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Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:13 pm
by Aura
Gilrond wrote:Was there much disagreement within the team regarding the release date? Did someone feel the game needed more polish, or död everyone pretty much agree that the game was finished?
At the point the release date was set the game was way, way beyond the point of "do we need more polish?". That is to say, no.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:16 pm
by Pyramid Head
Here's a question that's always bothered me.

If Shizune and Lilly are first cousins because their fathers are brothers, why do they have different family names? Shouldn't they BOTH be named Satou or Hakamichi? At one point for a fanfic i was planning on stating that Shizune's parents are divorced and she goes by her mother's maiden name, but you later on see Jigoro referred to as Hakamichi, so what exactly is going on?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:43 pm
by ProfAllister
Pyramid Head wrote:Here's a question that's always bothered me.

If Shizune and Lilly are first cousins because their fathers are brothers, why do they have different family names? Shouldn't they BOTH be named Satou or Hakamichi? At one point for a fanfic i was planning on stating that Shizune's parents are divorced and she goes by her mother's maiden name, but you later on see Jigoro referred to as Hakamichi, so what exactly is going on?
Already answered by Suriko ... 660#p69879
Suriko wrote:Also, the brothers thing is a mistake - Jigoro's wife (Mayoi) is Lilly's father's (Hiroyuki) sister.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:51 pm
by Pyramid Head
ProfAllister wrote:
Pyramid Head wrote:Here's a question that's always bothered me.

If Shizune and Lilly are first cousins because their fathers are brothers, why do they have different family names? Shouldn't they BOTH be named Satou or Hakamichi? At one point for a fanfic i was planning on stating that Shizune's parents are divorced and she goes by her mother's maiden name, but you later on see Jigoro referred to as Hakamichi, so what exactly is going on?
Already answered by Suriko ... 660#p69879
Suriko wrote:Also, the brothers thing is a mistake - Jigoro's wife (Mayoi) is Lilly's father's (Hiroyuki) sister.
And just how were we supposed to know that when we never see Shizune's mother? I'm going to have to go through those two arcs again and see if i can confirm it, because for some reason that sounds off. Maybe it was a concept note that wasn't expanded on fully, but i just want to double check.
But on the other hand, thanks for giving me a legitimate excuse to sit on my ass and go through more of Katawa Shoujo.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:03 pm
by Hongu
Hello, how are you? ^_^ I loved playing through this game, even though I have only done Lilly and Shizune's route so far.
My question might have been answered already, but I'll ask it anyway.
Was there any times during development where there seemed like no hope, or perhaps writer's block? Like, a point in time that made you want to say, "You know, I don't want to continue this.." but eventually you decided, "We need to finish this game."?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:31 pm
by Kyvos
Did you guys ever create a layout for different areas of Yamaku Academy (eg: 1st floor, 2nd floor, dorms, etc.)?
Also, how much info (character full names, back story, etc.) did you guys determine for referencing purposes that was never used in the final release of KS?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:51 pm
by Guest
Hongu wrote:Like, a point in time that made you want to say, "You know, I don't want to continue this.." but eventually you decided, "We need to finish this game."?
Hanako's final route, but none of the devs will admit it

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:10 am
by Mirage_GSM
Pyramid Head wrote:
Suriko wrote:Also, the brothers thing is a mistake - Jigoro's wife (Mayoi) is Lilly's father's (Hiroyuki) sister.
And just how were we supposed to know that when we never see Shizune's mother? I'm going to have to go through those two arcs again and see if i can confirm it, because for some reason that sounds off. Maybe it was a concept note that wasn't expanded on fully, but i just want to double check.
Uh, Suriko is the guy who wrote Lilly's path, so I guess you can take his word for it...
I don't think it was specifically mentioned in the VN.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:38 pm
by Guest90206
At what point was it determined that there would be the Kenji bad ending? It obviously doesn't sound like something y'all planned right off the bat, so where and how did you guys decide to put it in?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:46 pm
by TheHivemind
Guest90206 wrote:At what point was it determined that there would be the Kenji bad ending? It obviously doesn't sound like something y'all planned right off the bat, so where and how did you guys decide to put it in?
Actually the concept of a bad ending where you wound up spending the festival alone was in there pretty early. The idea of having you take a tumble off the roof came later, but there was always going to be a bad ending early in the game that resulted from failing to satisfy any of the conditions for a path. Pretty sure Kenji was tagged for being involved pretty early too, although my memory's a bit hazy on that point.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:16 pm
by Guest
Would you ever sell the IP to a developer to make an Anime out of Katawa SHoujo?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:26 am
by random
how far along into KS's development did you guys decide on Lilly's half-Scottish heritage?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:19 pm
by inquisitivenegro
Which prosthetic limbs does Emi use for running? They wouldn't happen to be Cheetah, would they?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:37 pm
by Aura
Hongu wrote:Hello, how are you? ^_^ I loved playing through this game, even though I have only done Lilly and Shizune's route so far.
My question might have been answered already, but I'll ask it anyway.
Was there any times during development where there seemed like no hope, or perhaps writer's block? Like, a point in time that made you want to say, "You know, I don't want to continue this.." but eventually you decided, "We need to finish this game."?
Well sure. Making KS was hard work and it took a long time, it shouldn't be surprise. I can't really point at some specific moment that made me feel that way, and I generally was one of the more resilient devs in that regard, but I'm sure every one of us had at least a few moments like that.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:40 pm
by Aura
Kyvos wrote:Did you guys ever create a layout for different areas of Yamaku Academy (eg: 1st floor, 2nd floor, dorms, etc.)?
Also, how much info (character full names, back story, etc.) did you guys determine for referencing purposes that was never used in the final release of KS?
Yes we did draw maps of Yamaku (the layout of the school actually was redone 3 times), and we developed background stuff for many characters. There's no extensive, concise bios of anyone written out, not even the main characters. This might be surprising, but a vast majority of our knowledge was and is in our collective headspace and not written down anywhere. It's just how we worked.