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Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:06 am
by brythain
Khalego wrote:But everyone at Yamaku is pretty distressed. Even Mutou is really down for some reason, it seems...Probably because people with horrible taste won't quit calling him Dr. Who...
That's because he keeps wearing distressed clothing. You can tell.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:45 am
by KeiichiO
Khalego wrote:It was a silly. But everyone at Yamaku is pretty distressed. Even Mutou is really down for some reason, it seems...Probably because people with horrible taste won't quit calling him Dr. Who...
I seem to recall hearing/seeing somewhere on the forums that Mutou was physically based off David Tennant's incarnation of the Doctor, though, I'm not sure if this is factual or not, since I often read forum posts when I'm completely drunk off oxygen.

Either way, people need to stop making references to a British TV show that is nothing more than regenerated bullshit. Including myself.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:01 am
by Broomhead
KeiichiO wrote:regenerated bullshit.
That aside, I like to listen to Doctor Who in the background as I do homework or complex simulations. It has a rather simple plot, even for a time travel show, and doesn't require much thought to comprehend.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:10 am
by Khalego
KeiichiO wrote:I often read forum posts when I'm completely drunk off oxygen.
Wouldn't that technically be high off oxygen?

@Broomhead: I prefer to listen to music, what with it being invented for exactly that purpose. :lol:

A thought occurs. Yuuko works at the Shanghai and the library. Sometimes simultaneously, somehow. AND nobody else is ever seen to work in either place. And we never see her alleged boss.

I submit that Yuuko went all The One, hunting down and murdering all of her alternate selves until only three remained. The two remaining alternates were permitted to survive so long as they were useful so they bring money in via the Shanghai and Yamaku, while the third hyper-powered Yuuko is the unseen Shanghai boss.

I also submit, more realistically, "Who/where the hell are Rin's parents anyway?"

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:15 am
by KeiichiO
Khalego wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:I often read forum posts when I'm completely drunk off oxygen.
Wouldn't that technically be high off oxygen?
Same thing, really.
I also submit, more realistically, "Who/where the hell are Rin's parents anyway?"
They're in the 'not relevant to plot' dimension.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:02 am
by CoffeeDrive
KeiichiO wrote:
Khalego wrote:It was a silly. But everyone at Yamaku is pretty distressed. Even Mutou is really down for some reason, it seems...Probably because people with horrible taste won't quit calling him Dr. Who...
I seem to recall hearing/seeing somewhere on the forums that Mutou was physically based off David Tennant's incarnation of the Doctor, though, I'm not sure if this is factual or not, since I often read forum posts when I'm completely drunk off oxygen.

Either way, people need to stop making references to a British TV show that is nothing more than regenerated bullshit. Including myself.
Yeah he is, pretty sure it was confirmed too.

So "Horrible taste" is actually pretty much canon.

Also, Khalego, you think Doctor Whois bad, and Infinite is the best Bioshock.


Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:21 pm
by YutoTheOrc
What's the deal with Emi's mom. I'm fairly certain she's shagging the nurse, but Emi seems almost oblivious to it. What is this -_-

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:00 pm
by Khalego
YutoTheOrc wrote:What's the deal with Emi's mom. I'm fairly certain she's shagging the nurse, but Emi seems almost oblivious to it. What is this -_-
Oblivious, or just uncaring? My mom was shagging my dad at one point. I never once made it a point of discussion or even relevance to my daily life. :P

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:02 pm
by YutoTheOrc
Khalego wrote:
YutoTheOrc wrote:What's the deal with Emi's mom. I'm fairly certain she's shagging the nurse, but Emi seems almost oblivious to it. What is this -_-
Oblivious, or just uncaring? My mom was shagging my dad at one point. I never once made it a point of discussion or even relevance to my daily life. :P
While that is a good point, I figured it would be of more import because of how Emi is when it comes to family matters. Even if it is the nurse, I somewhat find it hard to believe she would just accept her mom's boyfriend/lover.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:17 pm
by Oscar Wildecat
YutoTheOrc wrote:What's the deal with Emi's mom. I'm fairly certain she's shagging the nurse, but Emi seems almost oblivious to it. What is this -_-
Denial is not just a river in Egypt...

