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Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:31 pm
by Laineygirl
Okay, that's what I thought. Thank you for the clarification. :) If Feuver logs on again, maybe these posts will be seen and it can be fixed.

I also have some suggestions to make Rin's flowchart in Act 2 slightly less confusing:

-I think the single lines (the ones without the arrowheads) could be removed. It's understandable enough having the choice and then which choice it gives later on in the bubble (i.e. "You're amazing! *Big hit Art -1"). It doesn't need a line pointing from that bubble to the yellow bubble saying "You'd be a big hit or You should Aim High! Gives You Art -1".

-On that subject, I don't think the bubble that says "You're Amazing! Big Hit* Art -1" and the bubble that says "Like Emi Aim High* Art -1" need to have the "Art -1" in the bubble. It's clear enough in the yellow bubbles that choosing those options gives you Art -1. Having the "Art -1" in the previous mentioned bubbles makes it seem like choosing "You're Amazing" or "Like Emi" gives you Art -1.

-I think the scene "Things You Like" could have two arrows pointing to two bubbles (one to the left and one to the right) giving the choices "Refreshing Exciting*" in one bubble and "Makes Me Feel Stuck Once Chance*" in the other bubble and then have two arrows, one from each bubble pointing to "Underwater and A Maple With A Name".

- Maybe there could be a little yellow bubble on the side that simply explains that the choices you make in Act Two before the "In Her Own Image" scene affects which choices you can pick in the In Her Own Image scene. (After doing them all myself, there are 8 different combinations with 3 choices each, making it a total of 24 checkboxes that can be checked)

None of these suggestions are about things that are incorrect in the flowchart, just ideas that I think would make it much easier to understand for a first time player. :)

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:49 pm
by Feuver
I'll be working on this issue, I've just been terribly busy as of lately, as well as having moved to other things.

So basically, some arrows are pointing the wrong way? damn.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:04 pm
by jukolagikacida
I found Emi's flowchart a little confusing. The "Bad ending EMI" should be when you choose "Go for her" and later you don't want advise from Misha. If you do want advise from Misha, then Ending is good.

So there should be something like

Code: Select all

            Go for her
           Instant Replay
             /          \
           /              \
         /                  \
Let Misha know     Downplay the issue
      |                          |
      |                          |
   Act 4                  Bad Ending EMI

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:17 am
by Laineygirl
It already looks like that. Make sure you are looking at the most recent flowchart in the first post of this thread.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:00 pm
by ArcCain
Nicely done! :)

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:02 pm
by LittleHanako
For the first choice on the Hanako Route, shouldn't there be more separation between them and the next part? The way they are on the current chart, it makes it look like all the other unimportant choices, which result in a few different sentences, before continuing on the same. But depending on which you pick, there are two entirely different scenarios.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:11 pm
by griffon8
The two scenes they go to are listed in the bubbles with the choices. That makes them different from the others. It still doesn't make any difference as far as endings, so the format is clear that the decision doesn't change anything.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:44 pm
by LittleHanako
It doesn't come off that way. I saw them as nothing more than sarcastic comments from whoever made the chart, given how the choices were worded like that too.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:12 pm
by [PME]
Just a little something Feuver, it says "Neutral Ending Hanko". I had gone through the earlier posts seeing that you have updated the grammar corrections, but it's really no big deal. Apparently I had the 1.2v instead of the current 2.9v . I guess I found your flowchart sometime in early 2012. Anyways, amazing work on the chart, helped me to finally get the "Rose-Tinted Glasses" scene for Rin that I was missing for the 100% today and got the pic. And I had gone through her story plenty of times, each time choosing something different, but somehow I always left the art club *shrug*. I was also missing the "Slow Recovery" scene (surprise, surprise), but I managed to find it with the old chart today. One thing I never liked about the library is that it doesn't tell you the name of the scenes you haven't unlocked yet, making it all that more difficult to find help on the web (usually having to resort to "below this scene, above this scene"). This, and the weird glitches (uncommon) that don't record some scenes in the library, are the only bad things about KS, and even then it's not a big deal. KS overall is amazing, so it's easy to overlook overall.

TL;DR "Neutral Ending Hanko"

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:52 am
by Jobriq
I'm confused by the part of the Rin arc after Studies in grayscale where all the arrows go crazy. Will picking either of the Art- options make you leave the art club or do you have to pick both?

Is it supposed to be hard to understand because its Rin's arc? That would seem fitting lol

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:59 pm
by griffon8
Since in the relevant scene (In Her Own Image) you can only pick one of three out of six possible options, you only need one of them to leave the Art Club. So pick at least one of 'You're amazing' or 'like Emi' in the scenes before it.

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:22 pm
by Laineygirl
Hey guys, I updated some of the flowcharts to help myself out and to make some things a little clearer for this game, and I thought I would share them here. I haven't taken any credit away from anyone, I still give full credit to Feuver for these flowcharts, I take no credit myself. I give all credit to Feuver in the pics/flowcharts as well. I just did a little editing to make some things seem a little easier or fix mistakes that I saw/people mentioned in this thread since the last time Feuver made updated flowcharts. I'm posting these because Feuver doesn't seem to be coming online recently (which is perfectly understandable, real life and all that ;)) Anyways, here they are. Again no offense or credit stealing is meant at all to anyone. And maybe these could help out Feuver if/when the flowcharts get an official update.

Things I fixed/changed:

Act 1: Removed some lines from the Cold War Scene that were incorrect, also added the name of Act 1 to the bubble.

Emi: Fixed some slight confusion in the Instant Replay scene by adding some bubbles

Hanako: Fixed some slight confusion in the Tea Leaves scene by adding some bubbles, Added the Title of Act 3 to the bubble, and fixed a typo in the 'Neutral Ending Hanako' bubble ... hanako.png

Rin: I basically did a complete overhaul of Act 2 of Rin's flowchart. I personally think it makes the whole act with all the choices much easier to understand, at least it does for me.

Full flowchart: Applied all changes listed above to the full flowchart ... wchart.png

I didn't find anything that needed changing in Lily's or Shizune's arc.

Hope this helps anyone!

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:55 am
by fullmetal_rin
Ingenious! Thx! :D :D

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:04 am
by gamer55567
Why aren't the links working for me? I can't seem to be able to connect to the server, and I know I didn't block it or anything. What gives?

Re: Katawa Shoujo full flowchart

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:14 pm
by Laineygirl
gamer55567 wrote:Why aren't the links working for me? I can't seem to be able to connect to the server, and I know I didn't block it or anything. What gives?
All the links work fine for me. I don't know what to tell you.