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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:11 pm
by HelpingHans
Kadadj wrote:
Hoitash wrote:
ook wrote: For me, seeing progress made me want to keep going. If you just stick it out for the first couple weeks, then you start to really notice that you can run longer than you could before. It actually works. That's when I got hooked and started looking forward to running.
Same. As an introvert, I found it also helped to find a running route with little traffic and nice scenery. Both made it a lot easier to get out and go.
Yeah, that's my biggest problem. I want tranquility, not cars and people everywhere. Ugh.
Good thing I have some big fields where I live and some dogs too so I've got an excuse to go running ^.^

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:04 pm
by dunkelfalke
If anybody cares, I am still, or rather, again, biking, trying to get back in form after a bad fall and on a different bike.
Still, 3100 km in the past 6 months - half of it uphill - is not bad at all for a fatso and pretty much on par with guys far better in form.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:19 pm
by Reksho
After playing Emi's route, I decided - like many here - to pick up running again. Been doing it in the past for quite some time, but stopped doing it after I reached my desired weight. This time, I intend to do it for the thrill and adrenaline.

So! Starting tomorrow, I'm planning to run first thing in the morning every two days (after doing business in the toilet).

As I have zero experience running in the mornings, I was wondering: do you eat anything, even if it is one bite before going out? How about a drink? Responses would be much appreciated. :mrgreen:

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:22 pm
by Kadadj
Reksho wrote:After playing Emi's route, I decided - like many here - to pick up running again. Been doing it in the past for quite some time, but stopped doing it after I reached my desired weight. This time, I intend to do it for the thrill and adrenaline.

So! Starting tomorrow, I'm planning to run first thing in the morning every two days (after doing business in the toilet).

As I have zero experience running in the mornings, I was wondering: do you eat anything, even if it is one bite before going out? How about a drink? Responses would be much appreciated. :mrgreen:
If you can manage to wake up about 40 minutes before your run, then eat breakfast and drink something, if not, do it after you're done. You will probably feel a bit more shaky when you get back, but that's better than the feeling you will get when you're competing with your digestive system or whatever while running.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:35 pm
by Reksho
Kadadj wrote:
Reksho wrote:After playing Emi's route, I decided - like many here - to pick up running again. Been doing it in the past for quite some time, but stopped doing it after I reached my desired weight. This time, I intend to do it for the thrill and adrenaline.

So! Starting tomorrow, I'm planning to run first thing in the morning every two days (after doing business in the toilet).

As I have zero experience running in the mornings, I was wondering: do you eat anything, even if it is one bite before going out? How about a drink? Responses would be much appreciated. :mrgreen:
If you can manage to wake up about 40 minutes before your run, then eat breakfast and drink something, if not, do it after you're done. You will probably feel a bit more shaky when you get back, but that's better than the feeling you will get when you're competing with your digestive system or whatever while running.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing more or less. I'm leaning towards having breakfast after the run. Having a stomachache during running with pain all over the place would make the workout a bit of a waste. Besides, what better reward is there than having a filled belly after working out.

Thanks for the advice! =)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:06 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Gotten back into the habit of running after about a 2 week lapse. Also, invented an exercise drinking game of sorts with Skyrim: Every time the game has a load, do 20 pushups. I keep playing this game and I'll be ripped in no time. (Never thought I'd use that phrase to describe anything but Wii Fit.)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:06 pm
by Enemy |
I personally eat like an hour before going to the gym. If I don't my blood pressure drops and I might pass out.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:01 am
by Reksho
Alright! So, I just finished my first morning workout ever. And I have to say, it nearly killed me. No, literally. I almost got attacked by my neighbour's dog who happens to be over half my size. :lol:

Anyway, I realized how out of shape I really am after running today. I did manage to stay in jogging form for 20 minutes consecutively without any walking inbetween, but I was exhausted afterwards. Still, I really enjoy doing this so early in the serene morning. It's like having a headstart on the world, already actively doing something productive. My thighs are really sore right now but I'm brimming with energy. I hope this continues for the day and makes me crash on my bed at the end so I can go to sleep early. :mrgreen:

