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Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:09 am
I'm scared to go on because I've become so emotionally attached to hanako that I don't want sex, I just want to be with her.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:47 am
by G3n0c1de
DESU wrote:I'm scared to go on because I've become so emotionally attached to hanako that I don't want sex, I just want to be with her.
Trust me, the story will flow in such a way that the sex will come naturally.
It better...

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:29 am
by Deimos
G3n0c1de wrote:Trust me, the story will flow in such a way that the sex will come naturally.
It better...
I am afraid I am going to mention an old issue we have had several times over but it still plays into this topic, I believe.

A span of three months or even shorter for a relationship to evolve from complete strangers to lovers is a tad bit fast for some people. I can see why someone might be worried how the stories are going to progress from Act 1 onwards.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:43 am
by Mercutio
Deimos wrote:I am afraid I am going to mention an old issue we have had several times over but it still plays into this topic, I believe.

A span of three months or even shorter for a relationship to evolve from complete strangers to lovers is a tad bit fast for some people. I can see why someone might be worried how the stories are going to progress from Act 1 onwards.
yeah, that's true, but these are also teenage characters. when I was in high school, I dated a girl for a month and people were shocked that we didn't have sex. a month. :shock: some people just rush into things, I guess.

having said that, I don't think three months is too little time to decide that you really want to be with someone, at least not at that age. and it's not like they're deciding they want to be together forever, more like they just... want to be together. it's too early in the morning for me to think of a better way to say it. :mrgreen:

and having said that, I don't think any of the KS girls are the type to just jump into bed with anyone. I mean, think about what we know of them so far. besides, I trust the devs, and I don't think they're going to make the intimate parts cheap or disrespectful or anything like that. relax.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:59 am
by G3n0c1de
Not that I disagree with what you are both saying, but these are fictional characters. Any standards we hold them to from real life only carry as much weight as the writer wants. The writer could have them be sex fiends, be ultra conservative, and everywhere inbetween. Romance in fiction tends to be highly simplified and idealized. As well as accelerated due to time constraints.

That said, I have faith in the approach KS is taking for the romance.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:31 pm
by EternalLurker
Eh, the Shizune relationship completely crushes my suspension of disbelief for multiple reasons (one week: "Hm, I think I like Shizune and Misha, but who to ask out?" two minutes later after almost no interaction: "I think I'm in love with you, Shizune!"), but overall I think the rate at which the relationships progress will be done well, so I'm not worried about that part too much. Emi's has been slow out of necessity, and is thus the only one that actually worries me, since the pace will have to pick up rather dramatically. The paths of Hanako, Lilly, and Rin are all pretty much perfectly in line with the personalities of the characters involved, at least so far; Lilly's is also slow, but that's expected of a relationship with her, so that's good.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:17 pm
by Deimos
I think whether one eagerly awaits Katawa Shoujo, or is afraid to go further, it has to do with what expectations one projects onto the story and the characters.
EternalLurker wrote:Eh, the Shizune relationship completely crushes my suspension of disbelief for multiple reasons (one week: "Hm, I think I like Shizune and Misha, but who to ask out?" two minutes later after almost no interaction: "I think I'm in love with you, Shizune!") [...]
Think of Romeo and Juliet - I know it's probably not the best example but at least everybody knows it. They, too, had almost no interaction before their epic story and the tale of their relationship is even shorter than Act 1. :roll:

I can agree that it is quite fast but you have to keep in mind that Hisao needs a relatively early incentive to learn sign language. Not to mention that he is an impressionable young boy (like nearly everyone his age) who needs a personal anchor in this time of his life and is currently under the colours of this beautiful firework. I guess some people just need 'magic' to fall in love which does not negate that it is love after all.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:19 pm
by Bara
Hisao's heart may be bad, but I'm sure his hormones are just fine. Now, how his meds play into his condition... I guess we will just have to see what the writers say. :)

Don't count me as afraid to see the rest of the story. Put me in the "eagerly awaiting with great anticipation" column. Sure, I might get watery eyes at some point, but that is ...uuuuuuhh, because I just blew some dust out of my computer power supply with canned air and got some dust blown back into my eyes. :roll:

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:01 pm
by sonnysonny
I could see this happening:

Hanako: I-I'm about to cum

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:53 am
by EternalLurker
Deimos wrote:Think of Romeo and Juliet - I know it's probably not the best example but at least everybody knows it. They, too, had almost no interaction before their epic story and the tale of their relationship is even shorter than Act 1. :roll:
What part of that ridiculous story is remotely believable?

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:04 am
by Caesius
G3n0c1de wrote:
DESU wrote:I'm scared to go on because I've become so emotionally attached to hanako that I don't want sex, I just want to be with her.
Trust me, the story will flow in such a way that the sex will come naturally.
It better...


Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:45 pm
by Deimos
EternalLurker wrote:
Deimos wrote:Think of Romeo and Juliet - I know it's probably not the best example but at least everybody knows it. They, too, had almost no interaction before their epic story and the tale of their relationship is even shorter than Act 1. :roll:
What part of that ridiculous story is remotely believable?
My point is not about believableness or authenticity but, simply, that a story does not exactly need to be grounded in reality in order to be good.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:12 pm
by Smoku
hahahahaha, made me laugh a lot :D

pray to all your gods this won't be so

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:40 pm
by Guest
G3n0c1de wrote:
DESU wrote:I'm scared to go on because I've become so emotionally attached to hanako that I don't want sex, I just want to be with her.
Trust me, the story will flow in such a way that the sex will come naturally.
It better...
really? well that makes me feel a little easier.

Re: Is Anyone Else Afraid To Go Further?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:44 pm
G3n0c1de wrote:
DESU wrote:I'm scared to go on because I've become so emotionally attached to hanako that I don't want sex, I just want to be with her.
Trust me, the story will flow in such a way that the sex will come naturally.
It better...
thanks, that makes me feel a bit better about it, but i'm still a bit uneasy about the whole sex thing altogether. normally I would be all for it, but I just feel uneasy abut going that far so soon in a relationship.