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Re: KS writefag threads

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:08 pm
by Silentcook
I aim to please. :mrgreen:

Re: KS writefag threads

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:09 pm
by Arias
Oh wow, Thanks SC

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:59 pm
by Guest
I know I'm Slowpoking here but, it got deleted from /tg/?? We have like 20 quest threads every day and half of them are apparently good enough to end up in the /tg/ archive with positive scores.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:28 pm
by Niko Sharquez
Guest wrote:I know I'm Slowpoking here but, it got deleted from /tg/?? We have like 20 quest threads every day and half of them are apparently good enough to end up in the /tg/ archive with positive scores.
Pretty sure its some asshole janitor/mod who just watches for these threads to 404 them/

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:30 pm
by Arias
Niko Sharquez wrote:
Guest wrote:I know I'm Slowpoking here but, it got deleted from /tg/?? We have like 20 quest threads every day and half of them are apparently good enough to end up in the /tg/ archive with positive scores.
Pretty sure its some asshole janitor/mod who just watches for these threads to 404 them/

Yeah, moot said that the mods and janitors are global and can look at any board they feel like, so it probably is just one mod/janitor who is an ass

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:58 pm
by Snicket
I never thought i'd see the day when they would allow 20+ (what ever series is currently airing) threads, but instantly delete any KS related ones.

I'm guessing the mod/janitor(s) that are doing this, are just being a**holes because they don't like VNs. That or they're mad that there isn't going to be a Misha path, so they decide to abuse there power to make themselves feel a little less like crap.

-But that's just my opinion ;)

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:22 pm
by The Laughing Man
I just personally think it's anger because they feel like it's just bad Gaia fanfiction. I won't lie and say I haven't done some self-gratification during some threads I've ran, but it's a good time had by all, in my opinion. Moot's opened the questioning lately, so now might be a good time to once and for all find out if CYOA adventures of any time are allowed on /a/, /tg/, or whatever board. If they are, great, we can go back to doing what it is we do. If not, then either moot makes a /cyoa/ board, (highly unlikely), a /vn/ board (again, probably unlikely, since /jp/ has a catch-all for anything that isn't anime or manga related), or, more likely, we go somewhere else.

Of course, this could all be bullshit and the mods/janitors are just massive trolls. It could go either way, being 4chan and all.

Hopefully, the issue is resolved without making too much of a fuss, since I'd like to continue writing without feeling like I have to fight for it.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:23 pm
by Arias
The Laughing Man wrote: Moot's opened the questioning lately, so now might be a good time to once and for all find out if CYOA adventures of any time are allowed on /a/, /tg/, or whatever board.
I submitted the question earlier today when I saw that. First thing that came to my mind of what I would ask him

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:28 pm
by Snicket
Gaia? *Holds head* Oh god, anything but that!

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:31 pm
by ThreeStep
Guest wrote:I know I'm Slowpoking here but, it got deleted from /tg/?? We have like 20 quest threads every day and half of them are apparently good enough to end up in the /tg/ archive with positive scores.
I'm not too up-to-date on quest threads, but most of them seemed more tg-related than KS. Stuff like "You are a frost giant" and "Zeonquest."
Also, 4chan's always been erratic. Right now /a/'s throwing fits over the name change and some comic. Maaybe when things have quieted down they'll be more receptive to KS again.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:01 am
ThreeStep wrote:
Guest wrote:I know I'm Slowpoking here but, it got deleted from /tg/?? We have like 20 quest threads every day and half of them are apparently good enough to end up in the /tg/ archive with positive scores.
I'm not too up-to-date on quest threads, but most of them seemed more tg-related than KS. Stuff like "You are a frost giant" and "Zeonquest."
Also, 4chan's always been erratic. Right now /a/'s throwing fits over the name change and some comic. Maaybe when things have quieted down they'll be more receptive to KS again.
the janator was following us through the links on this forum. I know it.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:13 am
by LiquidOcelot
DESU wrote:the janator was following us through the links on this forum. I know it.
I guess I'll just wait until moot settles this then.
I've been reworking my campaign to use simple D&D rules for stats/actions.
It's proven to be very interesting.
I've been writing everything in advance; all branching paths, not all of which will end up being used depending on the choices.
It's looking like day 1 will be just under 10000 words, but the actual thread will be a bit less.
It'll be like a trial run to see how my hybrid works, and establish a story premise.
Once I get the hang on things I should be able to manage a thread once week depending on my obligations/deadlines.

I really hope we manage to negotiate some /tg/ access.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:39 am
LiquidOcelot wrote:
DESU wrote:the janator was following us through the links on this forum. I know it.
I guess I'll just wait until moot settles this then.
I've been reworking my campaign to use simple D&D rules for stats/actions.
It's proven to be very interesting.
I've been writing everything in advance; all branching paths, not all of which will end up being used depending on the choices.
It's looking like day 1 will be just under 10000 words, but the actual thread will be a bit less.
It'll be like a trial run to see how my hybrid works, and establish a story premise.
Once I get the hang on things I should be able to manage a thread once week depending on my obligations/deadlines.

I really hope we manage to negotiate some /tg/ access.
well niggawatts is a mod on freechan and said that we are welcome there. if you really want to give it a go, just start the thread normal time (11 CST) and announce it on the threads
Captain Niggawatts wrote:


I can guarantee that the moderators won't care if you post there.

but as for 4chan, we should probably give the babies time to cry before starting to post again.

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:40 pm
by The Laughing Man
DESU wrote:but as for 4chan, we should probably give the babies time to cry before starting to post again.
[shimmie=124]WHO SENDS ALL THESE BABIES TO FIGHT?[/shimmie]

Re: KS CYOA threads

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:52 pm
by Snicket
From the looks of things, it looks like 4chan mods and janitors are going be swinging there power around for a while. So to all of those looking for your 'ks fix' can check out some of my earlier work. To tide you over till this BS is taken care of. Also till it is, i'm going to be venting my creativity in some of my older threads. So look out for that.