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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:08 pm
by SemisoftCheese
ArazelEternal wrote:Im so sick of my life right now.
t believe that stuff like this keeps happening to me. I feel like I get a little ahead, then something happens and kicks me to the floor. Then while Im still down, something else comes along and kicks me in the teeth...
I wouldn't let the little things get you down. They're just cars, right?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:20 pm
by ArazelEternal
SemisoftCheese wrote:
ArazelEternal wrote:Im so sick of my life right now.
t believe that stuff like this keeps happening to me. I feel like I get a little ahead, then something happens and kicks me to the floor. Then while Im still down, something else comes along and kicks me in the teeth...
I wouldn't let the little things get you down. They're just cars, right?
They are the way I get around. They are the way I get to work so I can make money to live. So they may just be cars, but they are very important. WIthout a car, I dont have any way to get to my job. If I cant get to my job, I dont have a job. I dont have a job, I dont have money. I dont have money, well, we all know what happens when someone doesnt have money.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:35 pm
by SemisoftCheese
ArazelEternal wrote: They are the way I get around. They are the way I get to work so I can make money to live. So they may just be cars, but they are very important. WIthout a car, I dont have any way to get to my job. If I cant get to my job, I dont have a job. I dont have a job, I dont have money. I dont have money, well, we all know what happens when someone doesnt have money.
This is all very true, but it's good to not let things get out of proportion. In a couple of days, your cars will be running and new. You may be a few dollars short at the end of it, but I'm sure there's some sort of positive to find in it. Maybe you had a good chat with your dad on the way home, or your car will get better milage, saving you money in the long run.

Just think positively. Maybe you'll meet a pretty girl at the auto shop while you pay for your bill. Maybe you'll ride the bus next to a pretty girl, or get invited to party. If you smile through your troubles, they're not as troubling anymore.

Get what I'm saying? These things only bother you if you let them.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:02 am
by Xiious
Xiious here.
I've finally come back, after a long separation from most electronic devices that connect to the internet.
To those who know me from long ago, I am doing well... much better than I once was doing. I've made a few new friends, people that I have come to care about and that have helped me to see the purpose Melody still wants me to achieve. I will find a way to be happy one of these days. It's only a matter of time.

To all new members of this wonderful group, I apologise(for I have not read any stories since the last page I posted on long ago).

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:38 am
by Exbando
Xiious wrote:I've finally come back, after a long separation from most electronic devices that connect to the internet.
Is that even possible?! But welcome back. I'd give you some cookies, but I already ate them all...

Don't have that much of an update or myself, really. Lots of stuff on my mind, but can't really get it all into words right now.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:19 am
by ixuz
Hi guys,

It's only been 2 days since i downloaded this game and I started to play the Emi path, even though I was aiming for the Hanako arc. Loved the story, got some feels. But the from the beginning I liked Hanako, kind of this thing i got for innocent and introvert girls like most guys. And i played the story yesterday, tbh it's kind of emberrasing to say but i fell in love with this character. I've been around for 22 years and never ever have i felt this kind of way, don't even know why i'm saying this but it's kind of depressing that i'll never meet someone like this... I do want to get passed this, it's only a god darn game you know... Probably it's because i just finished her story and stuff but hey... I've read the forums and seen people trying to convert this into something creative and such or to change their lives. But except from finding someone to love, i'm not inclined to change anything. I'm in sports movements, i have a normal social life, maybe i game a bit too much or don't apply myself to school as much as needed... but that is not what i'm looking for.. I keep thinking about this game, some of the music stuck in my head and such, but i really need to get rid of these thoughts, even tho i don't want to stop thinking of hanako. I can almost honestly say that i've never liked someone in a way like this, how sad that i need to say this...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:36 am
by SemisoftCheese
ixuz wrote:Hi guys,

. I can almost honestly say that i've never liked someone in a way like this, how sad that i need to say this...
It's normal dude. I play sports in school, hang out with my friends, dress pretty preppy, and I'm still grooving on this game. It's a bit like finding your first love; reminded me exactly of the same. When you find someone, you'll know it inside your heart.

Even if you don't feel a need to change, feels are good for you and help you find out what's really important in your lfie.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:56 am
by Yoh_Komori
Beoran wrote:Yoh Komori, I see what you mean.

I think that, sometimes though, "why" is a question that doesn't have a really good answer. I realised that while I am also a person who likes to know, it's impossible to know everything, and it's not even needed to be happy. Anyway, I hope you'll find a good solution to this conundrum. :)
not knowing, for better or worse, has never ended off a good thing in my life thus far. thanks to what some would call a "bad" childhood, I've had it ingrained into me that "not knowing, is worse, than leaving things lie."

I chose not to investigate my suspicions about trouble between my parents before it became a full blown separation, they divorced about a week after I decided on "cest la vie". I chose not to concern myself with where my sister and relatives would go if my parents divorced, this affected me by forcing me to raise them while the "adults fought". I decided on a great deal of things in life, and it took picking wrong more times than I should have before I realized that I HAD to know, either way.

Call it a throw-back paranoia to my early years, but I do need to know, if I am to not feel anxious. I'm just hoping I can wrestle this idea of finding out to bed by telling myself I should be content as it is everything I could want.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:30 am
by Auratus
Some update here. I have pretty smooth friendship with both of my crush (old and current one) My current crush is partially recovered from last heartbreak and having new boyfriend. :lol: ,and a weird story.
The admission exam is over and I have a month to relax and prepare for another one in February (and exam-maker time their schedule so good that I will know last exam's score the next day after I finished next exam)

(If you didn't notice it yet, Thailand's university admission system is weird one)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:42 pm
by Beoran

Sorry to hear your cars broke down, but don't take it personally. "All things will be broken", in my life, several cars broke down on me, and in your life several will do so. It's a normal thing to happen, so please don't let it get to you. For now, try to find out the cheapest way to get (one of) your cars fixed. Then next time you buy a car, try to get one with a good maintenance deal included or a good insurance, or save money for the next break down. Cars are important tools of transportation these days, but they are very expensive too, so you need to budget possible problems in advance.

