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Re: Which storyline should I complete next?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:48 am
by Megumeru
I'd say...Emi.

Then Rin for the heavy-finale. After you went through all the feels, run Shizune's.

Re: Bad Endings Before the Good?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:33 pm
by MasterJHG
personally i get Hanako's neutral ending first...'cause I don't have the flow chart, I was good because I feel better when I can made to the good one (yeah I screwed in the phonecall scene), i think is best to leave the good endings for last, you feel better when you get them...belive me (except for Shizune, i rather like see a thing like Hisao "conforting" Misha more often, and of curse a break-up, than a simplily forever alone Shizune...)

Lily may not have a bad ending at all...well her neutral really feels like a bad one, but I think a bad ending for must be something like Hisao looking for her, in simple day and then realize that she i think of it, is better than this actually not happen, that shuold get me very depresed

Re: Which storyline should I complete next?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:51 pm
by mysterycycle
Really hard to say. All I can tell you is what I did and let you draw your own conclusions.

Emi was my first path, and for the most part, I loved the experience. I'm about to play through it a second time after I finish my second go-through with Hanako, to remind myself of all the reasons I fell in love with Emi.

I did Shizune's path second-to-last because her personality seemed so unlike mine that I figured I might not empathize as much with her plot as I did with the others. I was proven more correct than I thought I would be; I lost interest halfway through and had to push myself to complete it, but it must be said that Shizune strikes a chord with some of the folks here (why, hello, Megumeru), and she may do the same for you.

I ended up choosing Rin's path for the last one, because I had absolutely no preconceived notions about what a relationship with her would be like. I noticed a lot of people chose Rin's path as their favorite, though, so I was kind of going with the "save the best for last" notion as well. In the end, I think her path hurt the most to experience. Your Mileage May Vary.

Re: Which storyline should I complete next?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:04 pm
by Scissors110
I posted on here a couple of weeks ago asking people if I should use walkthroughs to get all of the bad endings out of the way before the good. In the end, I decided to just make the decisions as I would make them, and I've been enjoying the experience SO much more than I would have if I just read what to choose. My opinion, don't use flowcharts, make the decisions yourself. As for who you should go for next, Shizune's route seemed a bit longer than the other ones to me, if that matters. The order I did them in was Lilly, Hanako, Shizune, Emi, and I still have to tackle Rin's arc. So far, I like Lilly's the most, with Emi's taking second place. Shizune and Hanako are kind of a toss up for me. Like a previous poster said, really expect the unexpected when it comes to judging characters!

Re: Which storyline should I complete next?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:05 pm
by Titus
I went with Rin last, thinking I wouldn't give a crap about her or the story. Oh, how I was pants-on-head dumb and absolutely wrong...

I recommend Rin last, it's the best going away party from KS :wink:

Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:43 am
by NoPurposeNaji
Hey guys! ^_^

So far, i've played both great endings for Emi and Lily , respectively. I've yet to play the others and painfully know the bad endings that came about for Emi and Lily.
Since i've been so emotionally invested in just these two, i was wondering which girls i should pursue (not what it sounds like...) next? I've been told that Hanako and Rin have really tragic ends (or at least the path to get there), and i just don't think i want to do that being fresh off of 2 amazing endings. Any ideas?

EDIT :- In line with the topic, i'd like to ask how each of you proceeded once you finished an Arc. Each is wonderfully told, and i have no doubt you'd all have been affected in some way or the other. Share your stories! :D

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:34 am
by uzl
Everyone gets the feels, but if I were you, I'd go through all the bad endings first and then complete all the good endings so you HOPEFULLY become happy from the good ending feels.

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:42 am
by horizon
You could take a break and come back to KS later. There's no reason to rush from one arc to the next.

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:31 am
by ravenlord
Yeah no need to rush -- there are only 5 routes and no sequel -- so take your time and enjoy each one individually and savor each like a literal love affair :)

Also, convert those feels into something constructive IRL. New hobbies, new goals, something like that. By associating KS with something new and pleasant, you can really leverage that feeling and do some good things for yourself at the same time too!

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:24 pm
by Enemy |
Anyone who'd give you advice in this would be incredibly biased, to be honest. Everyone has their favorites, and they'd try to push those to you.
Go with what you feel like at the time. All routes have a bit of "sad" and a bit of "happy".

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:48 pm
by yummines
Rin is the only character in this game to have both 2 bad ends and a bittersweet good end


Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:45 am
by NoPurposeNaji
ravenlord wrote:Yeah no need to rush -- there are only 5 routes and no sequel -- so take your time and enjoy each one individually and savor each like a literal love affair :)

Also, convert those feels into something constructive IRL. New hobbies, new goals, something like that. By associating KS with something new and pleasant, you can really leverage that feeling and do some good things for yourself at the same time too!
Cheers for that :)
I'm actually thinking of giving up KS, period.
Not that you'd be particularly interested to know, but i felt drawn to Lily from the moment I reached at her point in Act 1. Emi was also pretty interesting, and both their respective arcs were very fullfilling. To me, Hanako is someone i feel pity for more than compassion, Shizune just seems very off-putting and Rin seems like someone who'd never appreciate Hisao outside of her own abstract little world. Of course, to see everyone so strongly affected by them means they must be written amazingly well, But i guess i have what i came for...

Rant over :)

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:56 pm
by horizon
NoPurposeNaji wrote:To me, Hanako is someone i feel pity for more than compassion
That's definitely not a good attitude to have when playing her route. OTOH, playing through it would probably change your views for better.

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:14 pm
by ShadeHaven
I'd say save Hanako for last. I think her route is a nice way to end KS.

Re: Emotions - Where to proceed from now?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:38 pm
by Kouryuu
ShadeHaven wrote:I'd say save Hanako for last. I think her route is a nice way to end KS.
I am totally biased and I agree.

I personally am not pursuing any other path, I want to and maybe in time I will but for now I am happy with just playing Hanako's path. <3

It's really up to you. I think if your happy with the experiences so far then there's no need to carry on but if you want to see the other paths then definitely go for it. I think you'd have to disconnect yourself from the other paths as if you never played them or something...I dunno. I just personally prefer to connect to a character and not just forget them like they are nothing. Hehe ^^