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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:17 pm
by Broomhead
Actually, that brings up an interesting question. Do you suppose Lilly would play something akin to a text-based RPG, but verbal? Or perhaps D&D?

(I'm thinking this may get moved to random soon.)

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:18 pm
by brythain
YutoTheOrc wrote:I can also see Yuuko to be into video games. Like strategies; a little bit of Crusader KIngs 2, Rome Total War(1 not 2), Civ 5, etc.
Yuuko secretly partitioned Kenji's drive array and stashed her favourite games there. She always leaves for work after him and gets home before him, and gives herself some time with CK2 or Civ5. Kenji found out a while back, but he's proud of her, and won't let her know he's found out.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:21 pm
by brythain
Broomhead wrote:Actually, that brings up an interesting question. Do you suppose Lilly would play something akin to a text-based RPG, but verbal? Or perhaps D&D?
In between running three restaurants, she puts her legs up and her earphones on and plays text-based RPGs converted to sound. She also has a tactile input and display device for handling emails. Actually, her setup is a lot like a little cockpit, since she likes everything exactly where she wants. She secretly also likes Kagami Takahashi playing Ralph Vaughan Williams. So does Kenji, but they'd both freak out if they knew about each other.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:25 pm
by Steinherz
And then there's me.
Who thinks Hanako enjoys ultra-violent games as a catharsis factor.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:28 pm
by YutoTheOrc
brythain wrote:
Broomhead wrote:Actually, that brings up an interesting question. Do you suppose Lilly would play something akin to a text-based RPG, but verbal? Or perhaps D&D?
In between running three restaurants, she puts her legs up and her earphones on and plays text-based RPGs converted to sound. She also has a tactile input and display device for handling emails. Actually, her setup is a lot like a little cockpit, since she likes everything exactly where she wants. She secretly also likes Kagami Takahashi playing Ralph Vaughan Williams. So does Kenji, but they'd both freak out if they knew about each other.
How would she know when to click the next option, or where to click?

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:30 pm
by bhtooefr
Text-based means that she's not clicking, she's inputting commands. And, she may be able to learn to type.

However, Lilly canonically refuses to learn how to use a computer.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:41 pm
by YutoTheOrc
A bit off topic of characters and video games, but I can see Shizune as the type of sister who doesn't respect boundaries. For example if Hideaki was having a bath she would walk right in and brush her teeth or ask him a question :P

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:42 pm
by Broomhead
YutoTheOrc wrote:
Broomhead wrote:Actually, that brings up an interesting question. Do you suppose Lilly would play something akin to a text-based RPG, but verbal? Or perhaps D&D?
How would she know when to click the next option, or where to click?
"Something akin to a text-based RPG, but Verbal."
So, text-to-speech for both input and output. :evil:

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:06 pm
by bhtooefr
Hanako is fluent in English, she just said that she was doing "all right, [she...] suppose[d]" in Lilly's route, because she felt guilty about rubbing it in.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:06 pm
by ogorhan
Broomhead wrote:Actually, that brings up an interesting question. Do you suppose Lilly would play something akin to a text-based RPG, but verbal? Or perhaps D&D?

(I'm thinking this may get moved to random soon.)
Hmm I cant picture Lilly being into games, she has a playfull nature but idk. But Hanako I can see her playing games.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:15 pm
by Guest Poster
Meanwhile, I also think of Miki and Hanako as having come from the same orphanage, where Miki used to beat up the kids who teased Hanako, while Hanako pleaded with her not to be so violent...
Except Hanako was bullied at school, not at the orphanage. She mentioned she actually liked that place and that it reminded her of Yamaku.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:47 pm
by Megumeru
bhtooefr wrote:Hanako is fluent in English, she just said that she was doing "all right, [she...] suppose[d]" in Lilly's route, because she felt guilty about rubbing it in.
hah, you wish :lol:

If Lilly--who has her parents living abroad in Scotland speaking an English language I can't even understand (the accent, I meant)--is still struggling with her own secondary language, then Hanako? Who's most likely never been abroad and is pretty much exposed to the English language course provided here up to high school level has no chance to even top Lilly, or even get close to her capability.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:43 pm
by brythain
Guest Poster wrote:
Meanwhile, I also think of Miki and Hanako as having come from the same orphanage, where Miki used to beat up the kids who teased Hanako, while Hanako pleaded with her not to be so violent...
Except Hanako was bullied at school, not at the orphanage. She mentioned she actually liked that place and that it reminded her of Yamaku.
Never was bullied at the orphanage, because Miki. Then no Miki at school. Then Miki again at Yamaku. Yay, Miki! :D

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:18 pm
by brythain
After playing through Shizune's route again, I've decided that Jigoro was really 'being an asshole/jerk' in the sense that he'd decided to act one in order to test Hisao's responses. Shizune knows this, and tolerates it. Misha is clueless but goes on with it because she likes Jigoro.

Jigoro's actually pretty sharp; he senses that Hisao lacks direction and hasn't even spoken to his parents in a while. He keeps asking Hisao about the student council etc as if gauging whether Hisao is serious about his relationship with Shizune and prepared to defend Jigoro's daughter. Jigoro's last words to Hisao are telling: "Hmph. Fine, then. Have fun with that." Although we know that Hisao feels bad at this point, and it's natural for us to feel bad with him, it's actually the moment at which I feel Hisao's passed Jigoro's test.

As Hisao himself notes, Jigoro has an analytical stare even while he's acting an asshole. Given the kinds of people that Shizune and Hideaki appear to be at this point in the arc, it's not too much a stretch to think of them as a) strongly analytical, b) careless about what people think, c) prepared to act deviously to learn more, and d) competitive against their own internal benchmarks. The moment at which Hideaki bursts out, telling Hisao that he will be better than Shizune in everything, is pretty important—why does he say that? His father doesn't seem to denigrate Hideaki's competence or talent. Hideaki is one day going to grow up to be like Jigoro, but better. And better than Shizune too, perhaps. How scary.

So: headcanon—Jigoro, neither hypocrite nor jerk, but concerned father, devious schemer, not a nice guy but determined to hold his family together. I'm not even sure he treated Shizune the way he claims he did (12 years of her not talking to him, so extra lessons etc). It might have been part of his testing to see if Hisao was really determined to communicate with Shizune.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:50 pm
by Broomhead
brythain wrote: As Hisao himself notes, Jigoro has an analytical stare even while he's acting an asshole.
Jigoro, neither hypocrite nor jerk, but concerned father, devious schemer, not a nice guy but determined to hold his family together.
Well I'm accepting that into my list now. And perhaps worse, relate a lot to this Jigoro. I have acted differently around people or disguised myself to get their opinion on me or others without bias. I have also played the asshole simply to drive someone out of my friend group that was hurting the others.

God, even after turning off the VN I learn about myself and others in a meaningful way. This is going to trickle down my consciousness.