Ixuz, if you can fall in love with Hanako, it means your heart is ready, and perhaps longing for real love as well. Now Hanako does not exist, but many people are known to love non-existing beings... still, I think it's better if you get over the love for an ideal, and find a way to love someone in reality. I think you will be able to do it. :)

Yoh_Komori , I see where you are coming from, but what secrets could that girl possibly hide that could harm you? If you really must know, I tink you should ask her straight away what you want to know, and if she refuses to say or is unable to do so, then there is not too much you could do about that.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:50 pm
by Yellow 13
>tfw no Yugoslavia


Tito was best commie

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:44 pm
by SemisoftCheese
I guess I'll re-rail this thread after the Tito post....

I don't get assaulted by the feels extremely often, but I'm in the college admissions game right now and I'm getting destroyed. My scores are top, my grades are pretty high, and my activities are all strong--yet I've been deferred from my dream school, Yale, and just was deferred from UVA. I also attend a selective private school, which was supposed to boost my chances of admission even further. Watching 5 of my classmates get into Harvard didn't help.

The only thing I have going against me is the terrible trump card that I'm asian, meaning that I have to play against stronger applicants. I can't ascertain why I've been deferred twice, but it's killing me inside--I'm 99th percentile in every standardized test I take. I know applications are graded on a holistic process, but I'm literally being eaten alive.

I know I'll end up at a good college eventually, and probably end up just fine, but right now I'm dying from all the stress. Something inside me worries that I won't get in anywhere, or that I'll apply for a job in a few years, and be rejected because I went to Penn State, not UPenn. There's this current pressure that this admissions decision will affect your entire life, and right now, I'm feeling that exact way. I've lived my entire life for this--tests, programs, activities, etc; and to fail is just tearing me up.

I guess this post is terribly egotistical--some kid whining about all the opportunities he's been given. What a bummer.I know it feels that way, and I hate myself for not just looking forwards, but right now I could just jump in front of a truck. Not really. But you get the idea.

So, thoughts for a terrible child?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:14 pm
by Kutagh
There's nothing wrong with ambition, at all. In a sense, you're just like my sister. She studies and works very hard, having received her Sociology degree Summa Cum Laude (yes, the whole family is proud of it :lol: ). And she can get quite stressed too, worrying about things she doesn't have to worry about. However, you have a reason to worry about right now, not being picked for two of your preferred schools (at least, I guess UVA is a preferred school for you). Do you know exactly why that is? (You mentioned being Asian, forgive me for perhaps sounding ignorant but what the hell does that have to do with it? Are they having quota's on how many students from a specific ethnicity? If so, that is a dumb move because I'd rather have lots of motivated Asian students and disappoint the not so motivated other students than the other way around).

In any way: Your motivation will likely be a great asset in your career. You need to make sure to keep the motivation leashed though, as too much motivation can lead to burn-outs and stress. And don't worry about failing: From what I hear, you did the best you could and you achieved very decent results if I understand it correctly, so instead of wallowing into self-pity, get angry about people not recognizing your value and then vent that anger on a punching bag or so. You did not fail, they failed to see your potential. So don't be afraid to look into alternative ways to reach your goals (at least, I hope your final goal wasn't just to get into Yale) and somehow achieve and excel into that. Even if it isn't through the way you originally intended it.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:16 am
by Axelownz
Hey, been a hectic few days at work for me, and kind of a bad few days. I said before that its been about a year since i got lead on by this girl i had a crush on for the longest time and that got me down a bit, but it got me thinking i guess in a bad way that i pretty much messed that up myself since i had the chance to ask her out long before that, but had bad depression issues and intentionally held off since i did not think anyone else needed to deal with that until i got it under control. Eventually i did but pretty much lost my chance with that. That kind of thinking has been getting me down, bringing up doubts i used to have with old self esteem issues, since i have always had bad luck with women and its always blown up in my face, i have been just trying to shake off these doubts though, and doing other things to keep my mind off it.

I have been trying to write too to get my mind off these things. I like to create characters and take pride in creating them. So far i have 2 story ideas that are pretty fleshed out,one much bigger and complex than the other. Both have alot of main characters, supporting characters, a world that they take place in and rough ideas for storylines. I am having the problem of getting motivated of taking the pieces and getting putting them together, and some of the doubts, pretty much unsure if i actually have the writing ability to get it out of my head and not have it be awful.

I feel like i am a bit over the place a bit, but thats at least whats going on with me. Other than that things are pretty good, i think this may just be my old self esteem and depression temporarily coming up again.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:12 pm
by SemisoftCheese
Kutagh wrote:@SemisoftCheese:
Even if it isn't through the way you originally intended it.
To answer your original question; yes, race does negatively impact admissions for certain ethnicities. A good explanation can be found here. ... wanted=all

Thanks, Kutagh. I think you're pretty spot on about what's going on in my head. It's just a little frustrating working for something, and falling short a tiny bit.

I don't think I'll burn out just yet. I do subsist around four hours a sleep a night (go red bull), but I'm pretty happy about my life and I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Today, I managed a fencing match (basically four hours of cheering on the girl's epee team), ate Chipotle with my friends, wrote two English essays, and watched Zero Dark Thirty.

Life could definitely be worse. But thanks for taking the time to care and respond.