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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:47 pm
by Yoh_Komori
@Dream: it was the day before valentines day and I've been with my girl for 3+ years....I'd look like a total sleezeball to go fawning over another women at that point.....even if she did like her too. :?

@Pandapill: she was because I liked rin's path, and while her being a living double of rin is nice, it was merely a superficial bonus. she had so much of what I like in a women, so prominent that I think she effectively dropped my guard for me, but afterwards I pondered and realized I simply missed seeing those sides of my own girlfriend who also has those traits. In a different time, I would have simply wandered off with Jillian, much like hisao did with rin in act 1, and never felt the worse for doing so, but I'm committed to my girl, so Jillian simply isn't a option.

@Xanatos: You assume much of me based on what little you know. Just because I am susceptible to the attractive traits of a women that is not the one I have decided to stay with, does not make me weak willed, simply open minded and in tune with what I want as a person.

@Spice: it didn't help I recently re-played rin's path >.> I know several times I had to swallow my own words and stifle the "narrator's voice" invading my mind....I think I've been scared off playing KS for a while, as Jillian was just a little "too real" of a realistic rin.

@YZQ: Jessica cox is the one that flies planes and drives, or the one who is working to get a talk show that is from somewhere in central America? thanks to KS I seemed to (at one point) develop a curiosity regarding people with missing limbs(or rather because of said fascination I found KS).

@Xbando: Sarah Kovach(something like that spelling) also does a youtube and drives with her feet, though she has arms. Her issue is her joints in her wrist and shoulders and elbows have little to no flexibility, (the name of her condition escapes me, but she mentions it).

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:26 pm
by Xanatos
Yoh_Komori wrote:@Xanatos: You assume much of me based on what little you know. Just because I am susceptible to the attractive traits of a women that is not the one I have decided to stay with, does not make me weak willed, simply open minded and in tune with what I want as a person.
Your posts suggest that if you started hanging around that woman (or even saw her again, given the rather extreme wish not to), you'd end up doing something incredibly stupid and potentially ruin your current relationship, as if even having a coffee with her would prove too much temptation. You're welcome to correct me if that perception is faulty but as I've read it, that is a weak will.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:30 am
by SemisoftCheese
Xanatos wrote: Your posts suggest that if you started hanging around that woman (or even saw her again, given the rather extreme wish not to), you'd end up doing something incredibly stupid and potentially ruin your current relationship, as if even having a coffee with her would prove too much temptation. You're welcome to correct me if that perception is faulty but as I've read it, that is a weak will.
easy there, Xanatos. I'm sure we're all tempted by pretty girls, and acknowledging your weakness doesn't make you any less of a person.

if yoh_kohmori was that much of a screwup with his self-will and around girls, he wouldn't have a relationship, would he?

i think if anything, it makes him a good person, who knows his limits and weaknesses.

i would have accepted the offer for coffee, but....

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:49 am
by Xanatos
SemisoftCheese wrote:
Xanatos wrote: Your posts suggest that if you started hanging around that woman (or even saw her again, given the rather extreme wish not to), you'd end up doing something incredibly stupid and potentially ruin your current relationship, as if even having a coffee with her would prove too much temptation. You're welcome to correct me if that perception is faulty but as I've read it, that is a weak will.
easy there, Xanatos. I'm sure we're all tempted by pretty girls, and acknowledging your weakness doesn't make you any less of a person.

if yoh_kohmori was that much of a screwup with his self-will and around girls, he wouldn't have a relationship, would he?

i think if anything, it makes him a good person, who knows his limits and weaknesses.

i would have accepted the offer for coffee, but....
Yes, yes. we're all tempted...But to be tempted to the point that you can't even have a bit of coffee with what is evidently an interesting and friendly person for fear of losing the battle against said temptation. That's a bit much.

"I was also asked for a cup of coffe, but I had to decline. ...My girlfriend's voice...reminded me I love with someone else." <--- Take this bit here. Never mind "busy", that's a proper reason for the decline. But why does this bit matter? It doesn't, at all, unless he feared giving in to temptation if he hadn't declined.

