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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:45 pm
by Enemy |
I'm running but not on any sort of guide anymore. On the C25K, I was usually quite exhausted after a run, and lied on the floor or something to rest.
Can't really do that on the gym. So I've been running in a different way, slowly upping the running time and lowering the walking time.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:48 am
by Walrusfella
Althamus wrote:Hey guys :D

What happened to this topic :S

Anyways, after last week spent relaxing and getting myself feeling back to normal again, I managed to go out running yesterday (or this morning rather, being at 12:30am). I redid W1D3 to keep myself in form before moving onto W2. Actually, despite it being pretty chilly at that time of night and feeling pretty tired, I managed to do 2 miles in the 20 minutes. Pretty pleased with that :D
That was an odd little lull, wasn't it? That's a pretty far distance for W1. Go you!

Enemy, that's good that you're still running at the gym, sounds like you're doing it right. The guide is just an helpful structure, after all.

Last night I did week 3 day 2 of Bridge to 10k. Three 17 minute blocks with two 1 minute walks in between. It felt pretty good; I'm slowly getting used to running a lot longer. Making it to the end of the blue chart now seems possible; goal is in sight.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:32 am
by Akros
Althamus wrote:Hey guys :D

What happened to this topic :S

Anyways, after last week spent relaxing and getting myself feeling back to normal again, I managed to go out running yesterday (or this morning rather, being at 12:30am). I redid W1D3 to keep myself in form before moving onto W2. Actually, despite it being pretty chilly at that time of night and feeling pretty tired, I managed to do 2 miles in the 20 minutes. Pretty pleased with that :D
Been busy lately, but I'm still doing stuff that I'm tracking in fitocracy.
Anyway, doing more sit-ups now and for the last couple of days I tried doing something else instead of just running. Today for instance, I might play a volleyball game with some friends, it's been a long while since last time though :D

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:33 pm
by Althamus
I'm a bit confused with Fitocracy. Mine appears to have broken, and isn't showing any updates on my feed apart from from the little robot fella. Hasn't for a few months now. It's quite disappointing, because it means I have less incentive to log in, which means I get less excited about exercise etc. Anyone else experienced the same? I'm even debating making a new account and scrapping what I've done so far >.<

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:13 pm
by Akros
Althamus wrote:I'm a bit confused with Fitocracy. Mine appears to have broken, and isn't showing any updates on my feed apart from from the little robot fella. Hasn't for a few months now. It's quite disappointing, because it means I have less incentive to log in, which means I get less excited about exercise etc. Anyone else experienced the same? I'm even debating making a new account and scrapping what I've done so far >.<
just checked, it works fine for me :\

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:21 am
by ook
Althamus wrote:I'm a bit confused with Fitocracy. Mine appears to have broken, and isn't showing any updates on my feed apart from from the little robot fella. Hasn't for a few months now. It's quite disappointing, because it means I have less incentive to log in, which means I get less excited about exercise etc. Anyone else experienced the same? I'm even debating making a new account and scrapping what I've done so far >.<
I don't know if this is your problem or not, but I just started using fitocracy again and it seems there's different categories for the feed. Are you looking at "activities"? The others just show things people say, not their workouts.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:43 pm
by Gandara
Thanks for the Fitocracy follow, Ook!


Welp, I think we'll just call this a "one step backwards, two steps forward" event. I had a pretty bad couple weeks, eating a lot of fast food and not getting much exercise. I can make excuses all day but at the end of the day I just lost track of my diet and goals.

However, there's a bit of good news. For one, I didn't gain a whole lot of weight back. For two, I think I figured out and finally will be able to overcome the problem with the scale I've been using. No more crazy all-over-the-place weigh-ins, now it seems a lot more stable.

Anyway, I weighed in at 353 lbs. today, so I'm up about 5.5 lbs. from the last time I weighed. Back on track, no more distractions. Oh, and I'm picking up a bicycle to get to and from my classes and work, so I should be able to get a lot more exercise now.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:55 pm
by gRaViJa
i rarely weigh myself, but i did so last week. Turns out i lost 3kg since i started running again a good month ago (last time i weighted myself)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:52 pm
by Walrusfella
Gandara wrote: Update

Welp, I think we'll just call this a "one step backwards, two steps forward" event. I had a pretty bad couple weeks, eating a lot of fast food and not getting much exercise. I can make excuses all day but at the end of the day I just lost track of my diet and goals.

However, there's a bit of good news. For one, I didn't gain a whole lot of weight back. For two, I think I figured out and finally will be able to overcome the problem with the scale I've been using. No more crazy all-over-the-place weigh-ins, now it seems a lot more stable.

