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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:52 am
by OtakuNinja
Unforgiven wrote:Something is happening but before I tell what it is let me tell a bit more about myself.

When I was about 10-years old my parents divorced. I didn't feel like it affected me too much back then, but now that I think back, it really changed me. I remember being really aggressive. In 4th and 5th grade there was this kid, and I think I was actually bullying him. And I feel really bad for it. I didn't have too many friends back then, except one. I met him when I was about 6-years old, and we are still friends. Anyway, what im trying to say is that my parents divorce made me.. i dunno.. I can't find a right word for it, but let's just say really messed up. So now, I live with my mother (im 16). I still see my dad during weekends. Both of them have new families. My dad and his new wife have a child (my little sister) and I really love her. With high school and everything, my life now is really good.

But yesterday my dad told me that he and my step-mom are getting a divorce. And now that I told how my parents divorce affected me... I'm afraid it will have similar effects on my little sister. I have always been kinda protective about my siblings (I also have little brother). I really don't know how to deal with this, I want to protect or help my sister. But I don't know if I can. I don't know, i'm just really confused.
I've been in a similar situation. Luckily it never happened. :(

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:51 pm
by TunaSandwich
Unforgiven wrote:Something is happening but before I tell what it is let me tell a bit more about myself.

When I was about 10-years old my parents divorced. I didn't feel like it affected me too much back then, but now that I think back, it really changed me. I remember being really aggressive. In 4th and 5th grade there was this kid, and I think I was actually bullying him. And I feel really bad for it. I didn't have too many friends back then, except one. I met him when I was about 6-years old, and we are still friends. Anyway, what im trying to say is that my parents divorce made me.. i dunno.. I can't find a right word for it, but let's just say really messed up. So now, I live with my mother (im 16). I still see my dad during weekends. Both of them have new families. My dad and his new wife have a child (my little sister) and I really love her. With high school and everything, my life now is really good.

But yesterday my dad told me that he and my step-mom are getting a divorce. And now that I told how my parents divorce affected me... I'm afraid it will have similar effects on my little sister. I have always been kinda protective about my siblings (I also have little brother). I really don't know how to deal with this, I want to protect or help my sister. But I don't know if I can. I don't know, i'm just really confused.
I've been bullied by other kids and have been bullied myself also. Stressful situations at home lead to taking it out on others.
Tell her that whatever is ever bothering her and if she wants to talk about something, that you'll always be there. I didn't have anyone when i was bullied or when i bullied others myself. You can relate to her situation, so you should be perfectly able to know what she is going trough.
When ever she seems more aggressive, ask her about it. Don't let her become a bully.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:55 pm
by Kutagh
Just a minor announcement related to
Apparently went offline... And it is likely to be permanent. The same goes for another domain that I owned, so I decided to buy and moved over to

Everyone should have received an email regarding this. If you haven't, update your account settings to make sure your email address is correct and that the email didn't arrive in spam.

Now I just need to change all accounts associated email addresses from to -.-

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:14 am
by Unforgiven
Thanks guys for your advice and support. I'm not really sure what im going to do, I guess I just live my life and see how it goes.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:36 am
by FoxtrotZero
Unforgiven wrote:Thanks guys for your advice and support. I'm not really sure what im going to do, I guess I just live my life and see how it goes.
I know I'm jumping into a 163-page-long thread for the first time, and I'm kinda late to be of any great help, but I actually felt this was important enough for the interruption.

That's all we really can do. I'm not going to dive into something about fate or destiny, but life has too many unknowns. Hope for the best and plan for the worst, as they say. You can never give up on trying to steer yourself towards the things that will make you happy, but sometimes that simply won't happen. Best laid plans and all that.

And when that does, eventually, happen, I believe it's very important for our psychological health as individuals to be able to come to terms with that. With the bad things that will happen. With the fact that you couldn't have done anything to avert it. To take comfort in the knowledge that you acted to the best of your abilities, and when things didn't pan out despite that fact, you stepped over it as a part of life. Because that's what it is. We can't get caught up in the what-ifs of the past, because we can't change them.

I fear I've gotten distracted from my original point, but I think people who see me around on the forum might agree that I have a method of nailing a point home by hammering the whole general area. What I'm trying to get at is life goes on, and it's important that we be able to take it as it comes, and deal with it when it doesn't come out in our favour, because we can't make sure everything comes out perfect. Part of that involves a resolution that people can only find in themselves, and part of that involves support that they can only get from those closest to them.

Perhaps that's what this club is all about. Being there for one another, because we understand one another? Maybe I'm 136 pages late, but that's a good idea.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:20 am
by Pyramid Head
Okay, at want point during my absence did "Hanabro" become a thing? Did the collective IQ drop 30 points without me being a cynical dick all the time?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:44 am
by Shadowyeclipse
Pyramid Head wrote:Okay, at want point during my absence did "Hanabro" become a thing? Did the collective IQ drop 30 points without me being a cynical dick all the time?
Pretty much.

