It had a sign on it's side. It said “EMI”.
-Hey, is it Ibarazaki's box?- I asked.
-Huh? Ah, yeah, she made it and told me to bring it over here so that you could eat some lunch. She's busy with Nurse's errands.
The food looked good and I didn't spot any poison. Plus I was getting hungry so I started eating my portion. It was very tasty. The Bladelegs knew how to cook, as it seems.
And this Tezuka girl here.. I don't know. She looks like a trustworthy guy, even if she's a girl.
After we finished, Nurse came to pay me a routine visit. But this time it was different.

Nurse entered the room with a whole freakin hospital staff. Female nurses, some kind of doctors suddenly started swarming around me. I lost Tezuka of my sight, the empty boxes were left on the desk.
One of the nurses let surprised Rin out of the room. I'm not sure if I saw right, but I think Tezuka was looking at me right before she left the room.
-Kenji- Nurse's voice broke through my thoughts.- Now is the time for your operation. I just got your parents consent. Are you ready?
It's not like I had anything to say, right? I just nodded.
-Well... - Nurse was close talking to me when the doctors started leaving the room and nurses were generally cleaning up the room.- I won't lie to you, Kenji. There's a possibility you may die.

What?? Die? Great. This made my fucking day.
-But I got the best brain surgeons from Tokyo to help. You don't have much to worry about- He grinned. But it wasn't a particularly happy grin. He risked my fucking life AND my parents agreed for this crap?

The nurses instructed me to lie down on the bed and gave me some kind of injection.
The world started getting all blurry and blank. I mean even more blurry then usual. I got awfully sleepy. Oh... whatever. Just too bad I didn't take Ibarazaki and Tezuka for a manly picnic on the rooftop.
Oh, wait, I'm forbidden to drink...
Too... bad....


I woke up. Argh! Too fucking bright! I closed my eyes and decided to open them slowly.
-Nurse, he woke up!- a girly voice. Probably Emi.
-Am I dead yet?- I asked. I opened my eyes and my vision started to get better. And better. And better. Oh, shit.
Before my eyes appeared something heavenly. The Goddess- like object looked at me with the utmost glorious green eyes, full of worrisomeness focusing straight on the unworthy me. Her hair fluttered lovely with her every move, her smooth hands softly gripped the blanket wrapping my body and her short t-shirt revealed her silk- like skin on her belly and a lovely swan neck.
What the fuck? Butterflies and flowers flying and blooming around I see? No, wait. THOSE are illusions. The Goddess is not.
-Yup, I died- I conformed.
The girl giggled.
-You're alive, stupid. The operation was a success.- Said Emi.- How's your sight?
I touched my head with my hands. It was wrapped with bandages.
-Um... who are you?- I asked. Well, she said I live. A sign of surprise appeared on the angel's face.
-I-It's me, Emi. You don't remember? Ibarazaki.
Ok. my inner world just made a triple backflip, rolled over, died and resurrected itself.

Nurse approached me:
-Are you alright, Kenji? You have memory problems?- he asked.
He looked... kinda better. Like... I bought a better graphics card for my brain or what?
-N-No... I see. Totally- I said finally.
Nurse sighted with relief.
-Good. I'll have you stay in here for the time being and let you out as soon as your head heals itself. Try not to move much at this time. Miss Ibarazaki will keep you company.
Nurse left with a stack of papers in his hand and a cellphone in the other one.

I couldn't help but stare at the new Ibarazaki. She seemed so unearthly..
Emi noticed the stare. But she was staring as well. Straight in my eyes. Eyes with no glasses on' em.
And she blushed.

To be continued. (coming to an end. Oh, God, it's 20 th page in word)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Snicket »

Well this has gone in a different direction.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

Well shit... I did NOT see that coming. You're just full of surprises, aren't you? :mrgreen:
To be continued. (coming to an end. Oh, God, it's 20 th page in word)
Just 20? Shoot, my longest one here would end up 35 pages if I printed it out in 12pt.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by chaix »

the birthday fic I wrote? 41 pages in 11pt. 45 in 12pt. "oh god"? not even close.
Ok. my inner world just made a triple backflip, rolled over, died and resurrected itself.
that's certainly better than any synonym for "Holy ____" I can think of. Much funnier too.

