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Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:35 pm
by Vertical
TheHivemind wrote:
Warwick wrote:Next big question for the devs: Will there be significant pillow talk?
(Except for Misha, she immediately falls asleep).
Misha path confirmed? :o

Sorry... just wanted to say it.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:37 pm
by Bara
Vertical wrote:
TheHivemind wrote:
Warwick wrote:Next big question for the devs: Will there be significant pillow talk?
(Except for Misha, she immediately falls asleep).
Misha path confirmed? :o

Sorry... just wanted to say it.
It only confirms Misha is sleepy. :mrgreen:

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:43 pm
by DuaneMoody
Then her tummy is indeed ideal for use as my pillow.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:28 pm
by Hypothermia
Perpendicular sleeping is an interesting idea. Never really thought of it.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:02 am
by Vertical
Any kind of weight placed on stomach or chest would be suffocating. They'd be in agony before long.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:47 am
by Guest
Hanako: I think she is asexual and she doesn't want any sex at all. Luck if she wouldn't mind sex.
Shizune & Misha: Awesome handjob thanks to constant usage of sign language. And of course, Misha will scream so loud so even deaf neighbors will hear her.
Rin: will switch pose every second.
Emi: dunno

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:35 am
by MechaMancer
just my 2 cents

Hanako -- First time would be a long process of gaining her trust and respect(*1) but after words it could be quite adventurous, "Quite Girls/Bookish Girls" if you know what i mean :) , would also be a permanent arrangement, seeing that Hanako is very unlikely to let go once she has found something that has made her happy.

*1 might be the wrong word but the basic concept stands
Lilly --- would be very tactile, to say the least, and probably quite proper till she lets her guard down completely, to explain what i mean, a quote i heard some time back

//\\"A lady is a Duchess in the Ballroom, an Accountant in the Kitchen, and a Whore in the Bedroom"//\\

and doesn't Lilly just seem like the walking definition of "A Lady"??

** sorry for the Sexist quote, but it does get the point across, no?
Shizune - i would say its either a tie between a competition where her and her partner trade off control, or she likes being dominated and the whole boss thing thing is a front (if you have met anyone like this you will understand, i really wish i could explain it better (if someone else can, please do))
Rin ----- haven't gotten a handle on this character yet, so i cant really make a judgment, but it would most likely be very interesting, to say the least
Emi ----- hyper active is the only thing that comes to mind...

needless to say, the emotional factor will be extremely high in each case, most of the above was just about the sex based on basic personality

in response to the "Hanako Candle-play" remark earlier, the only way that would end up being true is if she was at least a little off in the head (as in more than someone else in a similar situation) and the results would of her being like that would be enjoyably interesting, or absolutely freaking out of you're mind scary, no middle ground.

so far the best i have seen in this thread is PHRD here ... 135#p14089, looks something like mine, only I'm a lot more blunt :)

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:58 am
by Hypothermia
Typically, by the time a girl and you sex, they have your trust. Typically.
So the whole "lights off scared i have burns dont look at me" thing may or may not be valid.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:30 am
by MechaMancer
Hypothermia wrote:Typically, by the time a girl and you sex, they have your trust. Typically.
So the whole "lights off scared i have burns dont look at me" thing may or may not be valid.
in real life this might be true, but to program such a scenario as to make it close to reality would take months just for the coding, not to mention the script. in the game it will probably just come down to a coin flip, metaphorically speaking.

from an emotional perspective, Hanako would most likely still fear a last minute rejection, no matter how close she and the main character is, and as thus would prefer the lights off.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:35 am
by Hypothermia
Hey, just saying. It'd be funny if there was a last minute rejection option. Then she kills herself.

Now I'm sad.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:52 am
by MechaMancer
"last minute rejection" is the Metaphorical coin flip, heads lights on(rejection >=1), tails lights off(rejection <=1), or something like that...many many variables depending on how its done.

bugger, now i want a chance to look over the source...

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:10 pm
by Hypothermia
Hm. Honestly, I have no idea because me and coding don't necessarily get along too well.


I assume the two amputees and Hanako would be a little more difficult to get into the sex idea, simply because they're disabilities are more obvious and they assume it's going to be awkward for both of you. This is based on their disabilities though, not taking into account their individual personalities.

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:32 pm
by MechaMancer
personality makes all the difference here, Rin would most likely just out and say she wants to (in the middle of lunch in the cafeteria no less :p ) where with Emi its just likely to happen...

as to coding, you can either write English or code, not both...

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:07 pm
by Loki
Just to add: Hanako would probably be extremely self concious, but I would be very surprised if she was ignorent. She does alot of reading and... suffice to say some of the stuff in 'classic' works (especially ancient history and the earliest comedies) are border-line pornographic. Speaking of which, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she read romantic manga/novels (which can and do have sex of course) in a masochistic sort of way: imagining that it could have been her instead of the heroine/love interest if only she hadn't been scarred. Heck, could even do porn for the same reason.

...where was I? Oh yeah, I doubt Hanako would be naieve or ignorent as some people suggest. And Lilly and that coarse one-liner about ladies? I love the line, and the idea has my interest piqued. In other news, I got my results for my exams: I R a third year university student. Yay!

Re: What would sex with each of the girls be like?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:25 pm
by MechaMancer
as a general rule of thumb, "Quite-Bookish Girls" and "Proper Lady's" will be lots of fun once you get them to come out of there shell (so to speak) (and no, i am not just referring to sex, i mean this in general)

things of course would be a little different taking in the context (physical disabilities) but the idea remains much the same, save the fact than Hanako will be extremely self conscious to begin with