Misha's disabillity?

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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Deimos »

To stay on topic, I suppose we are getting our hopes up for Misha's disability to be something interesting or at least satisfactory. I really do not mind if she is a care bear who shoots WAHAHAHA or if she is normal person who has some edges concerning her behaviour.
However, she has her charms for those who see them and we must respect their earnest interest in her and her (possible) disability. We can't just disregard her completely. She is an original character the devs created and she was a success if we look at Shizune's path in Act 1 and consider her unexpected popularity among some folks.

Let's face it: discussing Misha's disability is way better than stating that Shizune is a tsundere, Hanako a moeblob, Lilly a perfect wife, Emi nothing more than a loli, Rin and Kenj are comic relief characters and then call it a day. THAT would cripple the characters!

So, I am really anticipating the next theory about Misha and searching said theory for any holes, it's like stealing candy from children. :) Which is why I stay tuned for the next segment of:
"Mikado Shiina and the finders of the lost disability" *insert whipcrack and WAHAHAHA here*
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Magil »

I think it's just something to pass the time. No one is actually expecting a dev to come in and confirm what Misha's disability is at this point, and the options have been repeated exhaustively, but it's still something fun to discuss. My earlier comment wasn't really wondering or asking anyone to answer it, just a random statement of fact/hope.

Also, though she has no route and will have no route, Misha is still listed under "major characters" on the cast page :P

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Guest »

Maybe someone's said this one, but I aint reading 17 pages of forum just to check, so feel free to ignore me if you've heard this one.

Maybe all those 'clues' like sign language and stuff are just coincidences. And check this out, ever notice how Misha looks chubby, but her measurements are only slightly larger than Hanako's? Makes you think something's going on there. Which is why I'm going to propose the possibility of


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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Bara »

Guest wrote:colostomy

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And cue the poop jokes.... :mrgreen:

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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Sakura Tenshi »

Deimos wrote:
☆♥Aura♥☆ wrote:To explain how Yamaku works, every student is admitted on a case-by-case basis and the guidelines are somewhat vague. There are completely healthy students, physically disabled students and mildly mentally disabled students in the school. Many students do have psychological problems of one kind or another (it's not easy to be a teenaged cripple, or find out you are one), but the board generally does not admit anyone who is really mental. This is because the students need to be able to attend class, and interact with teachers (who are not medical professionals) and other students (deafness/muteness doesn't count here). Anyway, the school is primarily geared for kids with physical disabilities that still permit a semblance of normal life (there are no quadriplegic students, for example), and that's what a clear majority of the students are.
There you are!

And one of the many crazy theories whispering in my head says that Hanako is in Yamaku not for her burns but because it's the only place for her to exist in relative peace. Imagine Flowerchild in a normal school (which would be perfectly acceptable considering her physical constitution) with the "socially dysfunctional" personality that she possesses.
Case by case admittance does provide that sort of loophole - she cannot function properly in the normal society and if her guardians can pay for her education there are no obstacles for her to study in Yamaku.

However I have not found a theory about Misha that completely convinces me, yet. :?
But the underlined words in Aura's post make me wonder why he included them. Maybe they are a hint or just there to mislead us but they are probably just part of a general statement to clarify things for the masses. Time will tell.
On topic with this thread, I'm going with the inner-ear problem theory, it's what I first thought when she mentioned that stairs make her dizzy.

Off topic and on the subject of Hanako, I've actually come up with a few theories, one possibility is that the burns she suffered may have caused nerve tissue damage, a conclusion I briefly considered confirmed with the floor tile scene, another is that perhaps her burns got infected and as much as they tried to help her at the hospital, she still needs some close-by medical attention and still needs treatment.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by darkblade986 »

Sakura Tenshi wrote:Off topic and on the subject of Hanako, I've actually come up with a few theories, one possibility is that the burns she suffered may have caused nerve tissue damage, a conclusion I briefly considered confirmed with the floor tile scene
... You lost me on that one. How would the tile game be nerve damage? Obsessive Compulsive, maybe, but I don't think that'd be indicative of nerve damage, unless you're referring to brain damage instead.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Sakura Tenshi »

darkblade986 wrote:
Sakura Tenshi wrote:Off topic and on the subject of Hanako, I've actually come up with a few theories, one possibility is that the burns she suffered may have caused nerve tissue damage, a conclusion I briefly considered confirmed with the floor tile scene
... You lost me on that one. How would the tile game be nerve damage? Obsessive Compulsive, maybe, but I don't think that'd be indicative of nerve damage, unless you're referring to brain damage instead.
Oops, sorry, poor wording.
Prior to her explanation, when it Hisao notes the odd way she was walking I thought: "Oh! Her burns must also have inflicted nerve damage!"

And then it turned out she was playing floor tile. Boy did I feel stupid, though the theory may still be valid and it is simply a situation that Hisao has yet to see her in or take note of.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by darkblade986 »

Ah. Yeah, that does make more sense now that I reread what you wrote.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Folves »

Obsessive compulsive disorder. I have some very vague evidence to support this, in a certain classroom scene she was rubbing the tips of erasers off to make them flat. No real evidence, but it's a start.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Quidoo »

Sakura Tenshi wrote:
On topic with this thread, I'm going with the inner-ear problem theory, it's what I first thought when she mentioned that stairs make her dizzy.

Although it seems unlikely that someone would be admitted to Yamaku for having an inner ear problem, unless it was severe. I seem to remember her violently charging into rooms without any problems. She must also have to look back and forth and back and forth from people's hands to translate for Shizune, which would normally cause the vertigo associated with severe inner ear problems, and there were no issues of such a nature that I can remember.

All of the disabilities that I can recall are ones that can greatly affect the students' learning and/or ease of locomotion. Emi is at a bit of a stretch with those two categories; she shouldn't be in a disability school from what I can see. Hanako could have some underlying physical issues as others have mentioned. The other three heroines' disabilities obviously come under those categories. Then there is the epileptic girl and Molly (I think that's her name) who fit into those categories quite well.

What i'm trying to say is that with careful management, even someone with a severe inner ear problem could manage in a perfectly 'normal' school. The same is true for someone with ADHD, OCD, or some other such disorder that others have mentioned.

I reckon that she has a fairly severe internal condition, similar to Hisao. However, from here on, it is just groping around in a dark room with nothing to grasp on to. Baseless conjecture, in other words.
Last edited by Quidoo on Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Xuan »

It could be anything. Could be the brain but not the heart, since there's no mention that she needed exercise or eat healthy like Hisao.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Quidoo »

Xuan wrote:It could be anything. Could be the brain but not the heart, since there's no mention that she needed exercise or eat healthy like Hisao.
From the look of her, I would say that she isn't forced to excercise. :P

I kid, I kid...Yes, you are right though. It could be anything, literally anything...within reason.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Xuan »

Yeah, that's about right.

I won't be surprised if it turns out that there was actually no hints at all of Misha's disability in Act 1, that it is something completely different from what we think.
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by -abscess »

Yet another pair of recommendations:
Diabetes mellitus and deafness
Leigh syndrome
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Post by Bara »

Quidoo wrote:Baseless conjecture, in other words.
Yup. It keeps the board lively.
I still got my money on Misha's problem being in her head. (inner ear or brain tumor, etc.)

When it comes to Misha's disability I always get the "Dead Parrot" skit frm Monty Python in my head. :mrgreen:

She's dead!
She's not dead. She's just sleeping!

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