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Re: The Fixers - "Quid Pro Quo" 14-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:26 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Yeah, good luck Swampie. I actually did notice earlier, I just was too lazy to respond until now. :D

Don't really have a comment about this chapter, just popped in to say that.

Re: The Fixers - "Quid Pro Quo" 14-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:39 pm
by Skeeve
I don't know why we're worrying about pairings when clearly it's going to be a big six-way relationship, bonds forged in the crucible of battle.

I'm calling it here, folks. *sagenod*

Re: The Fixers - "Quid Pro Quo" 14-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:51 pm
by Sharp-O
Swerve: It'll only be Shin x Kenji :lol:

Re: The Fixers - "Quid Pro Quo" 14-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:16 pm
by swampie2
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Yeah, good luck Swampie. I actually did notice earlier, I just was too lazy to respond until now. :D
Alpacalypse wrote:Also, good luck to ya, Swampie! :wink:
Yes, I did only notice that just now. Yes, I am an idiot
Thanks guys! I'll either return a successful musician or unemployed and 30k under! :lol:

Also, my second prediction: Kenji forms a harem with all the fixers, Shin doesn't count since he's a ghost.

Re: The Fixers - "Quid Pro Quo" 14-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:41 pm
by Skeeve
swampie2 wrote:Also, my second prediction: Kenji forms a harem with all the fixers, Shin doesn't count since he's a ghost.
Swampie, I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:58 pm
by Sharp-O
Chapter 14: Focal Point


I stretch out, limbering up my arms and thighs ready for my sparring match with the wolf-girl, Hanako

“Whatcha gonna use, Molly? Fire sword? Thunder spear? Or that big, badass pile bunker?” Hanako asks, stretching as well but a little more lazily. She looked pretty warmed up already, pouncing on Kenji and all.

“Nope, I can’t access those or my battle gear for anotherrrrrr… seven hours.” I say, squinting as I calculate the time math.

“So we’re going for a little old-school girl-on-girl, eh? Saucy!” She licks her lips and I have to question what her reading material has been for the past three years… “Y’hear that, Kenji? Girl-on-girl~!” Hanako calls out to him with a suggestively sultry voice and my cheeks burn. She’s like the opposite of the Hanako I know. Hell, she’s more like that jackass that sits next her. Whatsisname. Akira? Akito? It’ll come to me.

“I heard, I’m just not acknowledging it.” Kenji waves her off as he lies on a bench with his eyes closed.

“Awww! You’re a real spoilsport, Kenji!” She pouts and I take the opportunity to launch myself at her. Might be missing my arsenal but I’ve still got fists and legs. My first blow just glances her cheek and she leaps backwards in response.

“Sucker-punching, Molly? Really? I’m disappointed!” Her face goes back to a pout after her initial surprise and it makes me laugh. “I thought magical girls fought with honour!”

“I don’t know which is funnier; that a werewolf wants a fair fight or expects me to fight fair.” I tease and bolt for her again, my legs boosting me off the ground before hitting her square in the chest with a flying kick. She doesn’t get sent flying like the practice dummy but I manage to knock her on her arse. She’s stronger than she looks.

“Owwww-ah! Okay, no more Miss Nice Wolf!” Hanako hops to her feet and rolls up her sleeves. She takes a combative stance with a determined glint in her eye. Did I just poke the beast with a very small stick? She leaps towards me and I dash to the side, missing her by inches.

“Hey, watch the nails! I don’t think we need two wolves on the team!” I chide and she looks at her hands, which have become claws in mid-air.

“Sorry! Sorry! It’s reflex. Gotta work on that. Fists only…” She closes her eyes and mutters that last phrase over and over until her arms become human again, leaving two tiny heaps of fur on the mat. “I’ll, uh, clean that up later.” She smiles a little and I nod, hopping from one leg to the other.

