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Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:55 am
by LordDarknus
“Overall; you rely too much on stealth and unit-steal tactics, and your whole set-up is too focused on defensive barriers and pink force-fields. And you really really should have upgraded your heavy artilleries when you had the chance.”

“I was playing nice... I don't want to destroy anybody..”

“And thus I owned you.”

“My base was so cute... the laser-fence formed a great big heart.., and my command centres were arranged like an 'x'..”

“Shot through the heart! And who's to blame? Who gives love, a bad name? -- I DO! ~Like a boss.~”

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:56 am
by LordDarknus
Carefully putting away Hitomi's gaming-console and packing up the disc, we quickly give way to Rai and Acair, whom with insane glee assert total dominion over the TV. -- Such intense fervour...; they came suddenly and madly gripped the remote and cushion, looking like they were about to eat them, along with poor Hanzou's collection of Pokémon cards, hoping unsubtly and very loudly that we'd stop playing. ...Maybe Kaori is right: men think the sports channel is a sacred calling from God.

Hanzou keeps building up his complex castle of cards, looking over his shoulder every once in a while, assuring himself that no one is intending to knock it over. -- Or try to eat it.

Sasha decides to retire early, saying he'll want to “end the night on a high note”, so I said “Oh.. okay” and smile sincerely to him, sweetly wishing him “Good night” as he goes to his room, wearing a grin all too evocative of the Cheshire Cat. ...Then I realise he's still talking about the stupid game.

A little bit upset, I decide to see what Shizuo is up to.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:56 am
by LordDarknus
I walk quietly up the stairs, then wait and listen for a moment at Shizuo's door, before softly tapping two gentle knocks on the wood.

A cute tomboyish voice from inside asks “Who is it?”

“It's me.. Iwanako!” I softly answer with a smile.

“Oh! Okay, you can come in!”

I enter humbly and gracefully into the room, my smile blooming even brighter to see Shizuo still keeping Hitomi company, all by himself, after Kaori forgot about her promise to play with the little tomboy.

Earlier, Hitomi didn't want to come out of her room for dinner, making Mrs. Hakamichi mad. But before the “embarrassed” mother could politely focus her anger into another lecture of harsh words, Shizuo elegantly took a full plate of food, and quietly brought it up to her room, choosing to share dinner with his little sister.

Careful not to step on any of the robot-toys strewn about here and there, I make my way over to the little table and happily sit down beside Shizuo and Hitomi, joyfully partaking in the never-ending mecha battles of Red Vs Blue.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:57 am
by LordDarknus
As the lively night wanes to stillness and silence, and the noise and lights downstairs have receded into darkness...

Slowly and with great care, I pick up each and every one of Hitomi's beloved robot toys, delicately gathering them in my arms.

Hitomi is already half-asleep in Shizuo's arms, but still proudly reciting in detail about the specifications and special abilities of the prized robot in her hands. ..Dreamily, she caresses Shizuo's nose and cheek, quietly thanking her big brother.., for bringing dinner up to her, and playing with her all night, wistfully telling him... “I love you, Shi-chan.”

Shizuo can't truly hear it, but.. Hitomi doesn't let her sadness show. With the happiest smile she could manage for him, Hitomi wishes her brother “good night...” and softly falls asleep in his loving embrace. Smiling warmly upon her beautiful dreams, Shizuo gently holds her closer, and lightly kisses her head...

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:57 am
by LordDarknus
Dearly cradling his sleeping sister in his arms, the delicate Shizuo walks steadily and gracefully to her room, quietly following me while I carefully carry Hitomi's toys in my arms.

Carefully handling the doorknob without a sound, nor dropping any of the toys and their little equipments, I gently nudge at the door with my shoulder, pushing it open slowly without a creak...

It's.. dark, but familiarity and moonlight guide our way.

Slowly bringing himself to a kneel beside her bed, Shizuo softly lets go of Hitomi, adjusting the pillow comfortably under her head... while I start setting down her toys into the empty cabinet, one-by-one, then freeing my hands enough that I turn on the bedside lamp.

With loving care, Shizuo changes Hitomi into her Transformers-themed pyjamas, minding to be quick so she wouldn't catch a cold, but gentle enough that Hitomi doesn't wake up. ..Even though she does mumble a little..