Now again, maybe I'm reading it wrong but if the temptation is that excessive, I have to think there's an issue of the will. :P Kudos to the guy for finding a real-world Rin and good for him declining if it was really that much of a risk but it shouldn't have been that great a risk in the first place.

But this will only derail the Club so never mind. Just an observation.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:52 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:Yes, yes. we're all tempted...But to be tempted to the point that you can't even have a bit of coffee with what is evidently an interesting and friendly person for fear of losing the battle against said temptation. That's a bit much.
This, very much this. I also agree with Xanatos in that it shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. Personally, i don't think his girlfriend would have minded if he went for coffee with this Jillian girl, although of course i don't know her as much.

However, i would also say that it seems Yoh had not only an hormonal fascination with her, but also a kinda emotional one, so that also probably plays a factor into why he was somewhat doubtful of accepting the offer for coffee. So i guess that's also what he meant with fearing he might do something stupid.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:15 pm
by Yoh_Komori
Xanatos wrote:
Yoh_Komori wrote:@Xanatos: You assume much of me based on what little you know. Just because I am susceptible to the attractive traits of a women that is not the one I have decided to stay with, does not make me weak willed, simply open minded and in tune with what I want as a person.
Your posts suggest that if you started hanging around that woman (or even saw her again, given the rather extreme wish not to), you'd end up doing something incredibly stupid and potentially ruin your current relationship, as if even having a coffee with her would prove too much temptation. You're welcome to correct me if that perception is faulty but as I've read it, that is a weak will.
I'm no Casanova, but I've been with my share of women, and I do have a good idea of just what would be "too tempting". Jillian, as the complete package, even excluding any knowledge of the KS universe would have been such, but I know of KS so it adds another layer to it. I know speaking strictly in that sense, I would be rather pressed to act properly around such a wonderful woman and keep my own feelings in check, in spite of knowing I want to stay with the woman I have chosen. That is what was getting at by saying she was such a temptation. With that said, I do suppose I over exaggerated never wanting to meet her again or her presence even over coffee making me throw my inhibitions to the wind like a hormone-driven adolescent, I have more tact than that, even if I didn't expect my self too at first.

As for that bit I mentioned about hearing my girlfriends voice. I stated that to explain how hearing her brought this all too surreal meeting back to a realistic place and time. Hence why I set it up by mentioning I was in the "paranormal" section when this happened, and why I mentioned my girlfriends voice bring the "fantasy-like" meeting back to the real world.

Honestly people, even if only or a short time would you not fall into fantasy if you met someone who matched up with one of the KS girls? Let alone one who seemed to match your tastes in a theological sense and other areas you place as priority when looking for the ideal person?

Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:00 am
by Dillonboy8
Hey, how's it going? I have been stalking these forums for a really long time now (I do that a lot actually, but I never participate) and I thought I would share my experience with katawa shoujo.

Yes, there are a lot of these threads out, but I think mine would be slightly different..

My name is Dillon. I am 15 years old and at a very early age I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism (HFA).

For those of you who don't know, Aspergers, along with a variety of other effects, creates social dysfuncionality (not unlike Sheldon cooper), although I had an extremely mild case of Aspergers and I socialize and have plenty of friends, it's still not the same. I've never been in a relationship. I've never had a very strong emotional connection with anyone, and most of all, I have no empathy.

I just don't understand people. Sometimes I try to be funny and end up offending someone and I just don't know's the most frustrating thing in the world. I crave strong emotion and a sense of connection with someone.

Katawa Shoujo gave me this.

Back in November 2012, almost a year after the game was released, some of my anime-loving friends suggested it to me. I was never really into anime as a whole, and I had never heard of or played a visual novel.

I wasn't sure, so I googled it that night and went on some forums for some opinions on it.

Lets just say it did not make a good first impression. Anal? Cripple hentai? Nah-ah.

I told my friends the next day there was no way in HELL I was playing a disabled sex game. After some prodding and coaxing on their part, I went through with it. That night I downloaded katawa shoujo.

I was amazed at how polished and pretty the game looked, and that it was all completely free! I loved the characters right off of the bat as I was introduced to them one by one. I was a little put off by something though...

I thought that the game would give you a final choice at the end of act 1, an obvious choice so that you knew which girl you were picking. I was wrong. In a way, you don't pick your first girl, she picks you.

