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Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:12 am
by Suriko
Jovereign wrote:First post, but have read the boards for some time now. Love the VN and you guys did a tremendous job on it :).

Did you guys ever thought of not necessarily making a sequel to Katawa Shoujo, but making it from a different point of view? From the perspective of the girls? (Lilly, Hanako, Emi, Rin, Shizune)

What I mean is; make it where you get to start out by choosing one out of those 5 characters, you then start out with either them at school or how they go about their days at Yamaku. As well as reading their thoughts and opinions on certain things.

For example, lets say starting with Emi. We read her thoughts on what's currently going on in her life, what's she thinking, what she is currently feeling, etc (pretty much the same way we read Hisao's). Than we finally get to the part where this "new guy" (Hisao) comes to school, and how Emi takes interest of this new guy. Pretty much, she has her own choices on how she pursues Hiaso and Hiaso would do all the choices that would lead into a romance with Emi.

Pretty much the same story, with a different point of view. Probably a pointless and really random question, but just wanted to hear if any of you ever considered something like this. I'll come up with a better question next time I swear :(.

There was an extremely short-lived idea from way back in the early first drafts, where Hanako and Lilly had a common trunk path before splitting, that had Hanako's point of view being used for a particular third path that wasn't the main Hanako branch nor Lilly branch. It was scrapped pretty quickly before anything was written.

While fanciful ideas of a Miki path were being thought about, the two main possibilities were either a branch off Emi path with Hisao as the protagonist as usual, or a separate path accessed off the extras menu that had Miki as the point of view character (and didn't deal with Hisao).

Any type of followon to KS after release was never on the cards, though.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:25 am
by Jovereign
Suriko wrote:
Jovereign wrote:First post, but have read the boards for some time now. Love the VN and you guys did a tremendous job on it :).

Did you guys ever thought of not necessarily making a sequel to Katawa Shoujo, but making it from a different point of view? From the perspective of the girls? (Lilly, Hanako, Emi, Rin, Shizune)

What I mean is; make it where you get to start out by choosing one out of those 5 characters, you then start out with either them at school or how they go about their days at Yamaku. As well as reading their thoughts and opinions on certain things.

For example, lets say starting with Emi. We read her thoughts on what's currently going on in her life, what's she thinking, what she is currently feeling, etc (pretty much the same way we read Hisao's). Than we finally get to the part where this "new guy" (Hisao) comes to school, and how Emi takes interest of this new guy. Pretty much, she has her own choices on how she pursues Hiaso and Hiaso would do all the choices that would lead into a romance with Emi.

Pretty much the same story, with a different point of view. Probably a pointless and really random question, but just wanted to hear if any of you ever considered something like this. I'll come up with a better question next time I swear :(.

There was an extremely short-lived idea from way back in the early first drafts, where Hanako and Lilly had a common trunk path before splitting, that had Hanako's point of view being used for a particular third path that wasn't the main Hanako branch nor Lilly branch. It was scrapped pretty quickly before anything was written.

While fanciful ideas of a Miki path were being thought about, the two main possibilities were either a branch off Emi path with Hisao as the protagonist as usual, or a separate path accessed off the extras menu that had Miki as the point of view character (and didn't deal with Hisao).

Any type of followon to KS after release was never on the cards, though.
Wow that was quick! XD Thank you for answering! Very interesting to hear.

Ok I just thought of that better question. How exactly did the process begin of creating KS? Did one person come up with an idea to make a VN and already written all of Act one as well as the characters, personalty, and than just got a group to write each route separately. Or did you all get together and wrote the entire thing together while being assigned to write a character path?

Really quick question too...but Who wrote the Kenji ending? Not sure if it's worth a spoiler or not but did it just in case. XD

Once again, thank you so much for answering :).


Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:28 am
by Aura
Jovereign wrote:Wow that was quick! XD Thank you for answering! Very interesting to hear.

Ok I just thought of that better question. How exactly did the process begin of creating KS? Did one person come up with an idea to make a VN and already written all of Act one as well as the characters, personalty, and than just got a group to write each route separately. Or did you all get together and wrote the entire thing together while being assigned to write a character path?

Really quick question too...but Who wrote the Kenji ending? Not sure if it's worth a spoiler or not but did it just in case. XD

Once again, thank you so much for answering :).

I've written a two-part blog post about the history of the project. The first part covers the beginning of the project. Basically, it was more like your latter description but not quite. ... houjo.html

The scene was written by A22, with delta chipping in a few bits.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:00 am
by Jovereign
Aura wrote:
Jovereign wrote:Wow that was quick! XD Thank you for answering! Very interesting to hear.

Ok I just thought of that better question. How exactly did the process begin of creating KS? Did one person come up with an idea to make a VN and already written all of Act one as well as the characters, personalty, and than just got a group to write each route separately. Or did you all get together and wrote the entire thing together while being assigned to write a character path?

Really quick question too...but Who wrote the Kenji ending? Not sure if it's worth a spoiler or not but did it just in case. XD

Once again, thank you so much for answering :).

I've written a two-part blog post about the history of the project. The first part covers the beginning of the project. Basically, it was more like your latter description but not quite. ... houjo.html

The scene was written by A22, with delta chipping in a few bits.
Wow. After reading part 1, I wonder how you guys still ended up toughing it out and finishing the game with the struggles you guys dealt with.

You also mentioned in that blog that now you look back, you would have done things a lot differently compared to when you and the rest of the team actually started the project. What exactly would you have done differently back than now that you look back on it?

Lastly, for anyone that was inspired by KS and wanted to start their own VN, what kind of advice would you give to those people based on your experiences with making VNs?


Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:08 am
by Aura
Jovereign wrote:Wow. After reading part 1, I wonder how you guys still ended up toughing it out and finishing the game with the struggles you guys dealt with.

You also mentioned in that blog that now you look back, you would have done things a lot differently compared to when you and the rest of the team actually started the project. What exactly would you have done differently back than now that you look back on it?

Lastly, for anyone that was inspired by KS and wanted to start their own VN, what kind of advice would you give to those people based on your experiences with making VNs?

You have to understand that none of us knew what we were doing back when we started, but now we have years of experience and wisdom with us. We'd do almost everything differently, production-wise, so it would take a couple of long essays to give a proper answer to your question. Especially planning, documentation and communication should be more meticulous than what we did. Content-wise we'd go to a different direction too. KS wouldn't be set in a Japanese high school if we started making it today.

Don't be inspired by what KS is, be inspired by how it was made. We set a goal and reached it, against all odds. Also, don't set a ludicrous goal like we did, start small. Finishing a project is the most important thing, so you learn every aspect of creating a VN, and completing something big is very hard. Finally, understand what you're doing. Lay out a map of your project and plan every aspect of it, don't just start from square one and go blindly from there.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:16 am
by KeiichiO
Aura wrote:KS wouldn't be set in a Japanese high school if we started making it today.
Whoa, okay, this has peaked my curiosity.

So what you mean is that the setting would be elsewhere? For example, America? Or do you mean just not at a high school? It's kind of a silly thing to be curious about, but I'd like to know how the game would work with being set at a different location, weather it's in a totally different country, or just a different location set in Japan.

I'm not sure if KS would have quite the same feel if it wasn't set in Japan, if that were the case, but I'm pretty sure I'd like it despite its location.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:21 pm
by Aura
KeiichiO wrote:
Aura wrote:KS wouldn't be set in a Japanese high school if we started making it today.
Whoa, okay, this has peaked my curiosity.

So what you mean is that the setting would be elsewhere? For example, America? Or do you mean just not at a high school? It's kind of a silly thing to be curious about, but I'd like to know how the game would work with being set at a different location, weather it's in a totally different country, or just a different location set in Japan.

I'm not sure if KS would have quite the same feel if it wasn't set in Japan, if that were the case, but I'm pretty sure I'd like it despite its location.
Either, or more likely, both.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:40 pm
by TehLandshark
This question goes out to any or all writers of KS: What was your favorite route to play other than your own when playing KS?
I personally liked Lilly as a girlfriend, Rin as a character, Hanako as a story, and Emi as a route in its entirety. Shizune doesn't stand out in any way, but is still pretty good overall.
Edit 1: I found a cpl_crud interview where he (writer for Hanako) said that Rin was the most well-written while Lilly had the most heart. I can agree with that for the most part.
Edit 2: I found a TheHiveMind (Writer for Emi) interview where he said Rin because of its uniqueness. That leaves 3 to go.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:36 am
by Erpi
I'm sorry if this question has been answered before but the fact that Hanako is 18 y/o and not 19 like Emi has been bugging me for some time now. Assuming things went like Cpl Crud's "H29 – Future", Hanako should not have been able to complete that year of school.
The fire happened during the winter meaning it was the middle of the school year (I think). I have a rl friend who is also my classmate and he is a year older than me. He had a nasty virus around the same age as Hanako had the accident and was in the hospital for 2 months resulting in him having to redo his year.
The art is always a little bit different but I'm assuming Hanako has up to 40% 3rd degree burns. I searched for stories of burn victims and how long it took them to recover and just to put forth an example one person with 20% burns said he had intense pain years after it happened. Yes Hanako most likely had a lot of nerve damage but some parts must have remained intact causing her to experience a lot of pain. This in combination with the psychological trauma of losing ones parents leaves me to doubt that she would be thrown back into school after only a few weeks. You could argue that I underestimate Hanako's intellect and that she is a lot more capable than I think but the friend I was talking about is slightly autistic. This results in him being able to memorize almost anything he reads with ease and has an IQ of +-120. My point being that if he had to redo his year, then how come Hanako didn't?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:49 am
by Suriko
Nothing outside of the game is canon. This is also one reason why we dislike releasing previously cut scenes.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:38 pm
by Guest Poster
I wondered about that too at times. I always kind of handwaved it away by telling myself Emi and Hanako have different ways to pass the time. Emi spends much of her time running and isn't the type to pick up a book in her free time, while reading is pretty much all Hanako does when she's not in class. It's likely why she's still able to get decent marks despite skipping a lot of her classes. It's possible Hanako was "homeschooled" some of the time during her time in the hospital.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:27 pm
by neio
Was the "Aura Mart" intentional? Is that an actual business?

Re: Ask!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:05 pm
by Solistor
If this was already asked, then direct me to the post, but why do Shizune and Lilly hate each other so much? I mean, their personalities can't be that different to constitute all the passive-aggressive fighting. I recall somewhere that Lilly and Shizune's fathers dislike each other but as revealed by that one photograph, Lilly and Shizune used to get along. Maybe I just didn't read deep enough, but I'm feeling a little lost as to why they harbor so much animosity towards each other.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:15 pm
by A Forum Member
A question for TheHivemind about Emi's path: When Hisao was at Emi's mother's house for the first time he still didn't have any clue about Emi's father dying in the accident, why is that? I think it was pretty obvious to the readers at that point.

Re: Ask!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:01 pm
by epicfacej
I know that you have already said that the dev team has no plans for any future content, but I want to know (if its not pushing it too much) what is your personal view on future content, like do you think it should be done etc.