Neatly folding her schoolboy clothes and placing them on her chair, Shizuo gives Hitomi one more kiss on her head, seemingly.. calming Hitomi, as she was starting to fidget restlessly in her sleep, mumbling about her mother...

I wait quietly at the door, as Shizuo turns off the lamp, and walks over to me, parting with Hitomi after one last glance, making sure she's peacefully dreaming.. before finally leaving.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:58 am
by LordDarknus
Smiling brightly and politely bowing, Shizuo bids me [Good night, Iwanako..] filled with softness and happiness in every gesture of his signing. He thanks me warmly again while I try to keep myself from hugging him, the endearingly-beaming prince of my dreams, who looks so innocent and adorable tonight I could just hold and hug him forever and ever...

But I refrain myself.., and with ladylike grace, I bid my handsome good prince a lovely good night, and may him many sweet dreams upon a pleasant starry starry night such as this.

Shizuo warmly returns my good manners, and with a smile ever so tender, his beautiful visage slowly fades into shadows of the hallway, and disappears behind the door to his room... awww~

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:58 am
by LordDarknus
Deeper into the night.. while everyone peacefully sleeps... I gaze at the digital clock, it's around.. 10:42 PM? When I hear the front door opening, and Kaori and Lionel finally returning.

Thankfully mindful to silence his echolocation toy, Lionel helps the stumbling Kaori into the still and quiet house, carefully closing the heavy door, as she leans heavily against the closest wall... and slowly slumps to a soft thud on the floor.

“Ow~ ...Lionel..? I broke my butt... you'll have to go on without me!”

“Shhhh!.. You don't want to wake up Auntie Hakamichi, me.”

I quickly come over and carefully help Kaori up, as she paws at my white shirt and kisses my cheek loudly... is that wine on her breath?

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:59 am
by LordDarknus
Keeping quiet as we move, Lionel and I help Kaori into the bathroom, where.. errm, Lionel starts taking off both their clothes... I guess all that sand and sweat really has to go, even if Kaori can't bathe herself right now. --Wow, Lionel's penis is looking rather handsome tonight, ...err, I'll pretend I didn't just think that.

Kaori is only half-realising the current happenings of reality, and half-singing the Ultraman theme song (the animated series, the one who transforms with a green star), but some semblance of sobriety suddenly hits Kaori, and she reaches into her bikini-bra, ..both pouches, and hands me a bundle of prize tickets. ...Err, I guess I should be thankful that she didn't stash them in her... other bikini piece. -- That would not have been very hygienic.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:00 am
by LordDarknus
Before I leave though, Kaori grabs a hold of me, sadly begging me to... bathe with her.

“Errr..... Kaori...”

Hearing me hesitate, Lionel says I don't have to pay any heed to her, since “she's so drunk, she probably wouldn't even remember winning all of those prize tickets tomorrow morning.”

Hearing him say that, Kaori whines like a child denied of her candy, and suddenly drops to her knees, then starts... softly kissing and.. tenderly sucking.. Lionel... effortlessly silencing him. ..And convincing me to bathe with her.

“Ohhh.. Kaori..”

Hearing my voice grow sultry, Lionel gets very very excited, and his strong penis shows sharp appreciation for my tongue and lips, rising tall with enticing thickness, pulsing in hardness and beckoning me to join passionately with Kaori, to share this woolly, blond penis between our soft, wet lesbian kisses- AAAAHHH! WHEN DID MY THOUGHTS BECOME SO IMPURE?!

Though-honestly-I-don't-really-object-to-loving-Kaori-and-sharing-Lionel-but-I-kind-of-really-want-my-first-time-to-be-with-someone-I-love-and-I-want-it-to-be-quiet-and-alone-and-special-and-hold-hands-and-cry-and-be-embraced-and-maybe-with-Rai-or-Shizuo-or-Sasha-or-Acair-or.. Hisao...

NO! NO! NO, No, no! I know! I'll pretend this isn't happening right now! And I will leave! Quickly!

“Uhhhhh...! Kaori!”

Hearing Lionel moan as Kaori licks and bites his lolly teasingly, while she starts fingering herself like she's in a candy store, I almost move to kneel with Kaori and grab Lionel's cute butt and manly thighs and- NONONONONONONO! I am leaving! Quickly! For I am not going to the candy shop! And I am not licking no lollipop! And who in the world is playing that ungodly song at this hour?! Sasha?! What is he doing with Rai together in their bedroom!?

