Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Reksho »

OtakuNinja wrote: I talked to some exchange students last week, from Japan, China, Germany and Georgia (the country). They were stunned when they didn't have to pay for lunch. Even though some schools have better food than others, everything is free. You can eat how much you want and it's still free.
*buys a one-way ticket to Sweden*
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

OtakuNinja wrote:Our taxes cover it all
Unfortunately, the slightest mention of taxes gets people here foaming at the fucking mouth. Never mind that things would be better off...

"I don't know where you live, but I'm sure it's very very hard to get a job with only a high school education." - This is one of the many stupid things in the world. You can't get any sort of decent job with no college education but to get a college education, you have to pay a ton of money which you can't reasonably do without a decent job.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Wanderingheartache »

yeah, it is unfortunate that the USA is run the way it is... even if something is supposed to be public I feel that a huge portion of every service here is privatized and only those with money through any means can gain access. Regarding my siblings I can see that given the money they may receive from working... they wouldn't put any back into the house like I used to, they only focus on their wants (my brother collects figures, special edition games, and convention hops... I'm pretty sure my sister moved out so she wouldn't have to pay bills or fund repairs on our house. Again, I can't fault my sister for moving out and wanting to start a life with her boyfriend.) and if anything they'd only supply cable and phone payments because they need internet and cell phones.

I don't think my brother has the capacity to understand or see anything through another person's eyes... or at the very least considering he listens to the rumors of people who hate me, he isn't willing to see the truth because ignorance is bliss.

Xanatos- the money paradox... I know it all too well, I'm not born into a poor family but we're not rich either. Lower middle class and minority... since I'm not "remarkable" like most (half) asians I'm kind of screwed in the education part, I already said my sister earned her grades and scholarships because she's gifted. My brother is being pushed along because my dad put money toward schooling instead of repairing the house... it's not falling apart or anything, just a cracked foundation that has me worried a little bit. Then there's the fact that my mom keeps four cats in the house...
I was drawn to this for a reason, the name I picked was for a reason deeper than I can actually think of... Yamaku is not just a fantasy to me.

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Pseudogenesis »

OtakuNinja wrote:
Keneshiro wrote:Welp, turns out the local med school is partnered with the med school I was just kicked out of and they have a policy which states that since I've been rejected by one of them, none of them can accept me. It's like a blacklist. Things just get better and better.
That's just wrong. :|
Wanderingheartache wrote:OtakuNinja- When I was seven years old my family was moved from San Jose, California to Austin, Texas when my dad got a promotion... I literally have no other family here other than my grandmother and uncle from my mom's side who moved into this house almost a year ago. All my family is either in California or Nevada and sadly are not equipped well enough to support me if I continue to fail at job hunting. My brother didn't really blame me for the game, I'm sorry if that was implied... I meant to say that he was angry about it and somehow it devolved into him arguing with me about what my dad wanted and how my sister moved as well as ignoring his gaming addictions and blaming me for his poor study habits.
That's unfortunate. :(
Your brother really should try seeing things from your perspective, and quit gaming. But the former is more important, since it affects you too.
Wanderingheartache wrote:My parents are willing to pay for my college and I would accept it when the next semester starts...

Brother- as of lately he's got a holier than thou attitude and feels entitled because my parents are paying for his schooling... he finds opportunities to belittle me and insult my intelligence because he's in school.

Sister- truly spoiled, everything that she's gotten in life was handed to her... the only thing she earned was her grades, as of right now I'm pretty sure my parents pay the insurance on her car (still) and half her tuition for school.
This is what I don't like about the US (and most countries in general). You have to pay for your education, medical treatment and a lot of other things. Wealthy families can manage, but poor families have a really hard time.
Here in Sweden we get free education, free medical treatment (only a symbolic fee) and many other things which Americans have to pay for. Our taxes cover it all, and everyone pay an equal amount to help educate future generations It doesn't matter if you don't have any kids or if you have 8, you still help paying for it.
I talked to some exchange students last week, from Japan, China, Germany and Georgia (the country). They were stunned when they didn't have to pay for lunch. Even though some schools have better food than others, everything is free. You can eat how much you want and it's still free.

Wow... It wasn't my intention to complain, but I just think the world is unfair when it comes to this. Every day I see American shows with people havign trouble paying for their children's education. It's the beginning a dark spiral.

God fucking dammit stop making me jealous of you, Sweden. :(
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Wanderingheartache wrote:yeah, it is unfortunate that the USA is run the way it is... even if something is supposed to be public I feel that a huge portion of every service here is privatized and only those with money through any means can gain access. Regarding my siblings I can see that given the money they may receive from working... they wouldn't put any back into the house like I used to, they only focus on their wants (my brother collects figures, special edition games, and convention hops... I'm pretty sure my sister moved out so she wouldn't have to pay bills or fund repairs on our house. Again, I can't fault my sister for moving out and wanting to start a life with her boyfriend.) and if anything they'd only supply cable and phone payments because they need internet and cell phones.