I suppose Emi's going to be completely left out of any feminist conspiracy stuff he cooks up from now on :p
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Sephiru »

I've gained a lot more respect for Kenji after lurking around the fanfiction section, so I definitely appreciate this fine piece of writing. :3
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

Sephiru wrote:I've gained a lot more respect for Kenji after lurking around the fanfiction section, so I definitely appreciate this fine piece of writing. :3
Anyone else in favor of making Kenji Setou the patron saint of the FF subforum? :lol:
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Sgt_Frog »

kosherbacon wrote:
Sephiru wrote:I've gained a lot more respect for Kenji after lurking around the fanfiction section, so I definitely appreciate this fine piece of writing. :3
Anyone else in favor of making Kenji Setou the patron saint of the FF subforum? :lol:
YES! Kenji is the "Cassandra Truth" character that everyone (or maybe just me) roots for!

Oh, and Sephiru? About your icon/avatar/whatever it's called...

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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Sephiru »

Sgt_Frog wrote:
YES! Kenji is the "Cassandra Truth" character that everyone (or maybe just me) roots for!

Oh, and Sephiru? About your icon/avatar/whatever it's called...

That's so neat that you used that expression, since my (real) name is Cassandra! Cool!

And yes, she looks way cuter because her eyes aren't all shaded and ):3. If that makes sense.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »

Sephiru wrote:I've gained a lot more respect for Kenji after lurking around the fanfiction section, so I definitely appreciate this fine piece of writing. :3
S... So nice of you to write such a praise. I'm unworthy. Let's go on with the story:


I was forced to stay at the hospital until my head healed. It took only another week, thank God.
Emi visited every day and I grew to like her. She brought the Rin guy... girl with her a few times. We had lots of laughs just talking. They brought me good food Emi made.

I stopped being worried about it being poisoned.
They were a trustworthy band of men! Erm... ok, women.
We became friends fast anyways. Fuck the... feminists. We'll fight together the feminist regime like a family! Brothers! Erm... siblings. Ok... far away long lost cousins.

I got my money back from Emi. What was I supposed to buy on the day she ran into me...? No idea, never mind.
After a week I was able to return to school.
I went along with Emi on a warm day.
-Hey, Kenji?- she asked.
-Could you, um... get off that scarf?
-Huh?- I looked at my scarf. It was with me. Always. In the good and the bad times.- But I like it.
-It's... It doesn't suit you. Could get it of? For me?- She made the damn puppy eyes again... Well... she's goddess- like when she does this. I just can't say no.

I took of the scarf and hid it in my backpack. I didn't come back to my room yet. Wonder how's Nakai doing. I hope he didn't give in and is fighting the good fight.

I was walking with Emi by the park.
-I'll go to the track field soon after school. You... don't have to join me anymore if you don't want to...- she said suddenly.
-But I'd love to- I answered sincerely. What the fuck has gotten into me? Well... ok, running wasn't as stupid as hell as I thought it was. I could use some exercise from time to time. And I'd get to be with Emi more... Snap out of it!
Emi looked surprised, her face went bright red and she turned her head away from me. Is she feverish? She's getting red quite often.

On our way to school together we passed quite a few female students. After noticing me, I heard them whispering every time. Some were talking moe loudly and I heard stuff like:
-Hey, how's the bishounen?
-Wow, what a cutie.
-You seen his eyes? Dreamy! I'd love to sink in those.
-Hey, what's such a handsome guy doing with Ibarazaki?
I think Emi noticed that too. Well.. some were hard to miss since a few of the girls whistled in a few I heard men whistling when they noticed a very cute girl.
Suddenly Emi said:
-Kenji. If you swear right now, I'll punish you severely, are we clear?
I suddenly got dizzy
-What the fuck are you...- And I couldn't finish. Emi closed my mouth with a kiss. The girls whistling gasped, turned around and went their way silently.
At least I think they did. I could say that exact same thing about the grass or the sky too, for the world around went all blank. Only the little Bladele... the angel, Emi Ibarazaki existed in it now.

