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Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:29 pm
by dewelar
I was wondering what shoe was going to drop at the end, but I didn't expect that particular one. Well played :).

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 11:36 pm
by HipsterJoe
Blank Mage wrote:I wonder if our world only exists because someone, somewhere, imagined it into being. Ha, and what a jerk he must be, eh?
If only she knew...
I give an easy chuckle behind my fist. "It's nice to meet you, too, but my name is Shizune Hakamichi. This is Mikado."

Misha picks up on my introduction without sign, proudly placing her hands on her hips. [Tell him it's nice to meet him too~!]
Not gonna lie, I read these lines 3 times trying to parse them before I understood your twist. Anyway, this was a fun read.

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:03 pm
by Leaty
Blank Mage wrote:Misha gives an overacted, silent laugh. [I want there to be a world where we get a cute girl, instead~!]
This is now the canon origin for the divergence point in MTtB.

I really enjoyed this one, by the way. I read it on my phone in really small text, so at first I totally missed the whole point of everything. The second time through, on my computer, was very enjoyable.

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:45 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
I missed it myself. Same reasons, too.

Part of me would've wanted Shizune to be the lesbian that gets no happy ending and Misha does. Is that bad?

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:51 pm
by Gajzla
HoneyBakedHam wrote:
Part of me would've wanted Shizune to be the lesbian that gets no happy ending and Misha does. Is that bad?
There are infinite number of universes where that happens, unfortunately they have not been written up as fan fiction yet :lol: .

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 5:08 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
Needs to be. Because Misha > Shizune, without a doubt.

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 5:32 pm
by Blank Mage
Leaty wrote:
Blank Mage wrote:Misha gives an overacted, silent laugh. [I want there to be a world where we get a cute girl, instead~!]
This is now the canon origin for the divergence point in MTtB.
I couldn't very well write an AU one shot without referencing the definitive AU fic, could I?

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:51 am
by Oddball
I really liked the Misha/Shizune switch. I just wished it was longer. I'd really like to see more of that dynamic.

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:52 am
by Blank Mage
Oddball wrote:I really liked the Misha/Shizune switch. I just wished it was longer. I'd really like to see more of that dynamic.
It's the same dynamic as it always was, really. Although in this case Misha would act more as Shizune's conscience than her mouthpiece. Like Eragon. With less dragons and a better ending.

Also, I started writing a thing, and it went in an excitingly unexpected direction. Should be out soon.

Re: Firing Blanks - One Shots

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:40 pm
by kaserkin
The last piece was pretty interesting, I must admit. It's funny to see that being mute doesn't stop Misha being herself :D

Re: Firing Blanks - Kinda One Shots (Updated 5/20)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:34 pm
by Blank Mage
Game Night
I'm ashamed to say that Saturday is quickly becoming my favorite day. This has never been the case before. I've always thrown myself into work, into school, into the myriad of little challenges that dare to present themselves over the course of my weekdays, and as far as I can recall, my vacations have been mandatory: family obligations and workplace socials, events arranged for my benefit despite my constant objections. It's ironic that the kindness of strangers and loved ones so seldom take my wishes into account. But such is the life of Shizune Hakamichi, isn't it? When you don't take control, control is taken from you. And they wonder why I'm so forceful. They should be glad I don't make them attend my innane social gatherings.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Today is not about work or family, but friends. Friend, actually. Had you told me, months prior, that my closest friend would be Hanako Ikezawa, I'd have laughed. Audibly. But here I am, excited at the prospect of spending time with Yamaku royalty. And royalty she most certainly is, though she would never believe me if I told her. After all, there is nothing more alluring than the unknown, and all of her efforts to go unseen only served to increase her value. By the time she left she was almost legendary. Even now, I still see her as 'The Girl in the Library', 'The Scarred Lady', 'Lilly's Shadow', sitting in contrast to my cousin on the other side of the tea table.

I open the laptop, skimming the content I've prepared for today for errors or oversights. Things so far have gone shockingly well, and I've taken to the project with far more enthusiasm than I initially expected.

'Lilly's Shadow'. Yes, that's as accurate a description as any I'm like to come up with. As though Lilly cast off her imperfections, her flaws and fears and ugliness, only to have them coalesce and become sentient. A perfect negative. Scarred where Lilly is beautiful, as unsure as Lilly is confident, unable to hide the emotions Lilly would never dare let show. It's funny; I still prefer Hanako's company over Lilly's any day. Lilly might seem outwardly relaxed, but spending time with her is anything but. It's stifling, being around someone so picturesque, so universally understanding and benign, so... fake. Perhaps their friendship was destined to fail, for that reason.