Want to talk about those feelings?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:47 am
by Pyramid Head
Shadowyeclipse wrote:
Pyramid Head wrote:Okay, at want point during my absence did "Hanabro" become a thing? Did the collective IQ drop 30 points without me being a cynical dick all the time?
Pretty much.

Want to talk about those feelings?
I'm too broke to pay for repairs to my laptop, i'm working from an old one that's barely functioning and can't display Katawa Shoujo properly, i'm unemployed and now dependent on a case manager who forgot how to communicate, and i'm out of whiskey. This all happening when i'm almost at a deadline for a fanfic i've been writing and when my co-writer is threatening me with My Little Pony if i don't meet it.


Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:28 am
by Neoteros

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:00 pm
by FoxtrotZero
Neoteros wrote:So, the point of this thread is to write down what makes you feel emo as fuck? I think I've something to say, then.

It's that I'm socially awkward. Very much so. I never talk to other people unless I have to, don't know what to say or make a fool of myself when I actually try to talk to someone. I spend most of my free time in my room browsing the internet or reading. Most people kind of scare me. I don't have close friends, let alone a girlfriend. It's killing me. I feel lonely, and depressed, despite taking antidepressants. I yearn for love, yet can't find it anywhere.

(I think that my favourite Katawa Shoujo character should be obvious... Hanako <3)
Well, I can only relate to a degree. I'm kind of an introvert, but I do have friends and I do open up to some people. Nonetheless, I was recently not content with how limited my social interaction was (as well as how unvaried - I had nobody to talk to KS about).

So I went and fixed it. I went out and made some more friends. How you do that and how easy it is for you will differ between individual, but I think the important advice is that things aren't just going to fix themselves, you're going to have to take a brave few steps into the world. I guarantee you that if you can make just a few friends, you'll feel a lot better, your life will become easier, and, in time, love will come your way.

Don't ever give up on that idea, by the way. Everyone has someone out there for them.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:49 pm
by Shadowyeclipse
Neoteros wrote:So, the point of this thread is to write down what makes you feel emo as fuck? I think I've something to say, then.

It's that I'm socially awkward. Very much so. I never talk to other people unless I have to, don't know what to say or make a fool of myself when I actually try to talk to someone. I spend most of my free time in my room browsing the internet or reading. Most people kind of scare me. I don't have close friends, let alone a girlfriend. It's killing me. I feel lonely, and depressed, despite taking antidepressants. I yearn for love, yet can't find it anywhere.

(I think that my favourite Katawa Shoujo character should be obvious... Hanako <3)

Welcome to the club.

Everyone in this forum has been there at some point or another, to some degree.

Trust me, you'll open up, but as Foxtrot said, you have to go and fix it. Make the change of your own accord, kind of like what Hanako did.

And if you're looking for love, stop looking. It's one of those things that only appear when you aren't searching for it. Trust me on this one, though it just comes from my personal experience/opinions.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:34 pm
by Beoran
Neoteros, thanks you for your story.

I agree with what other have said, if you feel lonely, you need to meet people. There's no two ways around it. Even the old vikings knew this "Man rejoices in man."

Shadowyeclipse, I don't completely agree. I think it's possible to actually look for a partner actively and find one. However to be successful it takes determination and a correct approach. It may be better to start looking for friends first, especially if you are still young.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:26 pm
by TunaSandwich
Neoteros wrote:So, the point of this thread is to write down what makes you feel emo as fuck? I think I've something to say, then.

It's that I'm socially awkward. Very much so. I never talk to other people unless I have to, don't know what to say or make a fool of myself when I actually try to talk to someone. I spend most of my free time in my room browsing the internet or reading. Most people kind of scare me. I don't have close friends, let alone a girlfriend. It's killing me. I feel lonely, and depressed, despite taking antidepressants. I yearn for love, yet can't find it anywhere.

(I think that my favourite Katawa Shoujo character should be obvious... Hanako <3)
Being socially akward is annoying as all hell. I dont know how many times i couldn't do any basic stuff in class or at public because i was too afraid to talk to people.
Like everyone here says, you have to go and fix it yourself, otherwise it will only getworse as time goes.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:42 am
by Pyramid Head
So my 22nd birthday ended a couple of hours ago. I've accomplished basically fuck-all this year because of one hang-up after another and to just put a cherry on it i've started to have episodes of depression again as i realize just how pathetic it is that i preferred high school to my miserable multi-year long stretch of unemployment and failed attempts at writing.
...good fucking lord i need to get some help with my writing. Maybe find a friend who actually lives close enough to stick a healing foot up my ass when i need it.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:07 am
by Reksho
Pyramid Head wrote:Maybe find a friend who actually lives close enough to stick a healing foot up my ass when i need it.
Exactly what I wanted to say, except not so crude (of course). Creating an environment that kicks your ass up when you're down is the way to go for sustaining motivation. Otherwise you will keep letting yourself down because you have nothing firm enough to fall back on.