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Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:03 pm
by Roxius
I haven't played the demo at all since I got 100% (I actually deleted it to make computer space for F/SN, which didn't end up working), but I'll probably end up disliking Misha again during the full version. Misha looks a little weird with her face in the game, which is my only problem with her, and Emi seems like she was drawn in a totally different style than the other girls, like her colors were shaded in or something...

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:40 pm
by OtakuMegane
Actually Misha would probably be higher if she did have a path since that's usually where you get a better look at what they're really like.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:48 pm
by Fawriel
I'm in the uncomfortable position of being totally crazy for both Rin and Hanako. The two kinda seem to be mutually exclusive, which is... argh.

I mean, for god's sake RIN! I was naturally all over Hanako in the start (and apparently a lot of you can relate :D ), but Rin seems like... I'm on the same wavelength? Really, the moment I saw her it was like "OMG" and the moment she did that sly smile it was all "OMFG" and when she sing-sang like "I heard tha~t!", I basically just hit the desk with my head so hard that it broke the planet in half. It was rather a spectacular sight. I think.

Of course, now that I finally 100%'d the game with Hanako as the crowning final achievement, her adorabibbleness just went through the roof like a blazing zeppelin. What with the tile-stepping game. It's kinda hard to write such a lethally "moe" character while making them feel like a character beyond that single defining trait. With her love for books, ability to concentrate strongly on painting a little pattern, and the tile-game, looks like the team is succeeding!

Emi and Milly are also great. Just not as great as the above. I like how Emi isn't completely defined by her loli-ness. She has a nice sense of humor. And Milly is just dandy. And actually pretty cool, which is especially nice for someone who seems like such a typical Yamato Nadeshiko.

Shizune is the only character I don't care about at all. Kinda bothered by the fact that her ending is the only one that actually uses the word "love", though I guess it kinda makes sense since she pretty much latches onto you straight from the beginning and getting her ending pretty much necessitates breaking off all contact to anyone else! *throws hands in the air*

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:59 pm
by 2-D
Lilly with Hanako in VERY close second. Hanako is just a little bit too shy.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 3:10 pm
by kslover
i have to go with lilly simply because she is so polite and well-mannered not to mention gorgeous to look due to her hight and elegance but at the same time seems like she could simply be fun to be around and is one of the few you could actually have an intelligent conversation with.

Hanako is such a close second that my opinion is often blurred as to which one i like the most. Hanako is simply so vulnerable that it seems like you almost have to like her not to mention shes a bookworm (which is quite awesome) and she is so childish (that tile game just made me smile uncontrollably) combine all that with her striking figure, and her beautiful hair. finally i have always had a thing for scars because any thing like that simply adds beauty to any woman and it makes a protective instinct simply rise from ones chest

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 3:43 pm
by vaen
Lilly for me too.
I like all except shizune but Lilly is best imo. :p
she seems intelligent, dependable, caring and has enough backbone to stand her own against the likes of shizune (and misha who I can't keep myself from equating her to a piece of pink bubblegum stuck beneath shizune's shoe in my mind) while keeping to her own set of standards. mostly :)
which is ironic in a sense because I generally believe I fall for a girls eyes foremost hehe.

I can't really remember much from emis route at all... just a few times running and some lunches on the roof with Rin but nothing after that. must've left no impression. :/ I am pretty interested how she develops in the full version though, since I prolly just steamrolled through her route too much. I'll prolly replay the demo in 6 months too.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:25 am
by Sturm
No Yuuko? :|

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:44 am
by Bara
vaen wrote:Lilly for me too.
I like all except shizune but Lilly is best imo. :p
she seems intelligent, dependable, caring and has enough backbone to stand her own against the likes of shizune (and misha who I can't keep myself from equating her to a piece of pink bubblegum stuck beneath shizune's shoe in my mind) while keeping to her own set of standards. mostly :)
which is ironic in a sense because I generally believe I fall for a girls eyes foremost hehe.

I can't really remember much from emis route at all... just a few times running and some lunches on the roof with Rin but nothing after that. must've left no impression. :/ I am pretty interested how she develops in the full version though, since I prolly just steamrolled through her route too much. I'll prolly replay the demo in 6 months too.
According to the path writer for Emi (TheHiveMind) she does not have anything to do with the festival. She only is there to be sociable.
(And keep Hisao on the straight and narow for his diet.) :lol:

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:43 am
by Linear B
Shizune, Shizune, Shizune. At first she was a little off-putting and I wavered towards Hanako instead, but once I played through her path I fell in love. I've always had a soft spot for cleverness and tricksters, as well as strategic competition (preferably won by cleverness, as in the Battle of Maling). However, I like following rules to a T at the same time. Shizune is these two things distilled and mixed together like the best margarita ever (Misha is like the second best margarita, but she doesn't have a route :().

I still have a soft spot for Hanako and her books and chess, though. She reminds me of some tiny bird you have to be real careful not to frighten, and that's somehow completely and utterly adorable.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:46 am
by Xaphan
Fawriel wrote:I'm in the uncomfortable position of being totally crazy for both Rin and Hanako. The two kinda seem to be mutually exclusive, which is... argh.

Of course, now that I finally 100%'d the game with Hanako as the crowning final achievement, her adorabibbleness just went through the roof like a blazing zeppelin. What with the tile-stepping game. It's kinda hard to write such a lethally "moe" character while making them feel like a character beyond that single defining trait. With her love for books, ability to concentrate strongly on painting a little pattern, and the tile-game, looks like the team is succeeding!

I personally would love to have any of them equally :mrgreen: besides Rin and Shizune. I don't really like Rin's monotone attitude and Shizune would be boring in bed also she's very easy to irritate as well. What I don't understand is how Rin is in second place! That's a very interesting outcome of the poll so far... (what's so great about her anyway?)

Personally, I thought the list would have came out like this


:mrgreen: Oh well, people have their own opinions, including me :mrgreen:

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:38 am
by be0wulf
I'm still sad that there won't be a drill-hime route in the actual release ;_;

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:19 pm
by russianspy1234
hanako all the way for me,
with emi being a close second, just like hisao, i felt like i hit a puppy when she pouted because of one of my choices.
third is rin, i do like the nonsequiters, and it would be fun trying to keep up with them
then misha,
then lily,
then shizune.

probably wanna throw yuuko on the list somewhere... but not sure where. she seems like she could be almost as moe as hanako if given the chance to develop.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:29 pm
by Palodin
Rin, easily. Best personality-wise and best ending. After her, I'd probably go for Shizune, not sure why. Also, everyones hot for Kenji.

Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:45 pm
by Fawriel
Palodin wrote:Also, everyones hot for Kenji.
He's to die for, isn't he.


Re: Favorite girl.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:18 pm
by Palodin
Fawriel wrote:
Palodin wrote:Also, everyones hot for Kenji.
He's to die for, isn't he.

That he is... that he is. Its just a pity any of his paths will probably be considered bad ends :( .