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Re: Hijacked by feels

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:37 am
by Alexbond45
Daitengu wrote:Personally I think the guy missed the whole point of emi's determined traits. Dumb people will be dumb. To bad they breed like jack rabbits.
But who else will do all the work the Intelligent don't want to do?

Re: Hijacked by feels

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:09 pm
by Murex
WorldlyWiseman wrote:


Murex, are you the exgirlfriend?
Hell no. I've never even been in a relationship.

I get you guys' point: I will admit I got too focused on this dude and his actions. My bad. But no, I'm not a bitter avenging ex-girlfriend or anything.

Re: Hijacked by feels

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:05 pm
by Slayermaster
encrypted12345 wrote:
Tempester wrote:I'll admit that the "feels" meme is annoying and used way too much. It's also unsettling how the KS community is being misused as a dump for depressing life stories that really need to be told to a psychiatrist.
The problem is that going to a therapist and getting legitimate treatment is socially awkward. Not as much as it used to be, but the social stigma is still there. While dumping a life story on an internet forum isn't the best way to deal with it, for some, it's the only thing they are brave enough to do. I actually want to become a therapist, so I know the large stigma against them.

This stigma combined with KS's strange ability to evoke repressed, painful memories naturally makes many KS related places into life story central.
Tempester wrote:My personal advice for KS fans? Read more visual novels. KS is well-made, but it isn't the paragon of excellent VNs, and by exploring the medium you'll be able to experience the great stories that inspired KS to be made in the first place. Heck, don't just stop with VNs, read some literature, too.
Definitely. I know that many KS fans have tried other visual novels, and that's a great thing. Sure, like any other fan base, they'll inevitably be people who blindly worship Katawa Shoujo. It's fine to keep Katawa Shoujo as your favorite visual novel (It's my favorite of the Slice of Life genre, anyways), but at least try more before proclaiming it to be the best thing ever.
Indeed, it is awkward. Having been diagnosed with clinical depression, and hospitalized in December, having help and support really changes a lot.

(Incoming story because hey, it helps)

I think for the longest time, I spent most of my life concerned with something that dominated my life, I think it started with MMOs, Runescape, World of Warcraft, whathave you, then it went onto roleplaying communities, and finally, I find myself here. I'm transferring schools at the moment, so most of my time is free, and I have no real draw to any community at the moment, and after I finished KS, it left me feeling, lost.

Even when you're seeing a therapist, and have supportive parents, and everything else, it's still hard. But I think having such a place as these forums, where people are at the very least, accepting, matters so much, and I really hope the world can reach a point where when someone says "I'm depressed" they get support and help.

Hugs and all that. :3

Re: Hijacked by feels

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:56 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
Slayermaster wrote:
Indeed, it is awkward. Having been diagnosed with clinical depression, and hospitalized in December, having help and support really changes a lot.

(Incoming story because hey, it helps)

I think for the longest time, I spent most of my life concerned with something that dominated my life, I think it started with MMOs, Runescape, World of Warcraft, whathave you, then it went onto roleplaying communities, and finally, I find myself here. I'm transferring schools at the moment, so most of my time is free, and I have no real draw to any community at the moment, and after I finished KS, it left me feeling, lost.

Even when you're seeing a therapist, and have supportive parents, and everything else, it's still hard. But I think having such a place as these forums, where people are at the very least, accepting, matters so much, and I really hope the world can reach a point where when someone says "I'm depressed" they get support and help.

Hugs and all that. :3
I'm in therapy, too. I'm kind of amazed at how many people don't understand the distinction between a therapist and a psychiatrist. I live in Texas, and I've heard my whole life that if I went to a shrink they were going to pump me full of drugs that would turn me into a zombie husk of a person. It made me keep my mouth shut when I really would have benefited from talk therapy then.

Was there ever a thread around here about getting psychiatric help? It seems like people would benefit from it and I'm tempted to start one.

Re: Hijacked by feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:58 pm
by ArazelEternal
Unfortunately for people like me it is all too easy to become emotionally attached to a character like one of the girls in this game that are so well represented. I will admit the game made me feel some rather deep emotions, however my life doesn't suck any more now than it did before. There are people out there who would be as great as the characters in the game. They may not be in plentiful supply, but they are there. You certainly are not going to find them if you don't try. It hasn't made me give up on trying, in fact it would make me try harder. For such great characters to be created, there had to be people that great to create them. A person can't create what they are not, at least not to that extent.

Ill agree that some people take it way too far. The person who left his girl for Emi needs some real help. True, I have fallen in love with Lilly and Hanako, but that isn't going to take place of a real lover. I wouldnt leave any girl I had for either one of them. It hasn't made any difference to whether im going to look for someone or not.

Its an incredible, wonderful game. However, its not going to take my life over.


Maybe people do complain here a bit much about real life, but there is a separate thread for that now, Hanakos Broken Heart Club. I have posted there myself. Sometimes a person doesn't need a shrink to talk to to feel better. Sometimes just posting there depression and frustration there can help significantly. IT helped me a bit. And there are plenty of us who do not have the funds to be able to see an actual shrink anyway. So if it helps that much, whats so bad about it?

What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels ??

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:23 pm
by rydiafan
I been replaying KS and playing Kana Little Sister ( first time playthrough ) ... so i felt drained emotionally ... so i took a hot chocolate sat outside and looked at the stars/ sky for about 20 mins ... it relaxed me so good

So when the feels are kicking the shit outta you ... what do u do to relax/find your happy place ??

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:27 pm
by Aili
Drink tea, and stare at the sky.
If that doesn't work, then I just grab my mp4 and go for a walk.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:36 pm
by Snow_Storm
Drink everclear mixed with 151 Rum.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:39 pm
by Izzy_t/r
Music has done good for me when it comes to relaxing, sometimes snacking on some sweets also help, or maybe even meditating once in a while.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:36 pm
by ArazelEternal
Drink some good scotch, a good strong beer, good tea (french vanilla black tea is becoming a favorite), listen to music, talk to some close friends. All of that helps when you need to recover and relax.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:49 pm
by Mirrormn
There was one night while playing KS that it just got to be too much for me, so I opened the beginning of Proof of Existence in the library and listened to Passing of Time over and over. I probably spent an hour just laying on my bed and... meditating, I guess. Anyway, it was relaxing.

Aside from that, I've found running to be a good way to clear my head (just like Emi says).

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:03 pm
by Brodoin
I've always enjoyed a cup of tea to relax. Listening to some Pink Floyd or Beatles, or maybe read some of a novel I'd currently be on.

I also just like sitting in silence and just thinking.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:35 pm
by megiddo
i visit /c/ - Cute

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:38 pm
by Walrusfella
After reading Rin's neutral ending (a masterfully written, thoughtfully delivered kick in the balls), I went for a motorcycle ride in the dark. The speed and concentration orders my thoughts and the wind dries tears - not that there were any, of course. Yeah.

Re: What do you do to feel better after a night of the feels

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:51 pm
by Murkglow
I go to sleep if a series hits me too hard and usually feel better in the morning. Helps that I read and watch stuff at night before bed rather then during the day.