You never forget your first girl in KS, because usually you stumble upon her based on seemingly random choices, choices that show who you are and what you are made of. Ultimately, your waifu chooses you, because she fits you.

My first girl and waifu is Emi. Oh, Emi. My friends tease me a lot now about it, but they all have waifu's too.

I'll never forget when Emi chose me. It was, of course, the running scene at the track. Hisao was about ready to just die right there (which I can relate to, I'm a very slow lineman) and it gave me the option to take it easy, or go for it. I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that if that was actually me, I would've gone for it. To impress Emi and I would hate to waste her time out on the track anyways. I clicked, "Go for it"

As soon as Hisao's heart started beating really hard, I thought "shit, I just killed my character. Now I'm going to have to start all over!"

Luckily, that wasn't the case. I was still alive, to my enormous releif. I continued down act 1 and was ecstatic that I got emi's path.

As I went down emi's path, I became really attached to this character that Hivemind so expertly sculpted out for me. Whenever I talked to my friends about KS, I referred to Hisao as me. I was really getting into the game, so much that I was almost breaking out in hives from stress when another choice appeared. I did NOT want the bad ending at all, not even curious about it. This was MY experience, and I was not going to mess it up.

I remembe when emi's path ended, I was at an after school activity where us guys bring our game systems into the school and stay until 11 p.m. playing games. I brought KS with me, of course. When the game faded out, I turned to my best friend and said "I can't wait for the next act!"

He considered me for a moment before replying. He raised his eyebrows and laughed a little as he explained, "Dude, the games over, there are only four acts."

I stared at him for a few moments before turning to my computer and, sure enough, the credits were rolling.

I was suddenly hit the most intense, raw emotions I have ever felt to this day. I didn't cry, but my throats clenched up so painfully I had to excuse myself for a drink. I had never felt so alive, so human, so...heartbroken.

I went home and continued my quest throught the next month or two completing KS. I wanted to savor every moment of it, and thankfully I did.

A couple weeks ago I wrapped up with Shizune's arc. It hit me like a rock.

What was I to do now, now that this is over? I loved feeling that intense emotion and feeling, even though it literally physically hurt me? I turned to another VN that I didn't quite like as much, but I still loved it.

Narcissu. It was so heart wrenching. I finished it all in one run, locked in my room for a couple of hours. So many feels.

I went to bed right after I was done with it and I never cry, EVER. But with all of those leftover emotions from KS combined with Narcissu it was too much to bear. I cried for hours that night before going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and processed everything. I've been called cold, heartless and everything in between. All because I couldn't understand.

All because of a fucking disability.

Now I know that that's not true.

.....can you stand up for yourself?

I am handling confrontations a lot better than I used to. When someone says something disrespectful to me or someone else, I let them know it, and not always politely.

Thank you Emi.

.......can you face your fears?

I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone as far as social skills go. In going to snowcoming this Friday and although I did go to homecoming, I think I'll ask someone to dance.

Thank you Hanako.

.......can you seize the day?

I have been seizing every good opportunity that comes my way. I have been involved in so many different school activities my parents can't keep up!

Thank you Rin.

.....can you see what I see?

I've been telling people what's on my mind and how I'm feeling, as I was afraid to before and wasn't sure how to do it. I don't think I still do, but I'll get it.

Thank you Shizune.

........can you see what I see?

Back to empathy again. I've always had a hard time with understanding people and compassion, but now I stop and think about what I would do in their shoes, how they're feeling. While I'm still struggling with it, simply becoming self-aware is a huge step in this process.

Thank you, Lilly

I have never felt so alive. These emotions are still new to me and that's why I haven't abandoned KS yet. You all may not know it, but I know all of you regular posters out there. Now I'm officially joining the community, and I'm glad.

Thank you reader, who has endured my over emotional teenage diary. But most of all...

Thank you, 4LS

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:03 am
by Xanatos
Dillonboy8 wrote:(not unlike Sheldon cooper)
That you compared yourself for even a moment to that worthless nigh sociopathic caricature is immensely depressing.

And we have a 'Thank You' thread.

