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Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:52 pm
by rydiafan
The epic battle of our generation lol ... if we sell this on PPV will that be breaking the copyright ?? lol... wonder if micheal buffer is free lol

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:50 pm
by Megumeru
Oddball wrote:
We did crushed Team Lilly pretty well though before the discussion about Hisao turns into another repetitive argument
This is why we can't have a good discussion. You're delusional. :P
Hey, great minds always need to feel delusional :wink:
Keeps your sanity close... :mrgreen:

...though frankly, if we combine all these posts, I think we have just created a 4k word essay/research paper about waifus...

I don't know if I should feel proud, sober, impressed, or damn terrified of what we all can do when we clash our heads together like this

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:00 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
Megumeru wrote:...though frankly, if we combine all these posts, I think we have just created a 4k word essay/research paper about waifus...

I don't know if I should feel proud, sober, impressed, or damn terrified of what we all can do when we clash our heads together like this
Probably all four.

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:22 am
by Drat~
I am reposting this from another thread in which I posted as a guest... It was suggested (by metalangel) I post this in a Shizune thread (and in hindsight the thread I posted it in might not have been the most relevant), and doing so in this thread seemed to pose the least risk of 'necromancy', so here it goes (with a little more proofreading):

One thing that's always struck me about the Shizune path (the end is vague, yes, but very hopeful), is that scene on the roof in act IV (The Summit). She basically says she admires you (pretty high praise from Shizune) and that you made her feel like everything was worthwhile, implying that was not the case before she met you, though in a backhanded sort of way (was very surprised, but also thought you might 'kind of' be easily influenced [the use of 'very' and 'kind of' seems to make me think she was just hedging her bets - she really was surprised, but of course thought of all the possible reasons that this might be the case - either you made a real change, or you were just being a sheep... real change is what it turns out out to be, after all - she and Hisao both know this at this point.]). To me it seems like a pretty valid and heartfelt expression of love, even if she doesn't use the term itself. I mean, if some one can make you feel that 'everything' is worthwhile (and Hisao does ask 'everything?') where it was not before then perhaps this person is pretty damn important to you.

One touching part of the Shizune route which I don't think anyone has mentioned is that Misha says that you understand Shizune better than anyone else, so you better not make her cry (showing a touching concern for Schicchan, as always). For Misha to say this is a big deal, as far as I am concerned. It is really hard to admit that the person you love is understood better or more fully by some one else (something Misha admits to), and also rather endearing that she still cares enough about the both of you to make her ultimatum. I think Misha is great! Love the character. Dunno if I'd of had the stones as a teen to not be overcome by bitterness (or overcome bitterness, as the case may be) ... something no one seems to give Misha credit for. She is a lot stronger than a lot of folks think, in my opinion (yes, takes a bit of work, but still - admirable... mirroring Shizune's feeling's about Hisao, BTW... I don't think I have ever seen anyone else calling Misha 'admirable', But~! I really think, in the end, she is).

Anyway, since this is Shiz vs Lil I'd like to say that I loved both. Shizune is still my favorite, but I prolly had a bit more 'man tears' (meaning puffing up my chest and shit) in Lilly's path, but Shizune's path is really where my heart lies (and my mind, as well).
The love of my life, while not quite Shizoon, is kinda like her, so I guess I kinda relate. Anyhoo, I am glad I registered... just because this VN, which is my first as well, is just SO good... and realistic. Kudos. Seriously.

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:58 pm
by SotiCoto
Team Yuuko.

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:38 pm
by Enemy |
Go Lilly go

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:46 pm
by Aili
SotiCoto wrote:Team Yuuko.
Kenij seems to disagree...

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:34 am
I vote Lilly simply because I'm a lazy dood who don't wanna get time pressured about stuff.
Another thing is, she's not even lazy, she's just doing her work in her own phase which she knows she'll finish in time. (In my opinion of course.)

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:05 am
by Guest
My tl;dr summary of this thread.

Shizune's a balls-out Courage Wolf, and some people are bothered by that.

Lilly's a Yamato Nadeshiko with occasional subversions, and some people are bothered by that.

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:28 am
by ravenlord
The solution here is to date girls like Shizune, but marry girls like Lilly. Everyone wins :)

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:45 am
by Megumeru
ravenlord wrote:The solution here is to date girls like Shizune, but marry girls like Lilly. Everyone wins :)
You mean marry girls like Shizune and date girls like Lilly. Well, everyone wins...true

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:47 am
by Enemy |
You mean date and marry girls like Lilly... true

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:23 am
by Synthus
Personally, I'd date and marry a girl like Shizune.

I want a partner has the capacity to push me out of my comfort zone. Someone who can give me a proper boot in the arse to get me moving or just drag me along in her wake.

Nobody ever grew into a better person by staying home and fucking all day.

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:28 am
by ShadeHaven
ravenlord wrote:The solution here is to date girls like Shizune, but marry girls like Lilly. Everyone wins :)
Maybe a combination of both, or would that be like dividing by 0?

Re: Team Shizune vs Team Lilly

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:49 am
by Megumeru
ShadeHaven wrote:
ravenlord wrote:The solution here is to date girls like Shizune, but marry girls like Lilly. Everyone wins :)
Maybe a combination of both, or would that be like dividing by 0?
no, it's possible.
Shizune as the girlfriend and the wife.

Lilly as the Mistress.

Hisao is, after all, the king of boners
...and kings can have a mistress/mistresses, so might as well add the rest of the cast in there--Emi's mom included