She treads towards me, her arms held up in a boxing stance and we inch closer. She throws a couple jabs and I bat them away, following them with a roundhouse that she ducks.

“Did you know your legs are really loud? Heard that kick coming before you even moved your leg. I’m surprised Lilly hasn’t said anything.” She snipes with a cocky smirk, trying to distract me.

“Do you always sprout a tail when you spar?” Gesturing to the fluffy grey appendage peeking out from under her skirt. “Can you really control your transformation to that minute a level?” I ask, taking a couple jabs at her myself which she takes on her forearms like a champ.

“Yup. Going full wolf really hurts so I’ve been changing certain parts while normal so I can get used to it.” She throws her right leg up at me and I side step. This has gone from full contact to afternoon tea. With knuckle sandwiches.

“Smart play. Gotta say you’re pretty good. Is this all you did at Yamaku? Shadowbox and read?” I chuckle throwing out a right hook which she ducks under it and moves behind me.

“No~ I also masturbated a lot.” She whispers into my ear and my eyes go wide.

“W-w-wait, wha--”


Shin guides me towards the training area, his arm locked in mine like the gentleman that he is. Since we’re getting closer, I asked if he’d indulge in a little sparring session. I’m genuinely curious to see his fighting potential, plus I’ve always wondered what it would be like to truly fight blind.

“Almost there, Miss Sat--” I cut him off as the low humming of Molly’s legs barrels towards him and I pull him out of her path, pressing him against the wall. Molly crashes through the double doors to the dojo and skids across the floor.

“Miss Kapur, are you okay?” Shin asks and she coughs, rising from her position.

“Oh-ho-ho-hoooo…” She growls as the motors in her legs kick into overdrive. “You. Little. TART!” She cries, rocketing back through the doors.

“Miss Satou, I’m perfectly safe now. Thank you.” Shin says and I turn to face him, accidentally bumping my head against his. It’s only then that I realise both my hands are pressed firmly against his chest. I hop backwards and rub the back of my neck.

“Sorry, I just acted on instinct, didn’t realise we were so close.” I apologise sheepishly and he chuckles airily.

“Not to worry, though I think we might have to break up the fight in there considering the noise.” He suggests and we enter the training room to a heated argument. With three pairs of eyes I can use, the training room comes into focus and Kenji stands between Molly and Hanako, projecting barriers to keep them separated.

“That was a cheap move, Hanako!”

“You’re the one who set the ground rules to fight dirty!”

“I said fight dirty, not talk dirty!”

“Guys? Little help?” Kenji asks nervously and Shin and I split off to deal with the two girls.

“Easy now, Hana. No need to get riled up over some silly sparring.” I say, patting her back and earning her attention. The soft growling in her throat subsides and she nods with a smile.

“You’re right, Lills. Things probably got a little more heated but we’re still a team, right?”

Molly lets out an exasperated sigh but smiles. “Yeah… I overreacted a little. Sorry, Hana.”

“Thank god…” Kenji breathes a sigh of relief, letting his shields drop, rubbing his head. “I’m going to go take something for this headache and then check on Shiina.” He mutters.

“Hold up, I’ll come with! I still want a rematch, Hana!” Molly calls as she follows Kenji out.

“Count on it, Molly!” She grins, before dashing around the room collecting tennis balls into a bucket before bolting out of the training room, offering to fetch us some drinks that we decline, having just finished a hot drink each. The door swings closed and the world goes dark for me.

It’s an eerie experience every time I have to be alone. To go from somewhat sighted to totally blind once people are out of the room is unnerving even now.

“How would you like to start, Miss Satou?” Shin asks and my heart skips a beat.

Okay, maybe more unnerving knowing that someone actually is in here with me and I just can’t use my ability with him. I reach into my jacket pocket and retrieve my cane. I take off my jacket and throw it in the opposite direction of Shin’s voice, extending my cane with a firm flick of my wrist.