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:42 pm
by Khalego
YutoTheOrc wrote:
Khalego wrote:
YutoTheOrc wrote:What's the deal with Emi's mom. I'm fairly certain she's shagging the nurse, but Emi seems almost oblivious to it. What is this -_-
Oblivious, or just uncaring? My mom was shagging my dad at one point. I never once made it a point of discussion or even relevance to my daily life. :P
While that is a good point, I figured it would be of more import because of how Emi is when it comes to family matters. Even if it is the nurse, I somewhat find it hard to believe she would just accept her mom's boyfriend/lover.
Why wouldn't she? She's sad about her dad being gone. Nurse is irrelevant to that, even if he does give Ms. Ibarazaki regular checkups with his weird fleshy thermometer. Her issues are about losing people, not her daddy's spot being stolen. And considering that he's been there since the accident and helped her walk (and run) again, he's already in a better position than most in either case.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:11 pm
by Atario
Khalego wrote:Yuuko works at the Shanghai and the library. Sometimes simultaneously, somehow. AND nobody else is ever seen to work in either place. And we never see her alleged boss.
At least one time that I can remember, Hisao finds one or the other of those places lacking in Yuukos, with some older lady replacing her.
I also submit, more realistically, "Who/where the hell are Rin's parents anyway?"
Her father is Tom Servo from MST3K and her mother is Haruko from FLCL.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:35 pm
by brythain
Atario wrote:
Khalego wrote:Yuuko works at the Shanghai and the library. Sometimes simultaneously, somehow. AND nobody else is ever seen to work in either place. And we never see her alleged boss.
At least one time that I can remember, Hisao finds one or the other of those places lacking in Yuukos, with some older lady replacing her.
Lilly's route, when the librarian is an older, grey-haired woman. In my headcanon, that's actually the staff psychiatrist, who is looking for a book when Yuuko characteristically has to go do something else, panics and puts her in charge (she did that to Hisao once as well!) of the library. So the shrink decides to act like a librarian just for the heck of it.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:28 am
by bhtooefr
So apparently my headcanon goes strange places. Yesterday, I had a scene pop into my head, of Akira and Hanako being in a stable relationship and living together... it involved Akira heading into the house after a long, stressful day of work (and getting home late), tossing her jacket aside and loosening her tie, pouring herself a glass of scotch, then heading into their study to relax... where Hanako's sitting in a huge beanbag (which was totally Hanako's idea that they have a beanbag in the study). Hanako looks up from her book, smiles, and Akira sits in the beanbag with Hanako and cuddles up to her, and they just sit there reading together, Akira sipping on her scotch, both of them completely content.

And then I d'awwed at the scene.

Re: Random KS Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:37 am
by Munchenhausen
Yeah, Nurse and Meiko "doin' the dutty" is pretty much unspoken canon, isn't it? I know that's an oxymoron shush
Doesn't Meiko take the phonecall during Emi's Track meet and later on (or in another route) Nurse hints to learning the result via phone? I can't quite remember.

My headcanon on it is that Nurse and Meiko are together secretly. They're keeping it secret from everyone, but especially from Emi. Nurse wants them to be open with it, but Meiko is rather hesistant about it.
Although she wants her mum to be happy (who doesn't?), Emi particularly doesn't like the idea of Meiko finding a new lover, because she doesn't want anyone else to take her Dad's place.

I feel she has a few things of her Dad's that she doesn't touch and has left just the way they were since his death.
Perhaps he had a chair in the living room that he'd watch TV in when he got home from work, and Emi flips a shit if someone sits in it.
Maybe he has a pair of Running Trainers gathering dust by the front door that she can't bring herself to look at.
Perhaps Emi has his 'lucky shirt' that he let her borrow for Sports Day at school hung up somewhere, untouched for years.

Maybe all three?
Nah, that's overkill. I pick the Chair one, reminds me of my Grandma's chair.

Hanako starts drinking JD&Coke and Akira constantly takes the piss out of her for drinking "a sissy drink" compared to her straight scotch, but is secretly flattered by her imitation