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Re: Did we change?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:08 pm
by hitman555z
yea, i dont know why i typed the same thing twice. i either didnt notice or i was kinda half asleep.

i did get both endings. bad ending = mega feels. feels like shite to be exact.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:23 pm
by Xanatos
hitman555z wrote:yea, i dont know why i typed the same thing twice. i either didnt notice or i was kinda half asleep.

i did get both endings. bad ending = mega feels. feels like shite to be exact.
Pretty much, yeah...Ouch.

How Katawa Shoujo has affected YOU!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:56 pm
by Travis
I just recently read/played through Katawa Shoujo. Prior to playing, I just thought it would be a fun little story and I had time to kill so I gave it a shot, but it turned out to have a huge emotional affect on me. I found myself so engrossed into the story, and by the time it ended I was left with an empty feeling. To be honest I was slightly depressed/lonely. I think it was because it made me realize how I haven't really connected with anyone on a deep emotional level like Hisou does in each of the stories. It gave me a glimmer of what true love is actually like, having not experiencing it myself, I was somewhat envious.

But, with all negative feedback aside, it actually improved me as a person. I find myself reaching out to people more, having deeper conversations with them to learn more about them. It has made me want to go out and experience life as a whole, enjoying every step of the way. And at times, I just find myself admiring the beauty in nature, looking up at the sky and smiling. I haven't found my true love, but hey, mabye someday I will, and become truly happy.

I know this may all sound corny, but hey I guess I'm a sap for love stories. Anyways I've rambled enough, I'm am very curious to hear YOUR feedback, and how Katawa Shoujo has affected you. Even if you weren't feeling the story as much as some. All feedback is welcome here! :mrgreen:

Re: How Katawa Shoujo has affected YOU!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:58 pm
by ZXNova
This topic has kind of been done already. However, it's nice to know how much you liked the Visual Novel. Also, welcome to the forums.

Re: How Katawa Shoujo has affected YOU!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:03 pm
by KeiichiO
It made me cry a bit, I fell in love with cartoon girls, and then I moved on.

Rin also taught be to be myself, no matter what a person thinks.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:59 pm
by Travis
I can relate to a lot of these posts. It seems like almost everyone has had the same reaction to the game/novel as I did upon reading it.
We are all longing for that special relationship with someone. And have felt depressed that we have not found it.

Through my own experience I have been living better since finishing KS, but there is still that sense of loneliness hidden underneath. I sometimes wonder that the love portrayed in romantic movies, books, and games, that makes you feel so emotional is even realistic. Or does it simply just exist in the mind of the writer. It feels like love stories such as Katawa Shoujo, are based in a completely different dimension than real life. But I maybe wrong in all this, hell I hope I'm wrong. I just haven't experienced or seen anything like it throughout my life.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:47 am
by LayZPanda
Travis, you are not alone.
Katawa Shoujo changed my life also, but where I am from, it will be extremely difficult to change my life. Especially because the people out there are completely obnoxious. People out there are the sort of people you see on facebook and memes (Swag, Yolo, Hipster people...). I don't know how to change my life in a way that would be similar to Katawa Shoujo if people out there act this way. That is why I have decided to wait until University, the time I will be living in a school and on campus similar to Hisao. Hopefully then I will find true love with someone I can truely be with and cherish for my entire life. This Visual Novel, has taught me a lot.
The game doesn't make me feel lonely or anything like anything you have described. But I do feel envious of the life Hisao is living, all we have to do is believe in ourselves, and hope we can find that one special person and live a good life.

Anyways all pushed aside (But held close to our hearts), who was you favorite character? In order of my favorites here it is (Have not finished Rin yet!)
Emi > Hanako > Lilly > Shizune

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:57 pm
by Travis
Layzpanda, thanks for the reply. I understand what you're going through when you say the people out there are obnoxious. My little brother and his friends are exactly like that. It is something that only time will cure. As they mature they will find their way.

But just a bit of friendly advice, you shouldn't put your life on hold while you wait for university. Live in the present and stay open to new people. Even if the present isn't what you would like it to be. If you are constantly waiting for the future to come, you miss out on a lot of life experiences.

Anyways, I havent completed the game, but my favorite characters I've done are...
Emi > Hanako > Shizune

Still in the middle of Emi's story, but shes the best. :mrgreen:

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:27 pm
by MickMuffin
I'd say I changed quite a bit from the game.

Emi reminded me all too much of my best friend, in almost every way possible (minus the pink hair and fake legs).
I was already a regular runner, but Emi kind of pushed me further. Not Emi herself, but she gave me something to run for. My best friend.
It's kind of weird to think, though, that I'm running for her without a real purpose. It just kind of gives me something to say I stand for.

There's that change, but the bigger one is with how I see people now. As just people. Despite anyone having some sort of disability, they're still just a person to me. My judgement of them isn't swayed by what's "wrong" with them (Nothing is wrong with anyone at all, just lack of a better word). The KS girls quickly became just girls to me throughout playing. They're just girls. With real problems. And it made me realize that someone with a disability is no different of a person than I am.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:29 pm
by Xanatos
MickMuffin wrote:Emi

pink hair
You either mistook Emi for Misha or mistook brown for pink...

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:18 am
by Hisao&Hanako<3
^Actually, doesn't Emi have pink hair in her cinema?

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:46 am
by Firewind
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:^Actually, doesn't Emi have pink hair in her cinema?
I'd say it's more like orange with a bit of red...or red with a bit of orange :lol:...I think...

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:21 am
by LayZPanda
Thanks Travis, that really made me think that I shouldn't put my life on hold until University. I will still be doing what I do right now, but I think that nothing major will happen until I reach the time I go to University. It will be a fresh start with my life and then, and only then will I be able to run towards my goals.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:18 pm
by Xanatos
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:^Actually, doesn't Emi have pink hair in her cinema?
Nope. Brown. :P

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:28 am
by Hisao&Hanako<3
Actually, upon my previous statement, I played the cinema to make sure. It's definitely pink, at least while they're running.