Hello.. first time for me commenting on anything.. it's just that I couldn't help it but write here.
I'll skip writing about my feelings and whatnot, couse I saw that there are already a lot of people who felt similar and wrote about it.
I want to.. thank all you developers for that.. experience I guess would be good word for that. After completing every possible scenario and replaying two girls once more, can't stop thinking.. about many things.. As a disabled person myself I .. feel .. maybe proud would be good for that - that someone did something that society doesn't want to acknowledge. Not sure how to put it.. it was great to read Katawa Shoujo about disabled people and how they manage their lifes. Even if your intentions were (as far as I have read few devs posts) more like - its an interesting idea - when RAITA posted that picture, that doesn't change the fact that you all did great job, and as I've read some comments, some people changed, some realized some things, some started to look differently at disabilities. Really, thank you for making Katawa Shoujo.
Going on to the question - it was probably answered somewhere.. but after reading around 60 pages I gave up to read all of them and refreshing things might be good, also time flies and things change so if answer was no before , maybe it will be other this time.
I like Lilly and Hanako most so I'm interested if Suriko has any sort of blog or something, with arts or stories. That goes for people who worked on Lillys arts, if they have some place where they put their works for public.
I found twitter links but... this one is out, I still cant handle to understand how twitter works lol..
Another question, I would like to confirm if the links I have found on devs are correct ones, I mean, if there's anything else you make to public and don't mind sharing. Kinda interested in your stories and arts.
I liked the stories in Cruds blog (especially Hanakos ones ^^) and Raemz arts are great.
Again thank you for that experience and good luck to you all.