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Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:35 am
by Hisao&Hanako<3
I can honestly say KS did change me overnight. I went to work feeling more happy and pumped up than I have in years. I can laugh and smile for no reason now, because I radiate with that positive energy that's been burning strong for over 5 months now. So, in wishing to share that energy with others, I've tried to introduce the story to as many people as possible. Not many if any have listened, but that's their loss and problem.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:13 am
by Omega
I tried telling my buddy at work about KS... only came across as a weirdo. Should not have started with the VN's name and what it ment I think, after that I doubt he was really listening anymore.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:49 am
by BananaPudding
Omega wrote:I tried telling my buddy at work about KS... only came across as a weirdo. Should not have started with the VN's name and what it ment I think, after that I doubt he was really listening anymore.
same thing happened to me and one of my friends. (quite interesting because last year I got him into MLP :b)

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:55 pm
by Hisao&Hanako<3
Yeah that's how people are man, they're too prideful and judging. At least it can help show you who your real friends are.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:27 pm
by YZQ
Well, I got into KS only after reading TV Tropes. So, I would say that this is a VN that you may have to spoil certain parts before the awkward parts become a non-issue.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:34 pm
by pandaphil
I'd had some luck convincing a few online friends to try it out, and they've loved it.

Generally though I think its one of those things that people need to discover on their own.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:44 pm
by Ilithandie
I was telling a coworker about KS and his response was "Ha ha. You have a cripple fetish. Wait till Itell everyone". I haven't heard about it from anyone else so I guess he never did but some people are just ignorant. Fuck them.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:53 pm
by Pokeman
I'm sure some of us have become more understanding to people with physical ailments. And maybe mental ailments, since Hanako was very shy, and since Rin probably had some form of ADD because of her personality. In my opinion, of course.

Some people won't ever come to appreciate something like KS, though. Just leave them and their thoughts- it's not worth it, giving a fuck over what somebody else thinks about something you like.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:30 pm
by Hisao&Hanako<3
I've realized some things, that generally, it's how people view you that greatly affects how they will try something you really like. I'm the odd one out at work anyway, so I've largely adapted a "come to work, do what I have to do and go home" attitude. I hate working with people that worship money, they act like if I don't work 16 hours a day I'm lazy.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:54 pm
by Omega
Well, it's awkward to tell any of my coworkers about it as I work at a place that specifically hires disabled/handicaped people... So if I were in Ilithandie's position my job experience would be severely hindered.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:18 pm
by groola
New to KS, finished Emi and Rin's route yesterday.

I'm certainly, 'less happy' with how i'm living as far as, i'm never going to find anyone as perfect as Emi or Rin, but I did come to realize
how much one person can affect another's life.

I don't know if anyone else did this, but while i'm reading KS, I put myself in the main characters shoes, I imagine that i'm him.
I've come to the realization that with the choices that I make, it can have a drastic affect on the other person, good or bad.
I also can't really explain this feel that I've obtained. Before reading KS, I was pretty damn happy with my life, despite not really having a social life or necessarily being "attractive"
and the more I think about it, the more I come to see that even if I did meet someone like Emi, the more reason for someone like her to ignore me
So essentially, I'm now just depressed and trying to find out how to be more social, although its proving to be difficult, and I really don't know how to start.

From Rin's route, I've come to see that all of the women that I work with and have to see on a daily basis are, well, 'bitchy'.
It now pains me to look at a women and see how greedy and ungrateful they can be (not being biased just to women, it sickens me about all people)
argghh I think i'm rambling.
anyways, I'm now less happy with myself and in a strange feel state.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:16 pm
by BananaPudding
groola wrote:New to KS, finished Emi and Rin's route yesterday.

I'm certainly, 'less happy' with how i'm living as far as, i'm never going to find anyone as perfect as Emi or Rin, but I did come to realize
how much one person can affect another's life.

I don't know if anyone else did this, but while i'm reading KS, I put myself in the main characters shoes, I imagine that i'm him.
I've come to the realization that with the choices that I make, it can have a drastic affect on the other person, good or bad.
I also can't really explain this feel that I've obtained. Before reading KS, I was pretty damn happy with my life, despite not really having a social life or necessarily being "attractive"
and the more I think about it, the more I come to see that even if I did meet someone like Emi, the more reason for someone like her to ignore me
So essentially, I'm now just depressed and trying to find out how to be more social, although its proving to be difficult, and I really don't know how to start.

From Rin's route, I've come to see that all of the women that I work with and have to see on a daily basis are, well, 'bitchy'.
It now pains me to look at a women and see how greedy and ungrateful they can be (not being biased just to women, it sickens me about all people)
argghh I think i'm rambling.
anyways, I'm now less happy with myself and in a strange feel state.
I kind of felt the same way (with the being less happy with myself, although that was happening way before KS) but what I have decided is to try my ass off to make myself into the kind of guy that the perfect girl will fall in love with. kind of like my personal "do it for her" thing

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:23 am
by pandaphil
Can't say I disagree with anything that's been said the last few posts. Of course I've felt lonely for years. KS just kinda made it feel worse. I've actually had trouble lately forcing myself to pay attention to my RL, and things I need to get done. Its been far too tempting to just lose myself in the KS world instead.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:32 am
by Hisao&Hanako<3
I lose myself in the KS world, while working my job and trying to handle other things. KS to me is like a great stress reliever and relaxer, a great source of joy and peace in such rough times. It's a real picker-upper, a source of amazing creative energy. I want to draw, write, play music... these desires will only get stronger over time.

Re: Did we change?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:36 am
by KeiichiO
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:I lose myself in the KS world, while working my job and trying to handle other things. KS to me is like a great stress reliever and relaxer, a great source of joy and peace in such rough times. It's a real picker-upper, a source of amazing creative energy. I want to draw, write, play music... these desires will only get stronger over time.
Couldn't have said it better myself. That is exactly how I view KS. As motivation. Not only have I been motivated to read, write, play/compose music and draw, but I've also been motivated to be a better person as a whole. KS is very much a life-changer.