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:01 am
by LordDarknus
As I leave and close the bathroom door, I wonder.. if I really would be alright.. sharing my life with two people...

No doubt I love Kaori and Lionel... but, it's not the same.

No... it's still Hisao who is holding my heart...

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:01 am
by LordDarknus
I start distracting myself by cataloguing the bundle of tickets in my hands. Hmm... vanilla ice-cream, coffee ice-cream, chocolate ice-cream.. vanilla ice-cream... vanilla ice- they're all ice-creams... none of them are- Oh, here's one that gives a discount at a high-class restaurant.., hmm.. its the closest prize to that all-expense-paid week-long-stay at the nearby hot springs that Yuki really wanted, ..sorry, Yuki.. Kaori did her best.

Another one here is for a free, fresh serving of imported fish. -- There's also a miniature solar-powered rice cooker, suitable for outdoor use... huh? But the cooker is so small, is it even enough to make a single rice ball with? ..And what if it rains? ...Maybe I'm just judging a book by its cover, and that the real thing is a lot more useful than what its description suggests.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:02 am
by LordDarknus
I yawn as I sort the rest of the tickets. --Hmm.. there's a lot of them, we could use them throughout our summer stay here.

Wondering to myself where to keep Kaori's hard-earned tickets, I look around the living room, and realise that there's not even an ashtray to hold them. Then spying the little basket of keys at the entrance hallway, I wander over to see if it'll do... and deem that it will. I decide to put the tickets here, where everyone will pass by and notice them.

I arrange them neatly, sorting them by type, and wedging them tightly in between the straw of the key-basket's base, and then put the keys on top of them as paperweight, just in case a gust of wind comes through the open door.

It shoouuuld be alright, I guess... -- They don't fly away when I blow at them, so... yeah, they'll be okay. Everyone can use them as they please, and Kaori will have everyone thanking her at the end of the day.

They will worship her as the divine goddess of free ice-cream. Or as the Santa Claus of discounts and pastries. Or as the moon-princess of fresh exotic fish. Or all of the above; The Divine Moon Deity, Princess Kaori-Kaguya. She Who Bestows Sweet Discounts. And to those in the West, she's known as Setou Claus.

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:02 am
by LordDarknus
With enough nonsense out of me, I take off my white Kaori-pawed shirt, and.. quietly put it in the laundry along with my white summer-dress, and everyone else's clothes that have sand in them. I make a mental note to dry and shake them all outside tomorrow, keeping the fine grains from damaging the washing machine.

Quietly leaving and closing the bathroom door again, I don't let my eyes linger long on Kaori, beautifully sleeping in Lionel's embrace, softly blanketed by warm water in the bathtub, as Lionel lovingly holds her and washes her body.

I make myself stop thinking about joining them, ignoring the excitement I'm feeling, as above my girlie shorts; I'm wearing only a camisole over my erect nipples and bare chest, with my... scars, peeking out..

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:03 am
by LordDarknus
No one is in the living room, ..except Hanzou. But even if he isn't asleep, I don't think he'll mind.. he'd probably look away if I start to change in front of him. But still, that doesn't mean I can't change in the spare room where all my bags are.

I quietly take off my shorts and camisole, and shiver when I feel the cold shadows of night caressing smoothly on my skin.

I gently slip into my mother's pink nightgown... It's a loose and very comfortable feeling, reminding me of my childhood...

[Insert Song: Raindrops and Puddles by NicolArmarfi]

Those forgotten times, of just watching the rainy days go by...

Wonderingly listening to the calming lullaby.. of raindrops and puddles... and quietly dreaming.

Peacefully sleeping away carefree youth... feeling forever safe in the warmth of my mother's loving embrace...

Re: K-Shounen!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:03 am
by LordDarknus
I feel... unbearably sad..

This memory of my foster mother... when she was so nice to me... I had forgotten all the times when she held me and kissed me, and called me her daughter...

Why did she change? ...Or am I the one who changed?

I want to cry...

But I had lost all my tears when my heart broke... and I've learned to just let my sorrows go...