“Let’s just see if I can sense you approach and touch me. Stay solid though, Shin. No cheating.” I close my eyes to focus on the sounds around me, holding my breath for a couple seconds each time I inhale. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No visual, no audio, absolutely no--

“Tag, you’re it.”

My heart almost bursts from my chest as I swing my cane wildly in the direction of the tap on my shoulder. I hit something solid and Shin chuckles.

“Quite the arm you have there, Miss Satou. Did you pick up on my movements?” He asks and I withdraw the cane from what I assume was his arm.

“Not once. Scared the shit out of me when you touched me…” My chest heaves as I allow myself to breathe again.

“Sorry. Maybe this will help?” He says and I tilt my head curiously. What’s he going to…



I strike without thinking and Shin laughs again.

Excellent! Right in the chest that time. I guess you were spot on with that bell idea after all.” He jangles the bell once more for emphasis and I can’t help but smile. He actually went and got a bell from somewhere just to help me.

“Please tell me you’re wearing it. I bet that would look precious!” I say slyly clapping my hands together.

“Not at the moment, just holding it. I could attach it to my belt somehow…” He muses, giving me time to zero in on his voice and face him. Reaching out, I find his lapel and grab it firmly.

“Nuh-uh. A collar. Like a cat.” I grin devilishly.

“Are you comparing me to those four-legged shrieking prowlers of darkness?” He asks, sounding very dismissive of the idea.

“What? You don’t like cats?”

“They don’t like me, of that I’m certain…”

“Well you get along well with wolves, so that’s something.” I smile, referring to Hanako and he lets out a genuine laugh that echoes. Not around the room but in his throat. I’ve never heard that before… Curiouser and curiouser.

“At any rate, I’m definitely putting a collar on you.” I smirk and I feel his body sway a little, I think he just shook his head at me.

“What would be the point?”

“It’d look cute! You all blushing and tugging at it.”

“Forgive my impertinence, Miss Satou but you can’t see me. You would not reap the benefits of my embarrassment.”

“I have an imagination, Shin. Quite a healthy one at that.” I giggle a little, closing my eyes for emphasis.

“And what do you imagine I look like?” He asks and my eyes flutter open.

“Oh… Y’know…” I feel my cheeks warm a little. “Tall, sharp facial features, pure hazel eyes and mousey brown hair… Maybe a little thing at the top that refuses to stay down…” I offer up my guess at his appearance and he laughs again.

“Oh my… That’s… Haha… I think you just described one of my classmates. Mr Nakai.”

“Neck-tie?” I ask, giggling a little.

“No, no, Nakai. Hisao Nakai. You just described him to a T.”

“Oh! Sorry. I’ve never met a Hisao Nakai.” I offer and he sighs, taking hold of my hands gently.

“Here… Try this.” He says and guides my hands to his face, placing each one on his cheeks.

“Okay, I’m holding your face. Now what?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“You’ve ne-- Of course you haven’t. Apart from me, you can look at anyone you want.” I feel the muscles in his face move and form a smile. I trace my thumb across his lips and his smile broadens, making me smile in response.

“This is weird…” I say, moving my fingers across his face, almost measuring his features. His cheeks, his lips, his nose… His chin is much softer and rounder than I imagined… My hands run up to his forehead to feel his eyebrows and trace the edges of his eye sockets.

“What colour are your eyes, Shin?” I ask quietly. This is weird but getting a better sense of his face is… fascinating.

“They’re green, Miss Satou. A dark green, in fact.”

“Sounds pretty…” I mutter as I run my hands through his hair. He doesn’t seem to mind me messing up his hair but it’s about what I thought. It’s a little shaggy but not too long…

“I’m guessing your hair isn’t mousey brown either, is it?” I say sarcastically and he nods.

“Not at all. It’s ash grey.”

“Okay, now I know you’re screwing with me.” I furrow my brow at him and he chuckles softly.

