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Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:10 am
by evilpimp
I didn't cry throughout the game. Most of the time, I was on the verge of crying and a lump formed in my throat, but I didn't cry. After I finished Hanako's arc, I felt empty. To be honest, Lilly's arc didn't hit me as hard as Hanako's did. I've played the game about 5-6 months ago. Even if it doesn't hit me as hard as it did back in the day, I'm still somehow affected by it. I played Hanako's alpha arcs aswell. I don't know when to play Shizuku, Rin or Emi. They're all awesome and I just don't feel like finishing the game. I'll most likely come back and finish them all after a while.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:00 am
by Jellyfish
Umber wrote:Same as Orgohan. I didn't want to fall in that trance of post-KS depression a second time, so I haven't touched it in a while. I start feeling pangs once Wiosna starts playing in the menu.

I avidly picked up reading again when I finished KS, some of it from fan-fiction section. Nowadays, it's just me trying to balance out education, life, and writing fan-fiction all at once. I usually do it by shoving one (or two?) out the window at a time and running downstairs to say sorry.
The music will always hit you..always. I listened to innocence the other day :cry: (never again)

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:57 am
by tom226
Hey guys!

First time posting here! I finished Lilly's route a few days ago and wanted to share my feelings.

Even though I wanted to go for Lilly on my first run, I ended up with Emi. I got her good ending and sure, I was a bit happy, but I can't figure out if it was because of the story or because I could finally start Lilly's route. I didn't make an emotional connection with Emi, though it felt weird when she bumped into me on the next playthrough. However, that was nothing compared to how I felt with Lilly. Throughout her route, I was genuinely happy and interested about the characters and the story. It hit me pretty hard when I found out about her leaving to Scotland. I finished her route last Friday, and because I made one stupid mistake, I got the neutral ending. It was a pretty intense feeling, mostly sadness and confusion and because I was really involved in the story, it felt like I was actually there. Immediately after, I searched how to get the good ending and somehow managed to spoil parts of it.

I went to bed feeling sad, but it was a good sad. I felt fine on Saturday, I was looking forward to the good ending. I mostly skipped through the game and got to the end. However, knowing what was going to happen, it just wasn't the same. Sure, some scenes gave me the chills, like Lilly's music box and Akira getting back with her boyfriend, but not like the previous day. After watching the credits I started to feel really sad, either because it was over, or because I had made that stupid mistake and didn't get to experience the good ending on the first try.

The next couple of days I wasn't in the mood for anything. I barely ate and drank a few sips of water. The only things I did was stay in bed and come here and read your experiences. I started to get better on the third day, yesterday. I still can't play any video games, other than KS. I started Shizune's route, even though it's hard to see Lilly get sad. Considering she was the only girl who actually interested me, I don't have high hopes for Shizune. I've heard good things about Hanako and Rin so I will give them a try.

Thanks for reading! I'll post an update when I finish the other routes.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:46 am
by Jellyfish
Welcome tom, as a fellow newbie I feel like I should welcome you :D it's nice to see you're enjoying the experience. Oh, and Rin left me a broken man haha.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:32 am
by Broomhead
Hello and welcome to the forums, Tom! Always nice to see a new face around here.

Yeah, Lilly's route got me down the first time I played through as well. Just a tip: if you're like me or about a quarter of the population, RIn's route will tear you to shreds, so you should be ready with tissues. Or it may just go over your head. That said, Hanako is also pretty heavy with the feels armada, but she has an emotional roller coaster with both pus and downs.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:38 am
by metalangel
Broomhead wrote: she has an emotional roller coaster with both pus and downs.
I thought she just had PTSD after a house fire! I didn't realize her scars were leaking or that she had a genetic disorder too!

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:22 pm
by Munchenhausen
metalangel wrote:
Broomhead wrote: she has an emotional roller coaster with both pus and downs.
I thought she just had PTSD after a house fire! I didn't realize her scars were leaking or that she had a genetic disorder too!
I found that way funnier than I should have

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:18 pm
by Khalego
Munchenhausen wrote:
metalangel wrote:
Broomhead wrote: she has an emotional roller coaster with both pus and downs.
I thought she just had PTSD after a house fire! I didn't realize her scars were leaking or that she had a genetic disorder too!
I found that way funnier than I should have
tom226 wrote:I didn't make an emotional connection with Emi
You know who else didn't make an emotional connection with Emi? Satan Hitler. :x Welcome!

