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Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:22 pm
by Validus Razgriz
Mercutio wrote:I plan to play it with the hentai scenes - as the thread I made shows, I'm curious what sex with the girls will be like. but you know, I wouldn't be curious at all if the demo hadn't totally gotten me into them as characters. I'm not really a porn guy, I haven't played any h-games, so that wasn't what drew me to KS. I didn't expect to get so into KS, didn't expect it to be this good, didn't expect the girls to be such well-written characters.

so, wanting to see the h-scenes is more about seeing how Hisao gets to that level of relationship with each of them, and how the relationship progresses to that point, and even what happens afterward. yeah, I'm actually hoping for afterglow scenes, whaddayaknow. :mrgreen:

let's face it - if the game was all about the fucking, there would have been h-scenes in act 1. and that would have been just horrible.
Agreed with you there. I'm not really into porn or hentai at all. The story is what's gotten me into this game and I'll be playing with the h-scene's on for the exact same reasons as you.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:56 am
by Jyo_ni
Unfortunately I'm one the perverted individuals that tend to automatically link VN's to porn and like stuff like: Sagara Family(although that was just freaking nuts :S) and X-Change Alternate. However since getting into VN's I've fully realised the whole H-games are a subset of Visual Novels equation.

When I initially came across KS, It was from Sankaku, I think, and it mentioned 4chan, crippled girls and VN and my first impression was "oh lawd 4chon, disabled girls? what have you done this time" and I'll admit I was highly intrigued into the possible sex you could have with the girl and how you'd do it considering their disabilities(good god I hope I don't start spending time on /d/, it frightens me :S). But then as I played through Act 1, I became entirely engrossed in great storyline and the characters with enormous amounts personality. Had the story and characters not been as great as they are I doubt I would have been as impressed as I was and not started to look forward to the game.
So my end statement is: I came for sex with disabled people, but I'm staying for the story(and if you don't enjoy a good story your an unimaginative monster :cry: )

But as to your concerns on why people are focusing so much on the sex you'll really get two types of people:
Whose main experiences with Visual Novels has been that particular subset and not much else
People who were attracted to the game due to whatever reason and are just genuinely curious as to how things happen

Also good stories and good characters can be obtained if you try hard enough. Obtaining sex on the other hand, for some, is much more difficult and thus any occurrence of sex that be seen/had or experienced they'll use.

Bleagh I think I tried to defend myself too much here :| I hope it shed some light though.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:02 am
by Krull
I actually don't mind a good story,but I'll be 100% honest and tell you all the PC ones I've fooled with has been for fapping.
The ones that haven't been are console jobs,like Sakura Wars from back in the day on the Saturn.

But if this is more story then sex that's ok,seems to me we are gonna have both with KS and that's gonna be kind of a first.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:55 am
by ubergeneral
ultimatly how concerned we are doesn't matter. It's how concerned the writers are.

If this had Hentai like some of the other VN it would suck. As others said it's going to be more about the trip than it is the sex. As long as the characters are well written it's going to be good.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 2:10 am
by abscess
It would be refreshing to actually see the characters feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It's strange that almost every sex scene in ergoes both the male and female happen to have an orgasm simultaneously, while it is not so IRL. Women not always have an orgasm at the same time as the man does, sometimes, much to the man's dismay, she doesn't even have one.
It would be, at the very least, interesting to see them coupe with the fact that, while Hisao did climax, her partner didn't and may be feeling let down or confused.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 3:33 am
by Onisake
OtakuMegane wrote:People have at points been concerned about h-scenes, usually in two camps: Those who don't want them at all (for various reasons), and those who are worried about being just fap material thrown in near the end. The latter, I don't think is a real worry. KS is definitely designed with the story in mind first and anything sexual is likely to be more a "part of life" thing than blatant porn.
I agree with this whole heartedly. Some doujin game translators include a method so the game can be played by all ages. I believe Mirror Moon did this with Tsukihime. not positive though. I remember them doing it with one of the games they translated. Also, after playing the demo it is very clear to me the devs have put a LOT of work into this, and also it's not meant to be a fap fest.

If i want a doujin game for plot, i look for something like tsukihime, kana little sister(I cried for reals, yo), utawarerumono, FSN, Men at Work series, etc. TypeMoon is pretty good about throwing in a good plot. FSN and Utawarerumono are prime examples of games with a good plot. Although Utawarerumono is a bit cliche. Also, the anime sucks. if you like the anime, you HAVE to play the game, or you are not doing the series justice. really. FSN, Utawarerumono, and Tsukihime all have english translations available. i think Men at Work 2 also has one now, i vaguely remember reading something about that at Mirror Moon blog.