“I screw you not.” I think that’s the closest thing to an inappropriate comment I’ve heard from his lips since we’ve known each other. “It’s actually grey. I’d love to know why too.”

“The green-eyed ghost with ashen hair…” I pat down his hair but have no idea what dishevelled state I’m leaving it in. “You’re very unique, Shin.”

“I could say the same about you, Miss Satou.” I can feel him smiling as he says it, the back of my fingers tracing down his cheeks once more. I should really stop stroking him… “Do you have a better idea of what I look like now, Miss Satou?”


“I think I do. Thank you for letting me… Y’know.” I offer, somewhat shyly. He nods and I smile.

“Not at all. I was always fascinated by the way the Lilly Satou of my world would commit faces to memory and I wondered what it would feel like. It was quite pleasant.”

“Not used to attractive young ladies fondling you, Shin?” I smirk.

“Not as a rule, no…” He says a little wistfully. Poor guy. He must feel so isolated. A lot like I do know I suppose. Others couldn’t see him and I can’t see without others. I slide my hands off his face, onto his shoulders and lean in, pecking his cheek softly.

“W-wh-what was that for!?” He jolts backwards and I rebalance myself.

“This has been a pretty weird and wonderful experience for me, Mister Kyokan, so thanks.” I smile and turn away, tapping my cane along the ground as I make my way to the door.

“Miss Satou, wait, I--” He calls out as I open the door.

“Well, Shin? Are you coming for another drink or not?”

“Certainly, Miss Satou. Lead the way.” He says, clearing his throat, his voice inches closer.

We lock arms once more and I take the lead, guiding him back towards the bar.

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:02 pm
by Skeeve
I like Hanako.

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:22 pm
by Sharp-O
Skeeve wrote:I like Hanako.
I seem to get that a lot with my Hanakos... Must have a natural affinity for her. :roll:

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:25 pm
by AntonSlavik020
I don't know how much Shin could actually do, considering he's a ghost and all, but the Lilly x Shin is strong in this chapter. I also really like innuendo Hanako. Innuendako. :lol:

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:44 pm
by Skeeve
Maybe they could take tips from Demi Moore; she's been in this situation before.

And yeah, I like this Hanako much better than canon!Hanako, even though it's clear they're still the same person under vastly different circumstance. Although someone needs to remind Molly that all's fair in love and war, doubly so when you combine them.

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:06 pm
by Yukarin
Hanako's adorable.

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:11 am
by Mirage_GSM
I chuckle throwing out a right hook which she ducks under it...
The "it" is already there in form of the "which". Both refer to "right hook" but it only needs to be referred to once.

Shouldn't Lilly know what Shin looks like from seeing through all the other members' eyes before?

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:54 am
by Sharp-O
AntonSlavik020 wrote:I don't know how much Shin could actually do, considering he's a ghost and all, but the Lilly x Shin is strong in this chapter.
"He's got hands and a mouth, doesn't he?"
No one asked you, Hana! Back in the box!
AntonSlavik020 wrote:I also really like innuendo Hanako. Innuendako.
That's some quality punnage there, Anton. :D
Skeeve wrote:Although someone needs to remind Molly that all's fair in love and war, doubly so when you combine them.
"You know what they say about love and war."
"Yes, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other is war."

Mirage_GSM wrote:Shouldn't Lilly know what Shin looks like from seeing through all the other members' eyes before?
If I've implied that before, it's a mistake on my part. She can't see him even through someone else. Their powers just seem to be incompatible for the moment. The reason? Spoilers.

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:59 am
by swampie2
I do like ShinxLilly, but it does pose a problem for Kenji's harem. :roll:

Re: The Fixers - "Focal Point" 15-9-15

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:05 pm
by Sharp-O
swampie2 wrote:I do like ShinxLilly, but it does pose a problem for Kenji's harem. :roll:
Clearly this is a Shininist conspiracy.

Fuck, that was awful. Just awful.