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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:51 pm
by Xanatos
Myshina wrote:
Beoran wrote: Oh, but if she's form Russia, forget it, those are fake girls from the Russian maffia in 99% of the cases. Sorry to say that. Some other countries are also like that...
Excuse me ? :evil:
Easy there, Al Capone. <.<

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:07 pm
by Kelvin Goodwood
@Beoran I appreciate your sound advice, I wish I could leave my school at times but the fact that it is insanely close to where my family and I stay and the fact that the school is specialized to help people with learning problems(kids that are ADHD/ADD, have disorders that cause progressive blindness/extremely short sighted and so on). Are the two main reasons i can't leave. There are few lower grade students that give me shit and there are also some trouble makers that make me seem like I am recruiting them or something to "serve at satans side" I've been called to have a meeting TWICE with both the highschool principal and owner of the whole school, I made it clear to them that I am a agnostic and what i did is in the past and had no interest in returning to it, they seem quite supportive of me now but some staff still believe i do that shit.
Xanatos wrote:
Auratus wrote:Well, Both of my crush have pretty distinctive smell, IMO.
Protip: Do not sniff your date. :mrgreen:
lol something my best friend's would-be girlfriend taught him the hard way. Ah hilarious nostalgic memories...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:35 pm
by Xanatos
So this chick I know's in the hospital. She got all weird yesterday and we thought they'd overdone the medication and made her all loopy. Turns out it might actually be the cancer sneaking into her brain. Guess it wasn't removed for good after all. I don't find myself caring a whole lot but it sounded like an update worth noting here. The actual "she has cancer" bit isn't so much a problem in my head as "this might screw up my plans again".

Headed off to some meeting Monday morning to deal with work/college-related things. And buy some new shoes on the way so I can start up my exercise routine again.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:44 am
by Auratus
Kelvin Goodwood wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Auratus wrote: Well, Both of my crush have pretty distinctive smell, IMO.
Protip: Do not sniff your date. :mrgreen:
lol something my best friend's would-be girlfriend taught him the hard way. Ah hilarious nostalgic memories...
Well, You guy must understands people in love :( . I am longing to meet my crush in person once again, preferably within six months or this Friday if it is the end of the world as few said, and that smell of my crush's breath is one of the most thing I need now. (By the way, I didn't have appropriate chance to ask her if anything wrong with her body. Maybe I will if we meet again)

My facebook is "sealed" for four days by now, and I spent times that supposed to be used to read book for the test, that I mention few times, to play Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (Unbelievably addictive for 12 years-old game) play Touhou, spend time on Youtube while listening musics and surf this forum. Well, I would ask my crush if she isn't on facebook and I don't want to break my own word that, What should I do to concentrates at reading book?
(Sealing myself in computer-less rooms would not work as I would end up either or boh daydreaming about my crush and sleeps)

P.S. Impromptuous chance. My facebook "seal" will end in 21.12.2012. So I would ask my crush if she miss me and then about what will she do if the world end.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:10 pm
by Kelvin Goodwood
Auratus I apologise if my comment was somewhat disrespectful or insulting the last thing I want to do is piss anyone on this off/create enemies on this forum....yet .If anything I respect your determination and ability to follow through as whenever I get a crush on a girl I get more socially awkward than I usually am and eventually turn into a mute when she would get really close to me(I believe the medical name for my condition is: nerdious foreveralonia).

I can't really help you with studying tips as I as procrastinate and "Coast" like anything

Also what is this Facebook you speak of?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:04 pm
by Torric
I'm new to this site. This will be my second post.

Anyways (just to make it short and simple), back when I was about 19-ish, I was about to lose my virginity to this one girl a good friend hooked me up with. He helped me out because he knew I wasn't sociably open towards those of the opposite sex. Wasn't exactly in love with her - it was more of a "Sure, why not?" kinda deal. Well, when the night finally came... well, I'll save myself some embarrassment and say that just before it was about to happen, I scared her, which was my fault, but it was something that I couldn't quite control. We never spoke since. Now I'm 29, and closed my heart tighter than what it was prior to meeting her, due to the fear of going into another relationship and repeating the same mistake.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:09 pm
by Xanatos
Auratus wrote:By the way, I didn't have appropriate chance to ask her if anything wrong with her body...then about what will she do if the world end.
A) Awkward question. Seriously. xD

B) If the world ends, she'll be dead.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:18 am
by Exbando
I figure I may as well give an update, since it was August when I last said anything.

I just finished the semester. I didn't take any engineering classes, only took English and Spanish. I know I passed Spanish, but it's harder to say for English, considering I procrastinated everything until the last possible second for that class, including the final essay. I've been working part-time, but my boss thinks that calling me lazy and stupid is going to make me do it faster.