When we stopped kissing, I barely picked up all the pieces of my sanity of a mental playground and managed to ask:
-W-What was that for?
-Uhm...- Emi looked as red as a tomato- Nothiiing.
I noticed she looked towards the gossiping girls with a sign of pride and happiness. She also grinned. What is she planning...? Whatever, I... I really, REALLY liked the kiss. It was nothing like I had in the past. Even the succubus bitch I was with last time, was nothing compared to this.
And I uh... Felt this strange warm feeling, like butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

I decided to take Emi's hand to check her reaction. She actually liked it and we went to school together like this with eyes turning straight at us at every step we made.


Me and Lilly parted our ways before the door of her classroom. We kissed and said good bye. I can see her later, when we'll have a lunch break at the tea room.
I met Hanako next our classroom.
-H-H-Have you heard t-the gossip, H-Hisao?- she asked
Obviously I didn't. I don't care about such things, nor I thought Hanako would.
-T-There's a new transfer student. E-Everyone s-say he's c-cute. A-And he already got s-s-snatched by Emi Ibarazaki.
-Snatched? You mean, he's her boyfriend already?
Hanako nodded.
Well, that's interesting. I never knew Emi was such a quick “man eater “. Well, I didn't know her that well anyway.
There was also this issue with Kenji's disappearance...

I believe I should consult this with Lilly and Hanako at least. I got worried about that crazy dude.

The day past nicely, with me spending time with Hanako and Lilly.

I went back to my room. Oh, snap! I totally forgot to ask them about the Kenji issue. Damn, gotta do it tomorrow.
As I was approaching my room, I noticed someone at Kenji's room door.
It was a guy in our school uniform. He looked somewhat familiar, but when I noticed the face, all familiarity just flew away.
The guy was surprisingly good looking, especially with his totally stunning eyes, practically stolen from those girly mangas I heard so much about.
Then again he WAS opening the door to Kenji's room. I had to have a talk with him:
-Hey, you. What are you doing with Kenji's door?
The guy looked at me and smile:
-Yoo, Nakai man. Long time no see. Wassup?
That voice...
-K... Kenji??
-Ye, who else? Somethin' special about it?
He just casually opened his room.
As he opened his door wider and wider, I opened my mouth wider and wider.

What the fuck just happened?

To be continued.
(Yup, still a few steps to go, mates)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

Prettyboy Kenji... Whaaaat?
As he opened his door wider and wider, I opened my mouth wider and wider.
When two bishies collide like that, only one thing can happen. lots and lots of mansex.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Mag »

Wow Smoku. Another great story. I do like the angle your going with Kenji here. Honestly I hate the guy for some weird reason. I don't know maybe its because he's such a big douche to all the girls. Or maybe he's just a weirdo. Anyways story was great.

I would also like to mention something about the succubus part. That part made me laugh so hard because I actually have a friend who's dating one of my other friends and I call her a succubus. Every time I talk to the guy, I say stuff like "So how much of your soul do you have left?" or "So when are you going to sing her favorite song backwards to send her back to hell?" (Southpark reference.) I really enjoyed that part.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Snicket »

Kenji and Emi?

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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Sgt_Frog »

I'm actually a huge fan of this story now. I love how you're one of the first people to make Kenji into someone actually likeable without derailing his character.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

Sgt_Frog wrote:I'm actually a huge fan of this story now. I love how you're one of the first people to make Kenji into someone actually likeable without derailing his character.
I lol'd at this because the file on my computer that contains my Kenji x Lilly fanfic is actually NAMED "Character Derailment.txt"
Snicket wrote:Kenji and Emi?
Best.Crack.Pairing.Ever. Seriously, I cannot fathom getting it to work in one of my stories. I would've paired him off with Shizune or even Iwanako before trying Emi. Bravo. :mrgreen:
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by neumanproductions »

Always leave them wanting more. :mrgreen:
(I tip my very tall, top hat to you)
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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