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Re: How do you get over KS?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:08 pm
by Kibaro
AussieInquisitor wrote:
Kibaro wrote: *snip*
I kind of get what you mean, mate - dragging myself back into reality and away from the "world" of KS was also initially a bit of a problem for me. Personally, I found it helpful if I occasionally returned to it in small bursts now and then, if only to treat that nostalgic hole in my heart, from time to time.

Ultimately, time and talking about this, I think, would probably be the greatest healers in some matters like this. There are a couple of us who have had similar "downs" after finishing a story or another work that we really had invested ourselves in. Oh, and don't lose your sense of self-worth, too - I know this may sound preachy, but you are who you are and NOTHING is EVER going to change that.

As I said, have a yarn with some of the others here if you are in need of additional advice.
thank you:) really apreciate it :) i saw a thread about katawa seiyu (pretty sure you heard of it) which i started listening to and yeah it somewhat helped (of course its just act 1 so no drama yet :)) but i feel much better now :)

Re: How do you get over KS?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:25 pm
by Sohtak
Kibaro wrote:I don't know if any of you have felt devastated after finishing KS (pretty sure alot of you did), just because it was all over. the yamaku world that i knew has ended, like an apocalypse..literally, after i finished the game all i could do was stay along on the bed for hours,despressed (not exagerating, literally hours) not beeing able to close the game and just stared at the menu screen while listening to ks songs....

i know i am overreacting but i can't control it...i feel weird, not normal, scared even just because i've never felt like this and i don't find it normal...i'm a 20 y.o. dude, not really an anime/manga/vn obsessed person (tho i used to have anime crushes), but this... i literally feel like rin, i don't know what i feel, i don't understand it, maybe that's also what scares me, maybe i have some minor psychological trauma from childhood, heck, i even developed a crush on lili so much, that it killed my feelings for my gf...i love/d her but now idk how to feel, and i feel like a jerk and an idiot about it...

i feel desperate and scared, i guess i am weak and cowardly and no, it may look like it but im not looking for attention with this post...just some help, some tips/hints on how to deal with this by others that have been affected by this vn as much as i was (which i love deeply, dont get me wrong, i dont hate it, just the way i turned out after finishing it is what troubles me).

while i was "playing" ks, my reality became yamaku, the real reality (that sounds weird) became depressing, faulty, destroyed, i didnt want to be part of it, the world of yamaku seems like heaven to me, with all their problems, it's still the most beautiful and peacefull place i've ever seen (i dont really read alot tbh), now that i wont ever see it again...again i feel like rin, looking from her own world to another one, not beeing able to grasp its meaning, to understand it...

my friend who introduced me to ks tells me that with time these weird feelings of mine would go away/heal ... i hope so, or until i find a lili of my own (or even an emi/misha would be nice)...
It should go away in theory. As a 21 year old guy speaking to another my age? Believe me it doesn't feel weird. I only installed KS this week and put every fiber of my being into the Hanako story arc and got the good ending. I cried so much. She is simply the best character in my honest opinion. She reflected to me the most because she was like...A female me let's say (Minus the burn scars)

With her extreme social anxiety,Panic attacks and very few friends. I was 110% invested into her story and thought every little outfit she wore was adorable (Especially this one

And after her sex scene and going through the final parts of Act 4, Getting the good hands flew in the air in excitement and I screamed "GOOD ENDING!!!" at like 2AM in the morning. And now that I've finished her route...I feel this...void of emotions, Sad but..not too sad? It's like an emptiness that I don't know what to feel.

And I've heard it's a common reaction but as of right now? I just...I can't do another story arc. Anytime I try I think of Hanako and her arc and just..back out. I CANNOT make myself do another route lol

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:22 am
by SpunkySix
I did that with Emi. It took me half a year to start Rin's route. It's weird, but it's worth it too. Just give yourself some time and let it come naturally.

