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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:13 pm
by newnar
LOL WUT wrote:Eprlide
I can relate to you.

In the fifth grade there was a group of boys.
I thought that they were good people.

DEAR GOD Was I Wrong

First of all the leader of this premature mafia called ever girl that did not like him a cunt HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT THAT IN 5TH GRADE!

So until then I was completely oblivious what this guys were doing, hell sometimes I would even defend them in arguments.

Then one day we were at recess, and at the school I went to the teachers had their "coffee" breaks so therere was no supervision.

There was a girl playing jump rope at the corner of the field by herself.
So the king douche of the group saw her and walked to her.

Now let me inform you. I did have a conscious so I could tell when things were nice, mean or just nasty.

So he walked up to the girl and started calling her names until she started crying.
I was sitting on a bench since I was not one for sports or running.
I heard the cries and walked over.

He continued to call her names and she continued to cry.

Then something snapped inside me.
I have never been in a fight until then, but I have watched enough action movies to know how to punch someone. And I did obviously all of the kid's stories on 'how he always wins his fights' were lies to make him look cool because he ran right when he got up.

So I walked to the girl talked to her, comforted her and became her friend.

We became best friends in middle school and boyfriend and girl friend in highschool.

Now we are in collage and are living together in an apartment.
Don't you EVER leave her, you lucky son of......

A third of my friends whom I hang out with are either autistic or have some form of learning disorder. So I know exacty what you mean.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:20 pm
"Guess Who's Back? Back Again.
LOL WUT'S Back! Back Again"

So yeah. I didn't die... Uh... *Cheers*

Or Did I? And My Ghost Is Haunting The Forums?

It was just a heart flutter not a heart attack so I should be fine.

And That Means You Get More Bullshit Nonsense Again!*Cheers*

What? You Don't Want My Bullshit Nonsense?
Well Fuck You Then.

Edit: Just Noticed The Post Before Me.
Trust Me, I won't.
At All.
Under Any Circumstance.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:23 pm
by theartificial
LOL WUT wrote:"Guess Who's Back? Back Again.
LOL WUT'S Back! Back Again"

So yeah. I didn't die... Uh... *Cheers*

Or Did I? And My Ghost Is Haunting The Forums?

It was just a heart flutter not a heart attack so I should be fine.

And That Means You Get More Bullshit Nonsense Again!*Cheers*

What? You Don't Want My Bullshit Nonsense?
Well Fuck You Then.
That's great to hear LOL WUT. I for one love seeing your nonsensical ramblings.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:44 pm
by Oddball

So yeah. I didn't die... Uh... *Cheers*
Cheers was a good show. I miss that show.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:53 pm
Oddball wrote:

So yeah. I didn't die... Uh... *Cheers*
Cheers was a good show. I miss that show.
It took me a while to figure out what you meant, but I watched the show when I was two, so cut me some slack.
I just remember snippets from when I used to watch it. Funny Show.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:57 pm
by Helbereth
I miss Cheers...

"Makin' your way in the world today takes everything you got; gettin' away from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away...? Sometimes you wanna go: where everybody knows your name!... And they're always glad you came!... You wanna be where people see; troubles are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name!..."

Actually kinda reminds me of this thread... minus the alcohol.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:17 pm
by Oddball
Helbereth wrote:I miss Cheers...

"Makin' your way in the world today takes everything you got; gettin' away from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away...? Sometimes you wanna go: where everybody knows your name!... And they're always glad you came!... You wanna be where people see; troubles are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name!..."

Actually kinda reminds me of this thread... minus the alcohol.
hmmmm...katawa shoujo fanfic where instead of meeting in a school, they all meet a few years later in a bar.... has possibilities...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:20 pm
by Helbereth
Oddball wrote:
Helbereth wrote:I miss Cheers...

"Makin' your way in the world today takes everything you got; gettin' away from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away...? Sometimes you wanna go: where everybody knows your name!... And they're always glad you came!... You wanna be where people see; troubles are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name!..."

