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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:09 am
by Xanatos
Myshina wrote:Things are going much better~! They are~!

I called the police after the little incident and they promised they will come check on me every 20 minutes, which they have been doing for the last hour.

Meanwhile, Mr.Condom-In-jacket has made a flag and written UGLY in black across the white fabric and hung it on his car as a décor. WTF~?
...So he's telling you his car is ugly? What a dumbass. :lol:

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:10 am
by Myshina
Xanatos wrote:
...So he's telling you his car is ugly? What a dumbass. :lol:
....Yes he is~! WAHAHAHAHA~!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:12 am
by Oddball
LOL WUT wrote:Sorry for double posting but I just noticed that I told a bunch of people that I don't even know, something I don't even tell my friends.
You probably feel more comfortable here since none of us actually know what you look like or where you live. The anonymity gives you a since of freedom and makes you feel safe. It's not like any of us are going to track yoiu down just to treat you differently or anything.
Myshina wrote:Things are going much better~! They are~!

I called the police after the little incident and they promised they will come check on me every 20 minutes, which they have been doing for the last hour.

Meanwhile, Mr.Condom-In-jacket has made a flag and written UGLY in black across the white fabric and hung it on his car as a décor. WTF~?
Not exactly a criminal mastermind, is he?

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:13 am
by Myshina
Oddball wrote: Not exactly a criminal mastermind, is he?
No, he's a serial killer~! Maybe he's a Jigsaw apprentice~! Wahahahaha~!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:14 am
by Xanatos
OOOOH! I KNOW WHAT SERIAL KILLER HE IS! DUN DUN DUNNNNN! (Disclaimer: He's not actually badass enough to be this guy.)


Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:16 am
Xanatos wrote:OOOOH! I KNOW WHAT SERIAL KILLER HE IS! DUN DUN DUNNNNN! (Disclaimer: He's not actually badass enough to be this guy.)



Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:18 am
by Eprlide
Taking a break from my fan-fic writings, I guess I can give a showing on one of the reasons I've connected with KS, and with Hanako in general.

I was in a small charter school when I was in kindergarten, where the class size was about 25 kids per grade. The main reason I was made to go there was because I was found to be Autistic, and one of the teacher's there had an autistic son as well in my grade, so she knew how to handle special cases like me. Me and said other autistic kid didn't get along very well at first (for reasons I've forgotten over the years), so I resorted to joining the only group of boys who were my age, and I eventually was able to be friends with practically everyone else in my grade. Since it was a charter school teaching grades K-8, I stayed with the same group of kids for all of these years, given that some moved away while some came to replace them. But I never doubted my friends; they were all I had. I always watched them do their daily mischief activities, sometimes joining in with them. This patten continued on for years... until 7th grade.

I was sitting alone on the benches overlooking the rest of the grassy field and the playground, near the school buildings. I was doing another casual observation of whatever my friends were doing, and it seemed today they were teasing some of the other students about whatever. It was going on as normal until one of them did something I couldn't forget; he intentionally drooled over a 2nd graders face, making him cry and run to the other side of the grass field alone. I had an epiphany of sorts then; that I needed to be more aware. As I recalled my past adventures one-by-one with them, I realized just how mean and awful they really were. They were teasing me as well to an extent, but they kept as it because I always passed it off as friendship. Taking advantage of my innocence, partly influenced by my autism, they repeatedly cheated on me in games, called me names, and --literally-- trampled over me when I just wanted some rest.

I resolved myself on that day to always be more aware. to be more defensive, and to never be caught out of guard again, so that I wouldn't need to be hurt more. It was my moment of maturity, out of innocence, but I also became much more reclusive to everyone I knew. I observed more keenly, denied any invitations to join them, and when I found out some of their tactics, I avoided them the best I could. By the beginning of 8th grade, they began to ignore me, and everyone else soon followed. The only ones who I could talk with was the other autistic kid and one of his friends, even though I never told them the reason why I left them. The three of us silently watched the others do what they wanted, keeping out of their reach, and talked amongst ourselves. Slowly, I learned what true friends were, after I had finally noticed the deception of my first "friends".

Throughout high school I was a lot better at making friends and whatnot, and I got a bit popular after gaining a club presidency. But the best part was that my past never followed me. I kept my old resolve true to heart, and I'm still reclusive sometimes. I've been living two different lives at the same time since that day; the one who carefully watches over everything, never getting involved over caution, and the one who isn't afraid to get involved with new things. But the latter started to vanish, and when I finally graduated this year, I found myself right where I started all along; alone. With collage coming up, and all of my previous experiences swirling around in my head, I don't know how this new life will start.

