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Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:49 am
by lurk moar
You're looking for this rant.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:07 am
by PringerX
Maybe a week or two after the demo was released, I saw a thread about KS on /v/. KS looked interesting so I downloaded it, and I ended up loving it. I found the forums through the dev blog or the main website, I can't remember which, and created an accounting after lurking for a while. I may not post that much, but I visit the forums, as well as the dev blog and the Shimmie page, at least once a day.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:16 pm
by ThatsGobbles
Found a link to a Megaupload of the *.exe on gurochan, and played through it, saw the website, and here I am.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:53 am
by FujiHaru
Typed in eroge, chose a random page number from 1-1000, chose a random result number from 1-10, and clicked.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:54 am
by TheFerret
Surfing Fakku trying to get my fap on, felt like picking up another VN (Act I counts as number 4 i beleive... from Tsukihime to Wanko no Kurasou [or something of that nature... the pedo-furry VN...] and then Fate / Stay Night, after that i went on a VN rampage around Fakku...) Katawa Shoujo pequied my interest, starting lurking on the forums and have been thouroughly(sp?) entertained since. Albeit I was a little hesitant to go to a forum I knew would have many 4chan users (4chan scares me for some reason... a deep enbedded reason... idk why...)

So yeah, in short, Im a lurker from Fakku who decided to lurk around here. This is my first, probably only, post here at the KS boards, and I don't recall EVER posting anything at Fakku... Just know TheFerret is hiding in the shadows... giving constant silent support... woo~... :?

Idk... maybe ill sign up and post more often... depends on my mood... current mood: To-tired-to-care

for what its worth, I enjoyed Act I enough to stick around and keep myself up to date on this project, GJ to devs and GJ to fans for being... active...?...

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:22 am
by K_Amelia
One of my rare visits to 4chan.

I saw a couple of screencaps, google'ed the name, and here I am.

Funny thing though, I swear the thread I found the game through was deleted less than an hour later. Either way, I'm hooked.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:46 am
by Gontolmon
This image... nuff said.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:20 am
by Lawls

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:58 am
by Caesius
I never saw anything about KS on 4chan until /b/ went down and I started lurking /a/.

Rather I found out about KS from a thread on the "Vidcons" subforum on a small community forum none of you have ever heard of -- hell, people even tend to forget that we have a homepage.

The thread started back in November, and as it was never made clear that this was being developed by Westerners I assumed that it was a fan translation that was somehow being produced for a VN that was still in development, so naturally I figured that this was just the Japanese taking their sick fuckery even further.

Then earlier this year I was thinking "hey this Tohsaka Rin person pops up a lot on Danbooru she's pretty sexy" so I looked into F/SN and found out it was an "eroge;" I then proceeded to get the full game instead of just downloading CG sets like I usually do only to find that I'd be reading for hours upon hours and never get to the H-scenes, and yet somehow I was perfectly okay with that. Thus began my interest in VNs, and I don't regret spending 60-70 hours on F/SN -- probably the best 70 hours I ever spent, really. You know, aside from RL stuff. I think.

Then the KS demo came out and dudes started splooging all over it so I was like "hey guys what's the big deal?" and I eventually determined to check it out for myself (but not before learning that it was indeed being developed by "4chan"). Thought it was pretty cool, built up anticipation for the full release, then /b/ went down so I found that /a/ was talking about KS a lot. Signed up for the forums on a whim, and to be honest I have no idea why I keep coming back. Fuck you guys.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:09 am
by CactusEmperor
I heard about it from a blog post on mirrormoon, downloaded the game after I read some of the developer's blog

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:44 am
by Hydra
I came here to keep track of the writefag threads on /a/ and thought i'd stick around

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:13 am
by Juno
I knew about the game through the threads on /v/, so I downloaded the game, liked it and thus joined.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:09 am
by Eab1990
lurk moar wrote:You're looking for this rant.
Ah, thank you.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:39 pm
by CindehQ
Googled "Katawa Shoujo Forums", because I needed some non-4channers to discuss the game with.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:48 pm
by G0t0
One day I was browsing 420chan when a thread alluded to KS.
I was like "A game about girls with disabilities? Sounds good man."

You guys must be doing something right when KS appears on the biggest *chan without an Anime board and a userbase that doesn't much care for chan culture.