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:56 am
by Kibaro
Sohtak wrote: *snip*
i feel you man, *proceed to manly shoulder pat hug*

yes, hanako happy ending was my first route as well, the feels it gave me were...unexplainable, also its a good motivator to "play" the whole "game" (i know it's not technicaly a game but i'm too used to calling it that:)) ), anyway the sex scene was a bit awkward as well as the motives behind it, yet it felt ...natural in my head, not to mention the ending scene, my heart squized so hard it was hard to breath (at some point it almost happened:)) ), yeah her outfit really looked impressive on her, especially in the pool scene where she takes aim for the balls :)

and as for trying another route (played for about 2-3 week total i think), i was has to be done...not a fan of bad endings in general...i sure wasnt expecting hanakos to be like that (won't spoil it :) ) but yeah it took me off guard, and as another characters route, well i already took a pretty big liking to lili from hanako's route that i really wanted to see how she actually is and was pleasently surprised ^.^ of her good ending of course :))

SpunkySix wrote:I did that with Emi. It took me half a year to start Rin's route. It's weird, but it's worth it too. Just give yourself some time and let it come naturally.
well i did finish the game as i stated above:) but yeah, i feel better now that i wandered around this forum, as well as katawa seiyu on youtube helped me alot aparently:D

and in my opinion, besides being a lili adorrerer...rererererrr<3 (she is my favorite out of all, tho i like really all the characters...except kenji...obviously), for me personally emi and hisao as a couple were the most..perfect together, they fused way too well together, and it did both of them good (of course im talking about the happy ending:)) )but yeah, emi grew alot on me aswell, she if fun and cheecky and sweet as hell :),

i also felt that each..(well almost each) female character (playable) sends a weird wave of motivation, when i played emi, i really and i still want to, start doing joggs for my health, all from her determination and of course knowing that it would be good for my health:P anyway overall the biggest message that everything in KS showed me was TO NEVER GIVE UP! (i loved the idea of emi running without legs and rin paiting without arms, they laughed in fates face) :P

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:49 am
by ParagonTerminus
I can't cry, I think my tear ducts have shrunken over the years due to my cynicism and coldness.

And then...

I felt the tears welling up in some parts of Hanako's route and at the airport heart attack scene in Lilly's route.

Oh, and, of course, I was all mopey and depressed after both paths.

(Lilly needs to have a bad end where Hisao just dies at the airport)

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:54 am
by Kibaro
ParagonTerminus wrote:I can't cry, I think my tear ducts have shrunken over the years due to my cynicism and coldness.

And then...

I felt the tears welling up in some parts of Hanako's route and at the airport heart attack scene in Lilly's route.

Oh, and, of course, I was all mopey and depressed after both paths.

(Lilly needs to have a bad end where Hisao just dies at the airport)
yeah something tells me that lili would never forgive herself for that.....just the idea of lili in that state makes my heart squeeze :(

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:04 pm
by Sohtak

Oh god...why did I find this? It's my new wallpaper now...Just as I was getting over her ending lol

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:31 am
by Kibaro
Sohtak wrote:

Oh god...why did I find this? It's my new wallpaper now...Just as I was getting over her ending lol
because she doesn't want you to leave her alone xD

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:44 am
by Sohtak
Kibaro wrote:
Sohtak wrote:

Oh god...why did I find this? It's my new wallpaper now...Just as I was getting over her ending lol
because she doesn't want you to leave her alone xD
Apparently not!

Oh lordy me...

Hanako why must you have such a grasp on me

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:46 am
by SpunkySix
Kibaro wrote:
Sohtak wrote:

Oh god...why did I find this? It's my new wallpaper now...Just as I was getting over her ending lol
because she doesn't want you to leave her alone xD
Stop that train of thought right the fuck now before somebody gets their heart torn open. :evil:

Of all the irresponsible, waifu-based, guilt-inducing...

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:47 am
by Kibaro
SpunkySix wrote: Stop that train of thought right the fuck now before somebody gets their heart torn open. :evil:
okok sorry :( going to my lili pillow than...

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:48 am
by SpunkySix
Naw, it's good. Just... that's a toughie of a thought that goes nowhere but to Sad Town.

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:50 am
by Kibaro
SpunkySix wrote:Naw, it's good. Just... that's a toughie of a thought that goes nowhere but to Sad Town.
yea i know:P still going to my lili pillow tho...wanna hug it thigtly <3

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:00 am
by SpunkySix
Kibaro wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Naw, it's good. Just... that's a toughie of a thought that goes nowhere but to Sad Town.
yea i know:P still going to my lili pillow tho...wanna hug it thigtly <3
...what a strange concept that is completely alien to me.

Re: The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:03 am
by Sohtak
SpunkySix wrote:Naw, it's good. Just... that's a toughie of a thought that goes nowhere but to Sad Town.
It certainly wouldn't be my first trip to Sad Town let me tell you :P