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:05 pm
by Broomhead
Oh shush. :oops:
BroomHead Fixed wrote:Both ups and downs.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:38 pm
by ilFogo
Jellyfish wrote:I'm curious about something. I noticed a lot of you have been part of this forum for quite some time already. Do you people still do anything KS related other than posting on the forums? In other words, have you replayed KS recently or read fanfics?
Honestly, I finished KS recently but I'm missing a couple of bad endings so I'm planning on doing that, but not for the foreseeable future because the wound is too fresh.
Then again, I'm new here, so I haven't searched for fanfic at all, I have some on my reading list, so when I'm ready to die inside a little bit more I'll go and read them.

And taking advantage of this post I'll like to ask for recommendations on fanfics too :3

Also, someone here in the forums mentioned a while ago a VN called Planetarium, and I'm wondering if anyone knows about it, because I can't seem to find it (I mean I found one called similar but idk if it's the same) and I'll like to get more into VN... If anyone could help me I'll appreciate it (´v`)

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:41 pm
by ogorhan
ilFogo wrote:
Jellyfish wrote:I'm curious about something. I noticed a lot of you have been part of this forum for quite some time already. Do you people still do anything KS related other than posting on the forums? In other words, have you replayed KS recently or read fanfics?
Honestly, I finished KS recently but I'm missing a couple of bad endings so I'm planning on doing that, but not for the foreseeable future because the wound is too fresh.
Then again, I'm new here, so I haven't searched for fanfic at all, I have some on my reading list, so when I'm ready to die inside a little bit more I'll go and read them.

And taking advantage of this post I'll like to ask for recommendations on fanfics too :3

Also, someone here in the forums mentioned a while ago a VN called Planetarium, and I'm wondering if anyone knows about it, because I can't seem to find it (I mean I found one called similar but idk if it's the same) and I'll like to get more into VN... If anyone could help me I'll appreciate it (´v`)
Well I only read a couple so far but Sisterhood by Guest Poster is amazing and so is Scissorlips Suzu pseudo route and there's also Developments by dewelar which altough not finished yet is also very good.

ps: how do you make text a link so you can click it to go to the linked site?

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:30 pm
by CoffeeDrive
ilFogo wrote:
Also, someone here in the forums mentioned a while ago a VN called Planetarium, and I'm wondering if anyone knows about it, because I can't seem to find it (I mean I found one called similar but idk if it's the same) and I'll like to get more into VN... If anyone could help me I'll appreciate it (´v`)
That was probably me and Spunky a while ago, when discussing heart wrenching VNs, anyway. Planetarium is a VN about a man who meets a broken down android in a planetarium of a post apocalyptic world, the story goes from there but it is really crunching.

Its what earned me the Man of steel title because I didnt cry at it, and you are goddamn meant to.

Go play it.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:46 pm
by ilFogo
CoffeeDrive wrote:That was probably me and Spunky a while ago, when discussing heart wrenching VNs, anyway. Planetarium is a VN about a man who meets a broken down android in a planetarium of a post apocalyptic world, the story goes from there but it is really crunching.

Its what earned me the Man of steel title because I didnt cry at it, and you are goddamn meant to.

Go play it.
Thanks a lot, found it with slightly a different name, but it's the same. The smallest things make me paranoid so I needed to know if it was the same.

BTW you should totally go and make a badge of "Man of Steel".

But just for academic curiosity, why is that? Are you immune or are you truly made of steel? ( ´v`')

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:31 am
by Bluegaze
I in general am very emotional when it comes to stories like these. Anyways, Emi's route moved me a little bit, but that would be it, Lilly's route made me actually cry and so did Rin's bad ending (the one when she leaves for the art school). I shed some tears during Misha's story in Shizune's route, but other than that the route was boring for me and didn't enjoy it much. I have yet to do Hanako, though.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:11 pm
by tom226
So I finally reached 100%.

I didn't like Shizune and Hanako's routes that much, but Rin's really impressed me. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I played all of it in one sitting. I got the good ending on the first try, and it was really emotional. I was pretty convinced for a while that I had gotten the bad ending, but it made the realization even better. However, it comes second on my "feels" list, as I think that Lilly had a much larger and lasting impact on me. I've been feeling rather gloomy ever since I finished her route almost 2 weeks ago, but don't feel any different after playing Rin's - maybe just a bit glad that I got the good ending :lol:.

Besides my own reaction, I want to talk about a classmate's. School started a couple of days ago and, naturally, I talked with my friends about the only thing that I've been doing these past weeks, KS. I managed to convince a couple of them to try the game, and they in turn convinced some more, so we ended up having a conversation between 5 or 6 people. One of them had already played the game after finding out about it on one of the, apparently numerous, threads on /b/. I have to say that the description of his experience with the game shocked me a bit. He kept calling the girls by their disabilities and seemed to only play the game for the H-scenes. He then rated the girls based on these scenes. I guess there are people like that too, but I don't suppose many find their way to the forums.