Actually kinda reminds me of this thread... minus the alcohol.
hmmmm...katawa shoujo fanfic where instead of meeting in a school, they all meet a few years later in a bar.... has possibilities...
How sad is it that I'm sitting here listening to different music and I was able to write out those lyrics from memory?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:22 pm
by Beoran
First, I feel that I have to repeat and stress again that while I don't mind an occasional joke, I'd like this thread to stay on topic as much as possible. Yes, I know I am guilty of going a bit of off topic at times, but I want to repent as well. As Koryuu and Eprlide have noticed, it's becoming too hard to keep track of this thread. I also feel there are too many short messages flying around. I'd say that, as a rule, if your post is shorter than one paragraph, and if it's doesn't contain either (an update) of your story, or some advice/comment on someone else's story, then it would probably be better to send it as a private message in stead, or "save it up" until you have enough on-topic material to include with your jokes.

This thread is a great thing but I want all of you to keep in mind that the goal is to let people tell their story and to listen to them, and that may become too hard if there is too much jokes and other off-topic stuff flying around. Please use private messages if you want just want to joke, banter or fool around. This thread will soon reach 2000 messages and I'd like it to stay mostly readable for the people who come here to talk.

Myshina, Mr C.I.P. is far worse than I could imagine. He seems to see you just as a thing, not as a human being. That's not even infatuation, it's trying to use someone combined with clumsy attempts at manipulation. What a disaster. Anyway, I hope it will be solved in a positive way for you . As for him, I really, really, hope he will see the light, but the more I hear the more I doubt he will... So let's just say I hope he'll leave you alone and then someone will do to him what he tried to do to you... Also, I hope that this whole story hasn't dented your belief in man and mankind too much. As you can see from this thread, there are plenty of decent people and guys out there, and you're bound to meet someone who is good for you.

You seem like a nice young lady, but I guess that may have the unfortunate side effect of you seeming attractive to men with bad intentions who hope that you'll be an easy target. I guess that makes it harder for you, since you have to be extra careful and filter out guys like Mr. C.I.P., but at the same time not reject clumsy guys with good intentions. We men often complain on how hard it is to find a good girl, but you ladies don't have it easy either. Keep going at it, I'm sure you'll find someone who'll make you happy.

Walrusfella, while it's good to keep going at it, it's also important to remember that "Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different outcomes." Even if they cant provide any feedback on why they rejected you in the end, you must have some gut feeling about the interview and the resume, and how you could improve this. In the job where I was hired, immediately when I walked in they told me "We really need someone like you" and the rest of the interview was more about them convincing me to work for them. :) That's because I had a good resume that fitted what they needed well. So I'd say, keep at it, but also continuously evaluate your approach. Try to learn continuously, and if your current approach doesn't work, then try to change it and see if that improves anything. Perseverance alone will get us nowhere, it also takes the willingness to learn and change if needed.

Eprlide, thank you for your story. "In this world are many like me who've killed their emotions. Don't forget that." - Shadow from Final Fantasy VI. Play that game if you don't know it. I imagine that for people with autism, emotions can be difficult to fathom. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid of them. The fact that you experienced some emotions playing KS means that you too have them. Perhaps it's time to explore this uncharted part of yourself starting fro today? Who knows what wonders you will find? :)

Edit: as edited in the first message of this thread:

I'd like to add this guideline for this thread: your message should be at least one paragraph long, and should contain either your story, and update on your story, or comments on someone else story. Jokes on the side or off topic remarks are OK, but I'd like to see at least one on-topic paragraph in every message in this thread. Thank you very much.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:33 pm
by Virt
Myshina wrote:Hey guys~!

Thanks so much for the amazing support and responses~!

I set a date with Williams (Mr.Condom-In-Jacket) this morning, and I went to meet him and discuss things at a deeper level; that way, he'll understand why I really turned him down. Anyways, so we went there, talked for some minutes with some beating around the bush since no one of us wanted to discuss why we were originally meeting.

