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Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:10 pm
by Guest
Hypothermia wrote:Typically, by the time a girl and you sex, they have your trust. Typically.
So the whole "lights off scared i have burns dont look at me" thing may or may not be valid.
Trust is one thing, but many people have things they Just Can't Do, even with someone they trust completely. For Hanako, I strongly suspect leaving the lights on would be one of those, at least at first. It's not about trust; it's about her own low self-image, something that's hardcoded into the RAITA picture.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:47 pm
by ubergeneral
first time sex is going to be awkward regaurdless of weather you have a disability or not. So the whole missing limbs thing is kinda moot. I'm sure both girls have thought about how sex would be with their disability.

As for hanako we don't know what she has read. I don't think she does read many romantic novals. If she got to something like that it would feel awkward and she would stop reading


then again she might always have secretly wished for a man to sweep her off her feet and read those kinds of books all the time. I guess it's up to the writers.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:38 am
by Hypothermia
In the end, isn't everything? As we sit here playing in our feces and waiting for the full game to come out, they already possess all the answers.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:59 am
by Loki
Hypothermia wrote:In the end, isn't everything? As we sit here playing in our feces and waiting for the full game to come out, they already possess all the answers.
ssshhh, stop bringing logic into it! :P

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:10 am
by Rade Valor
DuaneMoody wrote:
Nosson wrote:"What would sex with each of the girls be like?"
Less interesting than with them all together.

"Dearly departed, we are gathered here today to remember Hisao Nakai, a young man whose final wishes were to have HE DID THEM ALL on his gravestone."
i just found my new motto lmao

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:49 pm
by PsychoPJ
Hanako's Scenario
It's been a long day, and before we knew it, we were in front of Hanako's dorm. She continues in and heads to her room. So I decided to keep following her. Since I came all the way here, I guess there's nothing to lose and asked:

Hisao: Can I come in?

Hanako freezes when she realizes that I'm still with her, and a blush spreads over her face. She looks down, then nods.

So cute.

She opens the door and stood to one side to let me in.

I took a look around her room. It appears void of most trimming that you'd expect from a girl's room except for a stuffed owl wearing a diploma cap sitting on her desk. What is there are books. There are books of every genre, written by authors that I don't recognize. Her shelves are crammed full of them, with the rest lying in stacks on the floor. If I have to say, it's a very Hanako-like room.

She sits on the bed. I don't want to sit on the book stack, so I sat to her left on the bed. An awkward silence falls over us, broken only by us shifting on the bed. We can't seem to think about something to talk about. And for some reason, we can't look at each other.

Then my fingers touched her's and she stiffens. I also froze. When after a few minutes and she didn't pull away, I took the initiative and laid my hand on her's and gave it a gentle squeeze. I turned towards her. She was looking down at our hands, then slowly she raised her head and our eyes met.

I leaned forward. She close her eyes and I mine flickered shut. Our lips touched, and we shared deep kiss. I reached up to touch her face. But when my fingers made contact with her right cheek, she immediately drew back.

Hanako: "No! I-I... uh..."

Her voice trails off. She turns away. I'm already familiar with her nature, so this is to be expected. Instead of pressing forward, I decide it's better to make her comfortable. Looking around, I spotted a folded, fuzzy blanket flumped on a chair. I stood and walked over to pick it up. When I turned around, she is looking questioningly at the blanket in my arms. I smiled assuringly then spread the blanket out over her. It floats down and completely covers her. A moment later, she peeks out from the edge. She wraps it around her and bundled up, leaving only her face visible.

I feel a smile spread across at my face at how adorable she looks swaddled in the blanket. Unable to resist, I hug her. This time, Hanako didn't move away.

We stay there, Hanako-bundle in my arms. Whether it's temporary insanity or being overwhelmed by passion, I reach into the folds of the blanket and slipped my hand underneath her clothes. I started fondling her breast. Hanako moans softly as I continue on to stimulating her nipples. Working my way down, I go past her belly, then I slipped my fingers between her and starts rubbing.

Hanako: Mmm... ah!

Hearing her gasp cuts through the hormone-induced haze in my mind and brings back some sense into me. Feeling a little guilty, I pulled my hand back, when I felt Hanako grab it.

Hanako: Don't... Please continue.

She opens up the blanket and bring it around me until it enshrouds us both. Then we begin to make love within its warm folds.


Laconic: Hanako love scene in a warm, fuzzy blanket.

Seems appropriate. I really can't see a scene with Hanako in any other way. There's just something really sweet about being wrapped up in a cozy blanket. I think being surrounded by stuffed toys also work, but I don't think Hanako would be the type to fill her room with them.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:03 pm
by Zero
No matter who he has sex with, or how, all the excitement of the sex would kill Hisao ( I mean, he about died from just being asked out!!!!).
DuaneMoody wrote:"Dearly departed, we are gathered here today to remember Hisao Nakai, a young man whose final wishes were to have HE DID THEM ALL on his gravestone."