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:30 pm
by Walrusfella
I've completed my challenge! Yesterday evening I finished the Bridge to 10k with Emi programme, week 6, day 3. I repeated week 6 because of two injury days last week. My run was 11 km in 1 hour 6 minutes. I ran the one extra km for Emi, and also too reciprocate on the flippant request I made of Althamus many pages back. :) That extra one seemed as hard as the previous 10 combined. My weight is now 222 pounds, down from 256 when I started Couch to 5k back in April and just two pounds off my weight loss goal. Because of the running and a few other changes I've made I feel years younger now. All of this because I read an inspiring story.

I'd like to humbly thank you guys again for your kind encouragement, on which I came to depend. I am also inspired by reading reports of your progress, you make me want to try harder.

New runners/workers-out, congrats for starting! If I can get this far from nothing in a few months than you certainly can too. I'm certainly no athlete. Don't give up.

Even though I finished the 10k, I haven't really finished anything. I'm going to keep running. Next stop, half marathon! (just kidding that's a ridiculous distance. Maybe...)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:27 pm
by ook
Congrats dude!

You're an inspiration to me. Even though I've lost a truckload of weight (41 kg, 90 lbs, or an entire Emi) sometimes I still have that mindset of "I'm still a fat guy, I can't run 5k in 30 minutes." But seeing that you only weigh a little less than I do now, there's no excuse. 8)

Keep it up with wherever you wanna go next :)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:36 pm
by Reksho
ook wrote:sometimes I still have that mindset of "I'm still a fat guy, I can't run 5k in 30 minutes."
I really, really understand this so much. Heck, 5 years ago I WAS a fat guy with so much weight to lose. The fact that I was 15 and right in the middle of puberty and high school didn't help a speck.
Now, I'm on the border of people finding me too thin. But still, there is this image in my head where I still see myself as overweight and not being ''normal'' like the rest, even though I weigh considerably less than most of my peers. Not so much that it's unhealthy but it's there.

My body lives in the present but my brain dwells in the past.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:53 pm
by Althamus
ook wrote:Even though I've lost a truckload of weight (41 kg, 90 lbs, or an entire Emi)
xD Sounds hilarious when you put it that way :P

Although on a serious note, you've lost the equivelent of a grown adult's weight. Albeit a double amputee grown adult, but still, that's an amazing achievement, and you should be proud of yourself :D

Congratz to Walrusfella as well :D Although not really sure that 100->101 pushups was quite as hard as 10->11km. I'll have to raise the bar when I finish EC25K :P 6km, here I come! I'm not sure if I'll go for the B210K afterwards... 10K does seem like an awfully long way to go. However, it would be kinda awesome to be able to run ~6m, so never say never :D

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:10 pm
by Pseudogenesis
Hot damn, minus 90 lbs and minus ~30 pounds? Keep it up! I've got no weight to lose really, so instead I'm trying to puff out my scrawny arms. The Skyrim 'drinking game' I mentioned earlier has netted me 340 push-ups today, so I'd say I'm off to a fair start. ;o;

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:55 pm
by dunkelfalke
ook wrote:You're an inspiration to me. Even though I've lost a truckload of weight (41 kg, 90 lbs, or an entire Emi) sometimes I still have that mindset of "I'm still a fat guy, I can't run 5k in 30 minutes." But seeing that you only weigh a little less than I do now, there's no excuse. 8)
Dude, we can do it. Similar history here, lost 56 kg, 20 more to go at the very least. Will probably start running in a few months when it will be too cold for bicycle.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:35 pm
by Perposterown
I made a mix for week 2 and you can use any youtube to mp3 software to get the mix or I will eventually provide a link to a download for the mix. It's my first mix so I don't expect it to be great but it gets the job done.