And why mine is so uniquely advantageous. I realize now the problem Hisao and Lilly had: they could never understand what it's like to be broken. Not like Hanako and I do. They don't understand what it's like to know, definitively, exactly what's wrong with you, and how difficult it is to change in spite of it. Hanako and I are equals. I know that she wants to be brave, and that she tries. She knows that I want to be friendly, despite my arrogance and pride. We just don't know how, is all. And we can forgive each other for that.

Our friendship doesn't come with terms or conditions.

My light flickers, the trademark blink of my custom doorbell, and I step around the coffee table to the door, glancing through the peephole. Hanako stands on the other side, laptop in one hand and soda in the other, her gaze darting around the apartment complex. I open the door, giving her a heartfelt smile in place of my notepad. Hanako's gaze drops to the floor, but she flashes a smile of her own, nodding at my unspoken greeting. As we walk into my living room, I gesture at the pizza sitting invitingly on the table, and continue unpacking the assortment of sheets, illustrations, tokens and reference sources.

Hanako sits on the couch, finding an outlet for her own laptop and helping herself to a slice of pizza. She signs a small 'thank you', and I nod towards her in response. Hanako only knows the basics, but she often asks for me to sign specific words, slowly building and expanding her vocabulary. Even so, Hanako doesn't talk (or sign) much, and I'm comfortable to let her set the pace of our conversations.

Aria has connected to channel.
Aria: Hi, Shizune!
Admin: You're sitting right in front of me, the 'Hi' was implied.
Aria: :) Yeah, but it's weird not saying it, don't you think?
Admin: Fair enough. Anything new to report?
Aria: The Nakai's invited me over for Christmas. I'm thinking about going.
Admin: Ooooh? And I wasn't invited? I can't enter until they do, you know.
Aria: :lol:
Aria: They did, actually, although they probably don't expect you to.
Admin: That just makes me want to do it more.
Aria: It might be too cheerful and wholesome for us, though.
Admin: I'll spike the punch.
Aria: Yeah, now I have to go.
Aria: I might end up standing as a material witness.
Admin: You don't think I can hold my liquor?
Aria: They say a drunk speaks a sober mind. You might decide to conquer the house.
Aria: And surrounding province.
Admin: Well, if I do, you get to be vice-tyrant.
Aria: I'll let you know what I decide later.
Aria: Where did I leave off?
Admin: Alright! Let me open the file.
Admin: ------------------
Admin: You wake from your sleep relatively well-rested, your arms still sore from the battle the night before. The barkeep, Ameiko Kaijitsu, greets you as you descend the stairs.
Admin: "Hey there, Aria. Foods on the table. Least I can do for you saving the place yesterday."
Aria: "No problem. I get the feeling you could have tackled them yourself, if you'd had your gear on you."
Admin: Ameiko laughs easily. "No point in bragging about what didn't happen, eh? My knives stay in the kitchen these days."
Aria: "That's a shame. I could use a hand tracking down the source of that goblin attack."
Admin: Is that an official request?
Aria: yeah
Admin: Then roll for persuasion.

Hanako reaches over, rolling the d20, and I quickly compare her charisma against the DC.

Admin: Ameiko wrestles with the thought for a moment, trying her best not to grin before giving in. "Ah, damn. Guess I just can't leave well enough alone, can I? Alright, hero, what's the plan?"

Hanako smiles from behind her laptop.

Aria: "Plans are overrated."
Admin: ...says the PC...
Aria: Hey!

Re: Firing Blanks - Kinda One Shots (Updated 5/20)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:55 pm
by HipsterJoe
YES! This is exactly what I wanted to see after your last Shizune-Hanako story. At first blush, the two of them roleplaying seems far-fetched, but after letting it sit for just a moment it kind of makes perfect sense. In my head, I've always seen Hanako truly taking to online gaming and with her internalized self-hatred, roleplaying someone else seems like her cup of tea. Shizune loves games and I can see her turning being a DM into a competition. She probably takes way too much satisfaction from TPKs.

I was wondering why you decided to italicize the actions in the scene? It threw me off a little, especially since some of what is italicized is still internal monologue. Other than that, I enjoyed the piece a lot. Now I'm left with the image of Shizune furiously typing "50 DKP Minus" as the raid she's leading wipes again.