I don't think my brother has the capacity to understand or see anything through another person's eyes... or at the very least considering he listens to the rumors of people who hate me, he isn't willing to see the truth because ignorance is bliss.

Xanatos- the money paradox... I know it all too well, I'm not born into a poor family but we're not rich either. Lower middle class and minority... since I'm not "remarkable" like most (half) asians I'm kind of screwed in the education part, I already said my sister earned her grades and scholarships because she's gifted. My brother is being pushed along because my dad put money toward schooling instead of repairing the house... it's not falling apart or anything, just a cracked foundation that has me worried a little bit. Then there's the fact that my mom keeps four cats in the house...
We're definitely on the poor end here. Doesn't help the government robbed us of $15,000 (and only gave a pittance of what they really owed in the first place) and one of the housemates got cancer and hasn't cleared for disability yet. Had to start selling stuff recently to cover the bills. Mom was in a shelter for a bit herself. I'm not bothering with the financial nonsense myself. I've got enough to handle, what with the perpetually-failing job search, looking into college, getting psychological help and all...It'd be easier to deal with given a bit of help but I've come to expect little of that from most of my family.

And I keep meaning to start that workout over in the Emi-inspired thread but my erratic-at-best sleep cycle refuses to allow me a set schedule. Maybe I'll just run whenever I wake up, to hell with the time.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by OtakuNinja »

If more countries were like Sweden, the world would be a much better place to live in.
Even though the current government is doing the best it can to ruin what took the Social Democrats a century to create.

Obama is doing his best to make the US the same way, but I believe it's futile since so many people oppose him. :(
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Beoran »

Sweden is a shining example for the world... but those who are rich and powerful hate such a society with a vengeance since in such a country, they have to pay the brunt of the taxes. Of course, the fact is they can very well afford to pay such taxes. If you earn 100000$ per month before taxes, then even paying 50% tax, you will still be rich (in this day and age 2012), nt to mention that those people earn such huge salaries off the back of other people ho do the real work. If you own stocks, bonds, on manage a company, then effectively other people work for you and bring in the profits you make. Salaries and wages of these people reflects the current market, but not at all their true involvement and value that they create through their work. Hence it's fair that those at the top pay more taxes, compensate the fact that the market , or more precisely, those exact people at the top severely undervalue the value generated by the majority's labor.

Of course in the USA, the wealthy have made it so that the middle class (their main opponent, as always, read the book 1984) will by the brunt of the taxes and hence, be unable to threaten them. The result: plenty of misery you see here in this thread, which could have been avoided. And plenty of useless and wasteful costs. Everybody thinks that a "small government" is good,but in fact for infrastructure and public goods, such as health, a free market is unable to produce them at a reasonable cost. Large scale government health insurance, roads, water, electricity, mail, communication, is almost always, barring corruption, cheaper and more efficient if run on a nation-wide, national way. Simply because no profits are extracted. Enron and BP prove that corporations are just as unreliable , if not more than most governments.

I'll stop my rant there since I'm going off topic.

Demonix, icelands, that's frozen food mostly, right? Frozen food can be a great cosy saver, and it saves effort and waste too IF you have a large enough freezer. Frozen vegetables are usually already cut or peeled, so that's how it saves you work, and there's little waste since most inedible parts have already been cut away. But unfortunately, I have a European fridge/freezer combination that has a small freezer so I can't apply this strategy. I just keep frozen meats, fish, cream spinach (little miss loves them) and pizzas (for when I'm feeling lazy :p ). Next time when my current fridge breaks, I'll go for a big American-style fridge with a huge freezer so I can keep a good supply of frozen veggies. Or maybe get a separate freezer, but that costs more in electricity...

Keneshiro, ... well I hope you can find some college or school somewhere close by that will accept you. Don't give up now, you've already lost a year, now go at it!

Wanderingheartache, isn't there any junior college of other preparatory course you can take part time, so you'll look "responsible" and be able to get such part time job in fast food shop? If they tell you that that's what they need, sometimes the best way is to give them what they need, even if it's silly. The problem in most situations is not when you're wrong. The problem is when you're right but unable to convince other people of that.
Kind Regards, B.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by demonix »

Beoran wrote:Demonix, icelands, that's frozen food mostly, right? Frozen food can be a great cosy saver, and it saves effort and waste too IF you have a large enough freezer. Frozen vegetables are usually already cut or peeled, so that's how it saves you work, and there's little waste since most inedible parts have already been cut away. But unfortunately, I have a European fridge/freezer combination that has a small freezer so I can't apply this strategy. I just keep frozen meats, fish, cream spinach (little miss loves them) and pizzas (for when I'm feeling lazy :p ). Next time when my current fridge breaks, I'll go for a big American-style fridge with a huge freezer so I can keep a good supply of frozen veggies. Or maybe get a separate freezer, but that costs more in electricity...
Icelands has become a more general shop now since it stocks more general stuff (including toiletries, laundry detergent and other things), but it's still better value for money then the big name supermarkets for some if not all the items I get (although I can get a 4 pint bottle of milk in my local tesco for the same price as it is in icelends).

