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Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:39 pm
by XcaaaL
ParagonTerminus wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
Atario wrote:I forget where I heard it, but it was said that "Painful History" is Hanako's theme song, but "Raindrops And Puddles" is her happy-song. Something like that.
Painful History is indeed Hanako's theme, but I don't recall ever seeing 'Raindrops and Puddles' being referred to as her "happy theme". I, personally, always attributed it with Rin.
I asked about Hanako's "official non-feels" theme it in the Ask thread, and Nicol told me it was Raindrops and Puddles. Too lazy to find it now, but it wasn't overly long ago, not more than maybe 10 pages back.

EDIT: Okay, so on a whim I decided to re-listen to RaP.

I feel as though Raindrops and Puddles isn't a character specific song, and it could fit each character at some point in their path.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:55 pm
by KeiichiO
XcaaaL wrote:
ParagonTerminus wrote:I asked about Hanako's "official non-feels" theme it in the Ask thread, and Nicol told me it was Raindrops and Puddles. Too lazy to find it now, but it wasn't overly long ago, not more than maybe 10 pages back.

EDIT: Okay, so on a whim I decided to re-listen to RaP.

I feel as though Raindrops and Puddles isn't a character specific song, and it could fit each character at some point in their path.
It does play in each route, and in several different circumstances, while character themes such as 'Painful History', 'Student Council', 'Out of The Loop', etc are only ever played when that character is around.
Khalego wrote:Of course, some people still decide their own iTunes library is better. Madness...
Ecch. Those people are not the kinds of people I want to talk to...

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:01 pm
by brythain
KeiichiO wrote:
Khalego wrote:Of course, some people still decide their own iTunes library is better. Madness...
Ecch. Those people are not the kinds of people I want to talk to...
My KS folder is in my iTunes library. I use it as a backdrop when writing, and it's set to random. But you can possibly tell what I'm listening to when I write certain things…

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:02 pm
by XcaaaL
Khalego wrote:Of course, some people still decide their own iTunes library is better. Madness...
One does not simply listen to their own music while playing KS. This should be illegal.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:07 pm
by brythain
Personally, I think of 'Moment of Decision' as my bad-weather theme song.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:26 am
by LordMarluxia

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:27 am
by XcaaaL
LordMarluxia wrote:
Can't argue with the man himself.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:29 am
by KeiichiO
LordMarluxia wrote:
... I'll still forever attribute it to Rin's route.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:39 am
by XcaaaL
KeiichiO wrote:
LordMarluxia wrote:
... I'll still forever attribute it to Rin's route.
Ah...I still don't see it.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:42 am
by KeiichiO
XcaaaL wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
LordMarluxia wrote:
... I'll still forever attribute it to Rin's route.
Ah...I still don't see it.
This may help.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:53 am
by XcaaaL
KeiichiO wrote:This may help.
Oh yeah...I kinda zoned out while playing Rin's route. Completely forgot about this.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:10 pm
by Atario
LordMarluxia wrote:
Screen shot? Whuh?
KeiichiO wrote:This may help.
You know, I didn't even notice that scene had that song under it — the actual rain sound kinda drowns it out.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:34 pm
by ilFogo
I was waiting until I finished KS completely to come and comment here but even with one arc left to complete, I just can't I need to write about KS.

It's actually my first VN and OMG! "What is this?!" is the only thing that I could think off, because I didn't expect it to be so good and to actually get to me.
Not only the funny moments made me laugh or smile at least, but also the deep or sad moments made my heart ache (which is hard to do, not that I'm a tough guy but unless it's well done it's not going to happen) and made me care about the characters and all (Why? Hanako, Lilly... Why?!) sometimes to an extreme as in "why aren't they real?! (´A`)" then again, if you enjoy a story (in this case a love story) you will surely have those kind of feelings, right? R-right?

Anyway I couldn't wait any longer to come and say that I love KS, it's amazing! I have some issues some minor things (Shizune's ending I'm looking at you... You are not even trying! Baka!) but overall I think it influenced me in many ways, made me think about a lot of stuff, gave my morning runs some more meaning and each time makes me think about what to do with my future (just like them) because that's something really hard to do... Even now I have to give it more thought.

So I don't know what else to say, except that I needed to get this off my chest and that to see many people likes KS as much (or even more) than I do makes me happy because I know I'm not alone in my craziness or that I'm not crazy.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:12 pm
by ogorhan
Welcome to the forums.

Yeah KS was also my very first VN and I just fell in love with it. The feelings you have are similar to what most of us felt here :D .

Anyways welcome again and see ya in the forums.

Re: Types of emotional reactions to KS

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:22 pm
by Broomhead
Hello and welcome to the forums!
It's always nice to see a new face around here.

Yeah... I remember the first time I played I got HGE and nearly broke down and cried tears of joy.