Re: Firing Blanks - Kinda One Shots (Updated 5/20)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:03 pm
by Blank Mage
HipsterJoe wrote:I was wondering why you decided to italicize the actions in the scene? It threw me off a little, especially since some of what is italicized is still internal monologue.
Haha, what, I have no idea what you're talking about.
save edits

Re: Firing Blanks - (Updated 5/20, Love Me, Dammit)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:38 pm
by Leaty
This one actually reminded that I considered the idea of Hanako playing tabletop a very long time ago, though I completely forgot I'd ever considered it. But it wasn't under circumstances like these; I'd imagined Hanako inexplicably coming across an old Fighting Fantasy book in the Yamaku Library, or something, and being intrigued enough to try it.

Anyway, though this is short—pretty much the closest thing to a snack you'll find on the forums—I really like it, because the friendship just works so well and never seems to get fully explored. I'm repeating myself here, I've said this before. But it's more of the same, and therefore I enjoy it. I think what I love most is that they don't have the somewhat toxic codependency that Misha has with Shizune and Hanako has with Lilly—their friendship really is mature, for a change, and I love that. (Interestingly, I don't think this could work the other way—a friendship between Lilly and Misha—without something drastic happening. There's no real personality conflict, but they don't have all that much in common, either.)

Also, "Aria" just sounds like the kind of name Hanako would give her PC. (It was also almost my name, but my parents are fickle.) I wonder if the relatively sluggish pace at which Hanako is implied to be picking up JSL is less a matter of lack of motivation/ability as it is a reticence to move as openly and kinetically as sign language generally requires. You can't really be "small" and speak sign, I don't think.

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite threads on the forum. I look forward to whatever you come up with next, whether it be more of this friendshipping awesomeness or something totally random. I was very briefly in a campaign where another PC was Ameiko's little sister. Before drama forced me to leave that (ill-fated) game, I played a fourteen-year-old alchemist.

Re: Firing Blanks - (Updated 5/20, Love Me, Dammit)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:33 pm
by Blank Mage
Leaty wrote:This one actually reminded that I considered the idea of Hanako playing tabletop a very long time ago, though I completely forgot I'd ever considered it.
It took me a while, deciding what activity wouldn't bore Shizune, put off Hanako, or require sound. DnD gives Shizune practice at being competitive without being, well, Shizune, and I think all the writing would help her put herself in other shoes more easily. Hanako could use some time being empowered and important, hopefully applying that attitude to her life. It's kinda just perfect.
Leaty wrote:Anyway, though this is short—pretty much the closest thing to a snack you'll find on the forums—I really like it, because the friendship just works so well and never seems to get fully explored. I'm repeating myself here, I've said this before. But it's more of the same, and therefore I enjoy it. I think what I love most is that they don't have the somewhat toxic codependency that Misha has with Shizune and Hanako has with Lilly—their friendship really is mature, for a change, and I love that. (Interestingly, I don't think this could work the other way—a friendship between Lilly and Misha—without something drastic happening. There's no real personality conflict, but they don't have all that much in common, either.)
Misha's the kind of person who only feels valuable when she's being useful to someone. Lilly is, surprisingly, exactly the same way. Their reasons, however, are completely opposite. The two would never want to burden the other with their problems, Misha out of a feeling of worthlessness, and Lilly for pride. It'd be a stalemate, neither knowing how to act around the other. (Shizune LOVES burdening others with her problems. It's just that she has very practical problems.)
Leaty wrote:Also, "Aria" just sounds like the kind of name Hanako would give her PC.
Something mysterious, sort of gentle, and defined as 'a self contained musical arrangement for one singer'? It helps that the word translates easily into Japanese. (And was a character in The Sacred Blacksmith!)
Leaty wrote:I wonder if the relatively sluggish pace at which Hanako is implied to be picking up JSL is less a matter of lack of motivation/ability as it is a reticence to move as openly and kinetically as sign language generally requires. You can't really be "small" and speak sign, I don't think.
Not quite. Hanako is the sort who will throw herself wholesale into something in an attempt to remain relevant. Although this wouldn't be as pronounced in an older Hanako, it should still apply. However, being able to talk still hasn't given her much confidence. She likely knows far more JSL than Shizune thinks, and isn't using it. So, yes, her timid nature is preventing her from talking, but it's not stopping her from learning in the slightest.
Leaty wrote:This is quickly becoming one of my favorite theads on the forum. I look forward to whatever you come up with next, whether it be more of this friendshipping awesomeness or something totally random.

For the record, the two have just started up Rise of the Runelords. It's a fun little campaign. Although I never got past Magnimar. I can't DM a city that big, and then my social circle collapsed.