I've already had my heart broken twice IRL. Once was during my realization in 7th grade, and the other when I finally understood that my realization prevented me from getting attached to anybody anymore. When I found out that emotional attachments were beyond me, it was around the time I found KS. I got a connection with Hanako (I played the tile game as well, along with a few other games similar to that) and Rin (for mental reasons), but my past resolve from that epiphany years ago still had its hold on me. With my reclusion coming back up, I slowly began to loose contact with my group, and I was alone again when I graduated.

I don't know if having this view of others and myself is a good thing or not, but the only thing I can do now is to keep going on. I don't want to be chained down by my past, but I want to learn from it too. These forums and my fan-fics are another experience on my belt, and I might just end up staying here if I like it enough. Cheers, Broken Heart Club.


Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:22 am
by Helbereth
ShinigamiKenji wrote: And I like the new avatar, Helbereth. Though I'm used to find your posts because of that surrealist avatar... :lol:
I made both of them... I kinda feel like I just need to change it every so often. If it helps, they use similar color palettes.
LOL WUT wrote:Sorry for double posting but I just noticed that I told a bunch of people that I don't even know, something I don't even tell my friends.
Oddball wrote:Not exactly a criminal mastermind, is he?
They never are, really.

Oh, I guess I'll add this for comic effect:


Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:24 am
by Xanatos
LOL WUT wrote:
Xanatos wrote:OOOOH! I KNOW WHAT SERIAL KILLER HE IS! DUN DUN DUNNNNN! (Disclaimer: He's not actually badass enough to be this guy.)



There's an interactive episode where if you let the option select screen idle, a narrator just starts begging and pleading for you to help the guy...I let the time run out and laugh my ass off everytime. :lol: It's a hell of a way to murder somebody. XD

@Eprlide: Got no advice but welcome! :D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:41 am
by Eprlide
I'm... just completely lost on what everybody else is talking about. *shrug*

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:44 am
by Helbereth
Eprlide wrote:I'm... just completely lost on what everybody else is talking about. *shrug*
This thread moves between sympathy, anger and depression into joviality, joke-cracking and nonsense pretty regularly. Sort of like a coping mechanism. We try to cheer people up as much as we offer a listening post and a text-box on which to cry.

It works pretty well, really.


Looking over your story, it seems you had a similar experience to my younger brother - who had trouble -still does- discerning people's intentions due to mild autism. Not to sound cliche, but it does get better.

He hates talking on the phone because he can't discern tone, but he's adjusted well now that he's away from the cruel children who took advantage of his innocence. Kids are a bad model for judging adult relationships because they're all but incapable of being responsible for their actions, and they tend to see things in black and white rather than the full spectrum of emotion.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:46 am
I can relate to you.

In the fifth grade there was a group of boys.
I thought that they were good people.

DEAR GOD Was I Wrong

First of all the leader of this premature mafia called ever girl that did not like him a cunt HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT THAT IN 5TH GRADE!

So until then I was completely oblivious what this guys were doing, hell sometimes I would even defend them in arguments.

Then one day we were at recess, and at the school I went to the teachers had their "coffee" breaks so therere was no supervision.

There was a girl playing jump rope at the corner of the field by herself.
So the king douche of the group saw her and walked to her.

Now let me inform you. I did have a conscious so I could tell when things were nice, mean or just nasty.

So he walked up to the girl and started calling her names until she started crying.
I was sitting on a bench since I was not one for sports or running.
I heard the cries and walked over.

He continued to call her names and she continued to cry.

Then something snapped inside me.
I have never been in a fight until then, but I have watched enough action movies to know how to punch someone. And I did obviously all of the kid's stories on 'how he always wins his fights' were lies to make him look cool because he ran right when he got up.

So I walked to the girl talked to her, comforted her and became her friend.

We became best friends in middle school and boyfriend and girl friend in highschool.

Now we are in collage and are living together in an apartment.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:51 am
by Eraser35
Myshina wrote:
Oddball wrote: Not exactly a criminal mastermind, is he?
No, he's a serial killer~! Maybe he's a Jigsaw apprentice~! Wahahahaha~!
maybe they'll make a bad film about or a spot in a wax museum *please let someone get the reference*

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:51 am
by Xanatos
Eprlide wrote:I'm... just completely lost on what everybody else is talking about. *shrug*
Long story short, Myshina's got a crazy stalker ex and we're mocking him. xD

@LOL WUT: Daaaamn. XD Good job! But does she know she's dating a magic dog? o_o;

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:51 am
by Xanatos
Eraser35 wrote:
Myshina wrote:
Oddball wrote: Not exactly a criminal mastermind, is he?
No, he's a serial killer~! Maybe he's a Jigsaw apprentice~! Wahahahaha~!
maybe they'll make a bad film about or a spot in a wax museum *please let someone get the reference*
...House of Wax?