Anyway, I weighed in at 353 lbs. today, so I'm up about 5.5 lbs. from the last time I weighed. Back on track, no more distractions. Oh, and I'm picking up a bicycle to get to and from my classes and work, so I should be able to get a lot more exercise now.
I also gained three pounds in the past week due to incautious eating. No more of that though - I think our resolve has returned and we mustn't slide into recidivism. :)

I decided to do some penance today at the track and skip the first minute walk break in the routine for week 4 day 1 (18/1/18/1/18). I spontaneously decided to skip the second walk as well and successfully ran the entire thing continuously! It ended up being 56 minutes straight, with a conservative distance estimate at 9 km, possibly a bit more. Regrettably I didn't count laps, not that I could have kept an accurate count toward the end. This is the farthest I have ever run in my life; my record when I was a teenager was 8 km and that was only once. I doubt I could reproduce tonight's run at will yet, but it feels very fine indeed to have done it. As long as you're still alive, you can keep going.

Congrats gRaViJa, that's a tidy amount to lose in a month.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:25 am
by Auratus
Hello. Everyone, I already running at W2D1 to "fix my heart" (which partially fixed in Hanako's Broken Heart Club) and I have two questions.

1. I ran first week at Monday's noon and Wednesday's afternoon at school's track. I finished monday's run feeling exhausted, wednesday feeling tired. But when I run at Friday's morning at indoor gym. I am sweated badly but feels like "What? Finished already". I think I am not even as tired as half of Wednesday's run. So I thought I am somehow stronger. Emi says first day is difficult, so in Saturday's dawn at my village's road (to watch sunrise). I run W2 Day 0 (maybe), to familarize myself to harder jogging. End up a bit more tired than friday. So I think I would be okay in W2D1. But in reality I feel like I am badly exhausted on yesterday at 5th round but finished it anyway. (Monday's noon, School track) So question is, What is the ideal time and place to run according to Emi's guide. I learned that enviroment can considerably effect the running by myself, and it quite exhausting.

2. How can I have flexible body? Not as much as gymnastic sportsman or Emi. But I wish I can touch my toes while standing straight which I can't since 8 years old. It might surprised some classmate if I do better in flexible test and It also help in running too, according to Emi.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:16 am
by Enemy |
Try to find some stretching guides online, those might help.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:41 pm
by Althamus
I don't think there's an ideal place or time to run, it more depends on individuals. I personally favour running around the park near my house relatively late at night, but that just fits in with my schedule - the park is close by and has grass and nice scenery. I normally work relatively long hours, and hate getting up early, so running once I've gotten home, had dinner, let it settle is a good time. Plus I personally can fall asleep relatively quickly after exercise.

Do stretches before running, there's a guide on the OP. It'll not only help you warm up, but also help a little with flexibility. After that, take a look for some guides online to help you.
But ultimately, if you train a bit of your body, it gets better. If you want to become better at a specific thing (touching your toes), just do some toe-touches (or close enough) in the morning/evening a few times. Don't bouce though, as that can hurt you. If you stretch as far as you can go, then hold it for 5 seconds a couple of times, it should help.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:37 am
by HurricaneHarvey
Stretch everyday, running or not, and you will find that your flexability improves over time. Not stretching for a few days in a row will also have noticeable degradation. Its something easy to build up and even faster to lose.

So the slowing down of posts makes me think its time to see who is still going. Its been awhile since all this started and its getting to the point we can see who met the 5k goal and bowed out and who planned to make this a lifestyle change and is still keeping at it even if its just keeping the routine. I myself have had no particular improvements for some time but have kept with the running as a routine to not lose the progress I have made. I think for the most part keeping at it rather than pushing is where I plan to be for now.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:17 am
by Akros
HurricaneHarvey wrote:Stretch everyday, running or not, and you will find that your flexability improves over time. Not stretching for a few days in a row will also have noticeable degradation. Its something easy to build up and even faster to lose.

So the slowing down of posts makes me think its time to see who is still going. Its been awhile since all this started and its getting to the point we can see who met the 5k goal and bowed out and who planned to make this a lifestyle change and is still keeping at it even if its just keeping the routine. I myself have had no particular improvements for some time but have kept with the running as a routine to not lose the progress I have made. I think for the most part keeping at it rather than pushing is where I plan to be for now.
I'm back with exams till the 18th, but yeah, I started in April or so, after finding out after the game, and even though I'm already done with the 5k, I'm still doing runs from time to time and many other things, like sports, just to keep in shape. So yeah, I think I can clearly say that I've changed in that way, I used to be really lazy when refering to sports and working out, but not so much anymore :mrgreen:

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:02 pm
by ook
It's about 6-7 months later, I've been running 1 mile every other day (I took a hiatus from running for a couple months, so I'm building back up), and doing bodyweight exercises. Still losing weight too.
I think I'm successfully hooked on fitness, I kinda feel let down if I can't do some kind of physical activity for the day. It's become my new hobby