CptSalsa wrote:Wheee! I'm tired.
I like how you got Hisao onto the roof for that conversation. Although I think it happened after the exams though. But you talked about Lilly and the mafia. So all is forgiven.
In the VN it happens in Lilly's route, and it happens before Lilly leaves for Scotland. I figured working it out in this manner wouldn't be too farfetched, although there's certainly other ways I could have done it. Maybe having Emi show up to the empty classroom to deliver a message to the class rep and she stays for tea, at which point Rin shows up lunchbox-in-mouth wondering where Emi went.
Spelled Ibarazaki wrong.
Change of tense with crossed.
In my deprived state that's all I can manage, but I'm sure I saw at least 2 more errors on my first read. Also editing work is super hard on a phone.
Thanks for all that. I don't even bother trying to read over my stuff on my phone because the text is always super small, can't be resized, and gives me a headache after 5 minutes of trying to focus enough just to read a few lines.
StudyOfWumbology wrote:OH SHIET, things are going to be getting juicy by the looks of it soon. I like what I see and patiently await the next update! :3
4-5 is going to contain a lot of story points I've been waiting to employ, so yes, the next chapter is going to be rather content heavy to make up for the filler episode.
Mirage_GSM wrote:You probably meant "more than enough"
That would be correct, yeah. Thank you.
I don't quite get what you intend to say with this sentence.
neio wrote:I seem to remember quite the opposite in canon. Whether it was Emi's or Rin's path (or Act 1) I can't recall, but it was noted that Emi runs in spite of having no legs, and Rin paints in spite of having no arms. Meanwhile, Hanako is certainly shaped by her condition; she's shy, her hair covers her burns, etc.
I acknowledge that the remark Hisao makes is
technically incorrect, but he isn't omniscient. Hisao doesn't know about either of the four of them beyond names and a few conversations. He's taking a bit from his own situation and trying to see through their eyes, from which he believes that Rin and Emi do what they do regardless of whether or not they have handicaps that would prevent them from doing that. He sees Lilly being so independent despite her blindness as something she exerts in spite of the fact that she's blind, considering her position of power as the class rep for another room. He groups Hanako under the same umbrella even though it's totally incorrect, because he doesn't know anything about her beyond "shy" and "books."
Mirage_GSM wrote:And Emi seems rather rinnish in the later part of the conversation
Are there any quotes that felt a little off to you? In the scene in Lilly's route, Rin accuses Lilly of being in cahoots with butterfly spies. I figured I'd play around with that and have Emi play at the fact that Lilly might have some kind of protection or secret service, which may have come off as a shot in the dark, something Rin seems to do a lot.
Triscuitable wrote:Oh hey, look! My limbs are back!
Are you a wizard?
fancywalrus wrote:One question, do you intend to split this at some point into a good/bad end or no?
There is going to be a split into a neutral end near the end of this act. I'm still debating the possibility of a bad end, seeing as how anything I can think of is just a matter of forced drama, and I'd like to employ something that actually hits as a "oh shi- you dun goof'd" moment rather than "Akira is leaving because the plot says she has to. I hope you feel bad for choosing something that had no indication of being a bad choice."