The other good thing about shopping there is that I just have to spend £25 or more, and I can walk out without holding a single bag since they'll deliver it to me.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

OtakuNinja wrote:If more countries were like Sweden, the world would be a much better place to live in.
Even though the current government is doing the best it can to ruin what took the Social Democrats a century to create.

Obama is doing his best to make the US the same way, but I believe it's futile since so many people oppose him. :(
I keep hearing this crap about Obama being one of the worst presidents we've ever had and all I can think is "Maybe if rich greedy assholes (Republicans) quit blocking the guy's every move, he'd get shit done."

There are people who make multiple millions, if not billions, every damn year. They'll still be rich after you tax the hell out of them, so I say go for it. It doesn't help much that corporations bought out the damn government either.

Anyway, update on my situation: Finances still shit (I can tell it's really bad when lottery tickets are bought out of desperation). Job hunt still shit. But I contacted a psychologist for the mental troubles and hopefully will begin a workout sometime in the next week or so.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Wanderingheartache »

Beoran- there is community college, but I missed the deadline to register for classes when I went to an interview for a job that I wouldn't get... I have to wait for next semester to start if I am going to try that tactic again. I was seriously thinking about studying if I couldn't find a job... more than anything I'll still go to school and learn something instead of falling flat on my face and being told I don't "apply myself hard enough" when I've put everything I've got into job hunting.

If it was summer time and I was 12 right now, I could probably have earned some money by mowing lawns and stuff...
I was drawn to this for a reason, the name I picked was for a reason deeper than I can actually think of... Yamaku is not just a fantasy to me.

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Keneshiro »

You know what guys? Maybe I should just be a dentist. Not that great, I won't be able to look myself in the eye but hey, it seems MAYBE they might want me.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xiious »

A little update:

Got out of the hospital after a cough-gone haywire. I don't remember how many days I was in there, but I made it out okay.

I'm going back to school to upgrade my credits, but I still don't know what I'll be doing later in life yet.

There are some interesting females at school, but I don't know if I could get to know any of them.

@TD: no ass-kicking as of yet please xD
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Beoran »

Keneshiro wrote:You know what guys? Maybe I should just be a dentist. Not that great, I won't be able to look myself in the eye but hey, it seems MAYBE they might want me.

The way you say that worries me even more. You have to find something *you* want to do, not just accept because they want you. It's like marry a girl who you don't love but who is crazy about you just because you can't seem to find someone you love. It's a recipe for disaster.

Wanderingheartache, well, I think enrolling next semester would be a good idea. I suggest you it as soon as you can. Meanwhile, try to teach yourself some useful skills using the internet, for example web design, or something similar., if you can't find any odd jobs.
Kind Regards, B.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by OtakuNinja »

Nothing serious, I just need to vent my feelings... A very short post.

My sister just ruined my perfect day by pissing me of right before I went to bed. Why? Because of her cellphone. She has an unhealthy addiction to it. I just want to throw the damned thing in a lake, or something. :(
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Nyzer »

Unfortunately, the slightest mention of taxes gets people here foaming at the fucking mouth. Never mind that things would be better off...

"I don't know where you live, but I'm sure it's very very hard to get a job with only a high school education." - This is one of the many stupid things in the world. You can't get any sort of decent job with no college education but to get a college education, you have to pay a ton of money which you can't reasonably do without a decent job.
Heh, I've noticed. I mean, you can get a job that pays enough to be livable, some entry-level thing in a warehouse, a grocery store, a fast-food place or something, and earn money there for a couple years - but I swear, all of these places just suck. There's always some guy in an office across the country/continent/world deciding how you should be doing the job, even when something's inconvenient enough to be almost impossible, and there's always an attitude of you being easily replaceable even if your position is one that requires time to get used to (forcing your co-workers to pick up the slack if someone gets replaced as the newbie learns the ropes).

Case in point, one of the managers where I work took his two weeks' vacation recently, so we had someone from another province brought in. At the time, we were understaffed for warehouse people and for drivers. (We still are, actually, only now we're understaffed in every other area as well.) The guy went around constantly talking about how he was going to change how people do X or do Y, and dropped certain motivational "gems" like "hey, why is this line empty, we should be moving stuff along it!" "Dude, he literally just moved the line, I don't know how you missed it." "Well, no one here is sweating enough!" *everyone's faces are covered in a sheen of sweat*, or telling me to go work someone else's area when I was taking care of something totally different - like I have been for uh, over a year - and when I wasn't of any use to them, getting mad that I didn't go do it. "What's so hard about putting that stuff over there?!" *I facepalm* "Maybe the two people standing in my way, working th-" "I don't want to hear your excuses!"
All you really need to know is that there's a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning. I wish I could make something like that up; it shoots shurikens and lightning.
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