He told me he was sorry for what happened, and that he did that just because he was drunk; I accpeted his apolody since he looked sincere. I explained to him that the reason I rejected him was because I wanted to take things slow, and that I really didn't know much about him or rather I didn't know him well; also, there was the fact I don't really feel anything special toward him.

That's when the transformation happened.

He kept talking calmly but his words and tone were more forceful and sharp. He wanted to convince me marrying him was the right thing to do rather forcefully. I refused, ended the conversation there and told him that if he kept the attitude, he should throw his dreams of a second chance away.

I headed home then walking to get some fresh air.

BIG FUCKING SURPRISE: He's waiting in front of my door.

I entered the house and locked the door, not talking to him and went on with my usual business.

THREE HOURS LATER: He's still waiting in front of the fuckin' door. So I called the police, who didn't want to arrest him because they had no evidence. And they told me as long as he's not breaking into your house, he's not breaking any rules.

That was one hour ago, and I'm pretty damn sure he's still waiting. x( Not cool, not cool at all.
Looks like your boyfriend here's got oneitis. In all honestly, William here is being an omega fuck by stalking you all day.

inb4 he commits mass shooting at a school

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:35 pm
by 128-Up
...If I may request something.

About five pages ago, I posted my (comparatively minor, admittedly) story regarding my romantic difficulties, and using Hanako as my current way to store my affection.
I was given this response by one user.
Camoufrage wrote:What you fail to understand is that you arent in love with Hanako, you ARE Hanako. You need to find your Hisao, really.
Could anyone please tell me what is meant by this? I am confused.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:36 pm
by Camoufrage
128-Up wrote:...If I may request something.

About five pages ago, I posted my (comparatively minor, admittedly) story regarding my romantic difficulties, and using Hanako as my current way to store my affection.
I was given this response by one user.
Camoufrage wrote:What you fail to understand is that you arent in love with Hanako, you ARE Hanako. You need to find your Hisao, really.
Could anyone please tell me what is meant by this? I am confused.
Yes, I feel rather... empty... without someone to love. Hence Hanako's "position", for lack of a better term.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:41 pm
by dwarduk
128-Up wrote:...If I may request something.

About five pages ago, I posted my (comparatively minor, admittedly) story regarding my romantic difficulties, and using Hanako as my current way to store my affection.
I was given this response by one user.
Camoufrage wrote:What you fail to understand is that you arent in love with Hanako, you ARE Hanako. You need to find your Hisao, really.
Could anyone please tell me what is meant by this? I am confused.
You're a hot girl with beautiful purple hair? Sounds good to me. Hey, want to head down to the Shanghai? Anyway, I'll leave Camoufrage to explain himself, seeing as I haven't read your story (sorry :oops: there were way too many posts since my last visit)

As for Beoran, I don't know if I can manage a long on-topic post about any of my things. I find it hits me so hard that I can only write tiny sections at a time, and then have to click submit before I just give up and delete it all.

As for the girl, she suddenly changed her mind and, out of the blue, a day later came a boyfriend. Whatever the reason, I'm now pretty sure she's not the type of girl I want to be with. So at least that's over =].

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:42 pm
by 128-Up
Camoufrage wrote:
128-Up wrote:...If I may request something.

About five pages ago, I posted my (comparatively minor, admittedly) story regarding my romantic difficulties, and using Hanako as my current way to store my affection.
I was given this response by one user.
Camoufrage wrote:What you fail to understand is that you arent in love with Hanako, you ARE Hanako. You need to find your Hisao, really.
Could anyone please tell me what is meant by this? I am confused.
Yes, I feel rather... empty... without someone to love. Hence Hanako's "position", for lack of a better term.
Regretfully, I'm still clueless... the message I'm getting that I should wait for someone to come to me...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:45 pm
by Camoufrage
128-Up wrote:Regretfully, I'm still clueless... the message I'm getting that I should wait for someone to come to me...
Even if that isnt necessarily the popular or supposed "right" choice, thats what I do. Sitting around and moping and whining that girls dont like you and that no one will ever love you is a waste of time. Do other things with your life. And if a girl comes into your life (and one will) that you like, there you go. Bonus.