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:09 am
by Dillonboy8
I probably should have been more specific. Not exactly like him, no not at all just take some of his traits and obsessions an bring them down A LOT :)

And I do realize there is a thank you thread, I just wanted to raise awareness about Aspergers a little bit by sharing my story

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:27 am
by Steinherz
Don't mind Xanatos.

I have to agree with you though. Aspergers is quite an irritant (well for me at least. most people I tell that I have it finally put two and two together and realize I'm not an utter asshat, and that I genuinely have an issue). However as you said you were diagnosed fairly early (how early is that?). I myself was not diagnosed until I was your age (however they kept pegging me with ADD, ADHD and in one case Bipolar Disorder. Yeah never went to that moron again).

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:30 am
by Xanatos
Steinherz wrote:
Don't mind Xanatos.

I have to agree with you though. Aspergers is quite an irritant (well for me at least. most people I tell that I have it finally put two and two together and realize I'm not an utter asshat, and that I genuinely have an issue). However as you said you were diagnosed fairly early (how early is that?). I myself was not diagnosed until I was your age (however they kept pegging me with ADD, ADHD and in one case Bipolar Disorder. Yeah never went to that moron again).
Bipolar d- Wow, that's a bad miss. :lol:

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:34 am
by Steinherz
Xanatos wrote:Bipolar d- Wow, that's a bad miss. :lol:
Although it was her fault. She said I had Bipolar Disorder due to me having mood swings.
Now, think of this: Doctor asks you a question that makes you happy, you get happy. Doctor asks you a question that makes you sad, you get sad. Doctor asks you a question that makes you pissed, you see where I'm going? She spent an hour doing that. OF COURSE I HAVE A MOOD SWING ISSUE, YOU KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS THAT ELICIT EMOTIONAL RESPONSES IN THE MOST RANDOM ORDER! *rage nuke*
*exhales slowly*
However I can say for a fact I know I have a temper. However I have one of those really scary fuses that takes a while to go, but when it does go off :shock:

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:35 am
by Dillonboy8
Steinherz wrote:
Don't mind Xanatos.

I have to agree with you though. Aspergers is quite an irritant (well for me at least. most people I tell that I have it finally put two and two together and realize I'm not an utter asshat, and that I genuinely have an issue). However as you said you were diagnosed fairly early (how early is that?). I myself was not diagnosed until I was your age (however they kept pegging me with ADD, ADHD and in one case Bipolar Disorder. Yeah never went to that moron again).
My grandmother worked with children who had severe autism and sometimes children with Aspergers so I think when I was in kindergarten.

And yea I got a physical in 7th grade and the doctor there tried to diagnose me with ADD and Insomnia, and we were like NOPE BEEN DARE DONE DAT!

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:40 am
by Steinherz
Dillonboy8 wrote: My grandmother worked with children who had severe autism and sometimes children with Aspergers so I think when I was in kindergarten.

And yea I got a physical in 7th grade and the doctor there tried to diagnose me with ADD and Insomnia, and we were like NOPE BEEN DARE DONE DAT!
Ah, that is very early.
Yeah, for a while they (my parents and doctor) thought the ADD thing was correct.... until the Strattera made me suicidal and have a stutter (which didn't go away until I was midway through High School). Yeah. Don't take ADD/ADHD meds unless you actually have it. It kind of screws with your noggin :lol:
But seriously, when an 11/12 year old is suicidal, you dun goofed.

And Insomnia? Ehh, I think I have that. However that may just be college fucking with my sleep schedule XD
(also, welcome to the forums by the way)

Re: Aspergers' and Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:46 am
by Dillonboy8
Steinherz wrote: Ah, that is very early.
Yeah, for a while they (my parents and doctor) thought the ADD thing was correct.... until the Strattera made me suicidal and have a stutter (which didn't go away until I was midway through High School). Yeah. Don't take ADD/ADHD meds unless you actually have it. It kind of screws with your noggin :lol:
But seriously, when an 11/12 year old is suicidal, you dun goofed.

And Insomnia? Ehh, I think I have that. However that may just be college fucking with my sleep schedule XD
(also, welcome to the forums by the way)
I don't have insomnia, although sometimes I think about too much at a time and that causes me to have trouble sleeping. Stress and all that.