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:44 pm
by Deimos
Zero wrote:No matter who he has sex with, or how, all the excitement of the sex would kill Hisao ( I mean, he about died from just being asked out!!!!).
DuaneMoody wrote:"Dearly departed, we are gathered here today to remember Hisao Nakai, a young man whose final wishes were to have HE DID THEM ALL on his gravestone."
Let us not forget:
Hisao is now getting medication and had several surgeries!

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:10 pm
by Seroanth
And depending on the girl, exercise.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:25 pm
by Snicket
Well after reading this entire thread, I've come to realize something. You guys have given this a lot of thought, especially regarding the emotion and such during such events. Though i honestly say that i haven't really given much thought on the topic. (Which is probably why, "Lucky Rabbits Foot" sucked)

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:04 am
by Bara
Snicket wrote:Well after reading this entire thread, I've come to realize something. You guys have given this a lot of thought, especially regarding the emotion and such during such events. Though i honestly say that i haven't really given much thought on the topic. (Which is probably why, "Lucky Rabbits Foot" sucked)
Or maybe we've thought so much about it because we are all obsessive compulsive about our fap material?? Naaaah! Not that... :roll:

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:34 am
by chocolatebear
Snicket wrote:Well after reading this entire thread, I've come to realize something. You guys have given this a lot of thought, especially regarding the emotion and such during such events. Though i honestly say that i haven't really given much thought on the topic. (Which is probably why, "Lucky Rabbits Foot" sucked)
I sort of skimmed through a lot of out but what I did read what pretty interesting, maybe I'm just a strange chick flick kind of guy or something but I honestly haven't given the H-scenes any though either, most of what I've thought about it was the relationship building and romantics. I have to admit though, after reading PsychoPJ's hanako scenario I am quite interested in this aspect of the game.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:14 pm
by Out of the Loop
chocolatebear wrote:
Snicket wrote:Well after reading this entire thread, I've come to realize something. You guys have given this a lot of thought, especially regarding the emotion and such during such events. Though i honestly say that i haven't really given much thought on the topic. (Which is probably why, "Lucky Rabbits Foot" sucked)
I sort of skimmed through a lot of out but what I did read what pretty interesting, maybe I'm just a strange chick flick kind of guy or something but I honestly haven't given the H-scenes any though either, most of what I've thought about it was the relationship building and romantics. I have to admit though, after reading PsychoPJ's hanako scenario I am quite interested in this aspect of the game.
Don't worry - you're not alone in that aspect. I originally thought that the H scenes might ruin this (so far) delicious VN but after reading what PsychoPJ wrote up, I am now curious and looking forward to what these scenes might entail.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:46 am
by PsychoPJ
Rin's Scenario

I slowly rouse from my slumber. Blinking to clear the drowsiness, I stared at the ceiling. I seem to have had a dream of some sort, but I can’t recall what it is. I give up after a few minutes and swung my legs to the side of the bed. Just as I am about to get to up, there was a knock on my door.

Rin: “You’re here. That’s good.”

Hisao. “Rin. What brings you here?”

Rin: “I need help. Come with me.”

With that short announcement, Rin announces her presence. She’s the one person I wouldn’t expect to show up at my door in the morning.

Hisao: “Uh, sure. Let me change first.”

Rin nods and leans against the walls outside my room. I hurriedly changed from my pajamas. Since it’s Rin, her request must be important for her to come all the way here.

When we get into the entrance hall of her dormitory, Rin stops.

Rin: “And now you’re here.”

Hisao: “Er, yes?”

I couldn’t think of anything else to say in reply to her sudden announcement. But I suppose it doesn’t matter as Rin begins walking again. We turn a corner and Rin.

Rin: “I woke up just when Emi was going to go on her run. She was going to help me get ready after she comes back. But I told her that I’ll be getting someone else to help me take a bath, that’s why she’s not here.”

Hisao: “Okay... So who’s this person who’s going to help you?”

Rin: “It’s you.”

Hisao: “I see, so it’s me... wait, what?”

Laconic: Bath time with Rin.

It's a bit long, so I just put down the first part.

I was planning on posting Shizune's scenario next, with Emi and Lilly after, and leaving Rin last since hers seem the least simple. The bath scene was actually meant for Lilly, Rin was just suppose to have the help with clothes bit. But as the creative process works out, it ends up being assimilated into Rin's.

At first, I was just trying to outline the general idea just like with Hanako's, but I can't seem to be able to do so for Rin without adding in a bit more detail. The other girls have more or less have straightforward scenes, which doesn't work too well for Rin. I only had half a page for her, but once things get rolling, half a page becomes a full page, then two, then five, until it balloons into a full-blown, 3500+ words scene.

It's not quite a sex scene, but it can lead up to it. You can probably insert one at the end and it will work. I just chose going back to class because it's already a little too long.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:59 pm
by ZystraL
You just made me want to choose the Rin path when the whole thing comes out now just because of that bath scene.

Good god, the CG for that. [/nosebleed]