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Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:23 am
by LordDarknus
“K-Kaori... what.. what did Hanzou ask?”

“....., he asked if.. he could give his heart to you.”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:24 am
by LordDarknus
Having walked through the lonely school

Hearing whispers of memories relived so true

I stand at the black iron gates

Looking at the curious crest plate

Smiling and wondering upon a wish...

And.. why Rika named me after a fish

I'll have to ask her that sometime..

But for now... I think it's time.

Hanzou.. this is something you.. you told me that you wanted most

To walk through Yamaku's gates with me, and whether you'll do so as my shadow or a ghost

I want you to know.. that I forgive you... I love you...

So.. take my hand... hold it tight.... I'll graduate with you..

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:59 am
by LordDarknus

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:59 am
by LordDarknus
Thank you...

Four Leaf Studios




Everyone who read and commented and criticised and encouraged

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:00 pm
by LordDarknus
Special Thank you...

Hayao Miyazaki


Everyone who loved and taught and inspired and nurtured

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:00 pm
by LordDarknus

[花島 岩魚子 Hanajima Iwanako]

[池沢 半蔵 Ikezawa Hanzou]

[佐藤 リオネル Satou Lionel]

[瀬藤 香織 Setou Kaori]

[茨崎 雷 Ibarazaki Rai]

[三浦 美幸 Miura Miyuki]

[手塚 瑛太 Tezuka Eita]

[日向 Hinata]

[羽加道 静雄 Hakamichi Shizuo]

[御門 聖士 Mikado Satoshi / サーシャ Sasha]

[佐藤 彬 Satou Akira / Acair]

[雪 Yuki]

[羽加道 仁美 Hakamichi Hitomi]

[羽加道 幸子 Hakamichi Sachiko]

[ドクター Dokutā]

[白川 由紀夫 Shirakawa Yukio]

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:00 pm
by LordDarknus
[ED: Itsumo Nando Demo by Yumi Kimura]

Somewhere, a voice calls, in the depths of my heart
May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart

So many tears of sadness, uncountable through and through
I know on the other side of them I'll find you

Every time we fall down to the ground we look up to the blue sky above
We wake to it's blueness, as for the first time

Though the road is long and lonely and the end far away, out of sight
I can with these two arms embrace the light

As I bid farewell my heart stops, in tenderness I feel
My silent empty body begins to listen to what is real

The wonder of living, the wonder of dying
The wind, town, and flowers, we all dance one unity

Somewhere a voice calls in the depths of my heart
"Keep dreaming your dreams, don't ever let them part"

Why speak of all your sadness or of life's painful woes
Instead let the same lips sing a gentle song for you

The whispering voice, we never want to forget,
in each passing memory always there to guide you

When a mirror has been broken, shattered pieces scattered on the ground
Glimpses of new life, reflected all around

Window of beginning, stillness, new light of the dawn
Let my silent, empty body be filled and reborn

No need to search outside, nor sail across the sea
Cause here shining inside me, it's right here inside me

I've found a brightness, it's always with me

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:01 pm
by LordDarknus

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:23 pm
by brythain
So epic. So mysterious. One of those things like Finnegan's Wake.

It calls to me. There is a summoning of old earth and black steel. The wind blows down Mount Aoba. It is like the days of Date come again.

Regretfully, I turn my heart from the darkness and its lord. That way lies madness. I must not succumb.

And after the dream, things become clearer. For a while.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:01 am
by LordDarknus
brythain wrote:So epic. So mysterious. One of those things like Finnegan's Wake.

It calls to me. There is a summoning of old earth and black steel. The wind blows down Mount Aoba. It is like the days of Date come again.

Regretfully, I turn my heart from the darkness and its lord. That way lies madness. I must not succumb.

And after the dream, things become clearer. For a while.
Err, thanks?

To those who care; I weaved in a whole lot of secrets / easter-eggs that tie-in to the VN, the most prominent of which is "Parasol Sally" (I think)

In the VN's cg (Shizune's route, the one where Misha+Hisao+Shziune are holding hands, after Misha reveals herself), you can squint your eyes and pretend that back there behind them, Parasol Sally is watching over the spirits of young children playing soccer. (Somewhere in Emi's route, before track-scene I think, Hisao says that there are those who won't live long enough to even graduate.)

So there. That's one, out of many more "little secrets" that I'm sure no one has really noticed.

Also, the real explanation for "Parasol girl" in the cg is probably "An Anime Reference". And my best guess is Inazuma Eleven. ... ,Celia.jpg


Okay, I can't find a better picture, but Nelly does hold her parasol a lot when she's out in the sun watching the other kids play soccer. So yeah. (Inazuma's theme songs are Awesome, by the way.)

There are loads of other so-called "secrets" and shout-outs too, but I'm sure the majority probably don't notice them. (or care) Like.. oh hey, the twist / reveal at the end of Angel Beats sure looks really familiar huh? As does "Spirited Away"? Don't it? DON'T IT??

Oh look at me, blowing my own horn....