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. No matter when I get into bed, my brain just starts going crazy with different thoughts, and I can't fall asleep for hours. I tried taking some over the counter stuff, but even that didn't help after a while. Maybe it's just stress from work and the end of the semester at the same time, who knows?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:42 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:
Auratus wrote:By the way, I didn't have appropriate chance to ask her if anything wrong with her body...then about what will she do if the world end.
A) Awkward question. Seriously. xD
Yeah, i seriously wouldn't ask her that either :lol:

As for on topic (and i think this is the first time i've posted on here): This was a couple months ago, i was speaking with a friend of mine from an old forum, a nice and interesting polish woman, haven't seen her for a long time, one day she just dissapeared and i haven't seen her ever since.

Don't remember exactly how it came to topic, but i commented that i was never hugged in my life, not by my mother, not by my sister, or family, not by friends, not by a girlfriend of course, not from anyone. Was never kissed, never held hands with anyone, etc. I remember i said "In some ways, i have never felt warmth or kindness" Then she said something like "This is very sad" Which kind of surprised me, i think i can understand why it's sad, but... Well, i'm just used to it, that's how life has always been for me and how it always is.

Not sure why i'm posting it in here since i don't feel exactly sad about it (or at least got more benumbed towards it, not sure) But since this friend said it was very sad, i thought i should post it.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:48 pm
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Auratus wrote:By the way, I didn't have appropriate chance to ask her if anything wrong with her body...then about what will she do if the world end.
A) Awkward question. Seriously. xD
Yeah, i seriously wouldn't ask her that either :lol:

As for on topic (and i think this is the first time i've posted on here): This was a couple months ago, i was speaking with a friend of mine from an old forum, a nice and interesting polish woman, haven't seen her for a long time, one day she just dissapeared and i haven't seen her ever since.

Don't remember exactly how it came to topic, but i commented that i was never hugged in my life, not by my mother, not by my sister, or family, not by friends, not by a girlfriend of course, not from anyone. Was never kissed, never held hands with anyone, etc. I remember i said "In some ways, i have never felt warmth or kindness" Then she said something like "This is very sad" Which kind of surprised me, i think i can understand why it's sad, but... Well, i'm just used to it, that's how life has always been for me and how it always is.

Not sure why i'm posting it in here since i don't feel exactly sad about it (or at least got more benumbed towards it, not sure) But since this friend said it was very sad, i thought i should post it.
I've been in that exact situation only the woman wasn't Polish.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:02 pm
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:I've been in that exact situation only the woman wasn't Polish.
Have no idea why, but that seriously cracked me up :lol:

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:35 pm
by Pyramid Head
So i was supposed to have a meeting today with my case manager and a representative from an organization that would help me get a job.
My case manager didn't show up to work and the meeting had to be cancelled. Are all government employees fucking worthless?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:19 pm
by Xanatos
Pyramid Head wrote:So i was supposed to have a meeting today with my case manager and a representative from an organization that would help me get a job.
My case manager didn't show up to work and the meeting had to be cancelled. Are all government employees fucking worthless?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:59 pm
by Beoran
Sorry Myshina, he was talking about meeting a girl over the internet. Now, I know it's unfortunate, but the Russian maffia is famous for tricking and cheating western guys out of money with fake girls on the internet. I saw several documentaries on TV and read about it on the internet. I know you are from Russia too, and you are a very real, and I think kind person, but it's really is so bad that I feel I have to warn people for it. It sucks, but the Russian maffia has spoiled the game for nice young ladies like you. I apologize if you feel offended, it's not intended personally at all. I hope you can understand now where that came from...
Myshina wrote:
Beoran wrote: Oh, but if she's form Russia, forget it, those are fake girls from the Russian maffia in 99% of the cases. Sorry to say that. Some other countries are also like that...
Excuse me ? :evil:

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:23 pm
by Beoran
Hi Torric, welcome, and thank you for your story.

ah, clumsy teenage sex that went wrong, or in this case, went nowhere. I may be wrong, but from hat you say, it seems that you were both just going to "hop into" having sex with each other without having done anything else before that. Just "hopping into sex" only works if the two partners know each other well and/or and already have had a lot of sex. It won't work out well for virgins. You gotta take your time to build it up over the course of several days, weeks or even months. First some dating, romancing, roses, a dance, singing, and perhaps then then and indirect kiss as you share food and drinks, then a direct kiss when the mood feels right, then holding hands, deep kisses, hugging, fondling, rubbing, petting, .... there are so much possibilities for exciting sexy things you can do to build up the tension. Only when you're both red hot and ready, you should go for it. And seriously don't forget to wear your rubber jacket in the rain.

Don't let what happened then scare you or hold you back now. Look for a lady you love and who loves you, and be honest to her about your worries. If she's the right one for you she will listen and help you, and as long as you take it easy and don't try to jump at it it will work out just fine.

Or if no such a person is on the horizon, then that look for an older, experienced lady who is willing to teach you the ropes. Like that you can get some practice and then get ready to look for the love of your life with confidence. Break the chains of the past that bind you!