If i want fap material, there are games by Illusion like Artificial Girl 3, Box Hako, etc. Box Hako is pretty fun, actually. the 'ending' was a bit too WTF for me though.

Good plot line h-games aren't hard to find, but you do have to actually look for them. If you want something less H, a little more light hearted, with not a lot plot, the Princess Maker series is very fun. and you have to know a bit of japanese to be able to play 3 or 4 or 5, and i think there might be a 6 now. 2 is available with an english translation, but it's a bit dated. (DOS game) There are plenty of guides and scripts available for the others so you can get a gist of what is going on. If you want a lot of plot, go for Utawarerumono or FSN.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 6:02 am
by cpl_crud
I think I've mentioned this before, and before I go too far I'd like to say that I'm at least seeing people that think the same as me.

To be honest, I find threads like this insulting.
"Hey! You guys write well! But I'm going to be skipping the sex scenes!"
It makes me a little angry.
It's as if you are saying as soon as the pants come off we throw away our talent and start writing "Unnnhghhgnh ahhh".

We have already written our drafts, and yes, there are sex scenes in them. But we're talking perhaps 5% of the game, if that. They are all now an intergral part of the story.

Most novels for adults contain sex, sometimes more than KS does. And sometimes it's even more graphic. This is a bit of a stretch, but if you're going to compare us to VNs, then I'd like you to also compare us to other non-visual novels.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 6:06 am
by Roxius
cpl_crud wrote:I think I've mentioned this before, and before I go too far I'd like to say that I'm at least seeing people that think the same as me.

To be honest, I find threads like this insulting.
"Hey! You guys write well! But I'm going to be skipping the sex scenes!"
It makes me a little angry.
It's as if you are saying as soon as the pants come off we throw away our talent and start writing "Unnnhghhgnh ahhh".

We have already written our drafts, and yes, there are sex scenes in them. But we're talking perhaps 5% of the game, if that. They are all now an intergral part of the story.

Most novels for adults contain sex, sometimes more than KS does. And sometimes it's even more graphic. This is a bit of a stretch, but if you're going to compare us to VNs, then I'd like you to also compare us to other non-visual novels.

It's not like they're going to have sex BEFORE they start going out, right?

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 7:00 am
by Spoon
Eh... That is a really good point. I suppose it's not very fair of me to decide before I've even looked at the scenes in question.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 11:20 am
by Jyo_ni
It's not like they're going to have sex BEFORE they start going out, right?
What wrong with people have sex before going out or even if they're not going out at all?

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 11:52 am
by Envy
Jyo_ni wrote:
It's not like they're going to have sex BEFORE they start going out, right?
What wrong with people have sex before going out or even if they're not going out at all?
You broke my approaching shit storm detector.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 11:52 am
by Bara
Jyo_ni wrote:
It's not like they're going to have sex BEFORE they start going out, right?
What wrong with people have sex before going out or even if they're not going out at all?
Because it would be totaly disjointing to the story and counter to Act 1 as it was written.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 11:54 am
by Bara
Envy wrote:You broke my approaching shit storm detector.
:lol: Why do I bother posting when you are on line? Good laugh to start my day off. Thanks.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:04 pm
by Jyo_ni
You broke my approaching shit storm detector.
You mean I broke it because I created a shit storm or because I averted it because you expected. I'm a little daft when it comes to stuff :S
Because it would be totaly disjointing to the story and counter to Act 1 as it was written.
I didn't mean what would be wrong if hisao had sex before he started going out with any of the girls. I was asking the question because i thought he might have problems with people in general having sex before they go out.

Re: any like minded indivuiduals?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:15 pm
by Onisake
cpl_crud wrote: Most novels for adults contain sex, sometimes more than KS does. And sometimes it's even more graphic. This is a bit of a stretch, but if you're going to compare us to VNs, then I'd like you to also compare us to other non-visual novels.
I Understand your plight to a degree. However I feel it is unfair to compare any VN to a non-VN. Visual novels allow the authors and artists to portrait FAR more than a novel alone. Not everything is left to the imagination, and there is less room for mis-interpretation. I would never compare KS to a non-VN. Simply because KS will almost always come out as superior. It's really an apples and oranges situation, at least to me. I don't enjoy normal novels inthe same way i enjoy VNs. Also, when i read a novel, i'm usually laying out in the sun in a hammock. as opposed to sitting in my house with my computer/laptop. I'm not as imaginative as some other people, so reading novels for me can get a little boring. But i usually don't get as bored reading a VN.