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Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:03 pm
by Hisao&Hanako<3
Who ever said I thought I was perfect? You guys sure are good at putting thoughts/words in my head/mouth. Anyway...

I think it would be great to get Hanako a nice new computer, since she said she likes them a bit. I wonder how far her skills go in that department. What if in the near future after high school, she becomes some tech savvy nerd? :lol:

Oh, and by the way, I don't feel self conscious around you guys at all. Just annoyed at times. Cause what you think are my mistakes you're pointing out are really just your own shortcomings. I'm trying to warn you, but do you listen? *Kenji voice*

So yeah. Good gifts for Hanako. There are many good things.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:07 pm
by Xanatos
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:Who ever said I thought I was perfect?

what you think are my mistakes you're pointing out are really just your own shortcomings.
Nobody said that. But the line immediately following that question definitely lends credit to anyone who might say that in future as well as generally sounding arrogant, pretentious, and stupid. "My mistakes are actually just you guys not being good enough!" (paraphrase) is exactly the sort of drivel one vomits forth if they think they are perfect. But, I digress...

1) Hanako gets a computer.

2) Hanako programs a supercomputer-esque chess AI.

3) Hanako becames the world champion of chess.

I could see this happening. :lol:

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:09 pm
by Jobriq
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:Who ever said I thought I was perfect? You guys sure are good at putting thoughts/words in my head/mouth. Anyway...

I think it would be great to get Hanako a nice new computer, since she said she likes them a bit. I wonder how far her skills go in that department. What if in the near future after high school, she becomes some tech savvy nerd? :lol:
"Hey Hanako do you know what meatspin is?" lol I'm a terrible person.

Maybe Hanako would have 1334 ski11z and h4xx the interwebs

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:11 pm
by Xanatos
Jobriq wrote:
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:Who ever said I thought I was perfect? You guys sure are good at putting thoughts/words in my head/mouth. Anyway...

I think it would be great to get Hanako a nice new computer, since she said she likes them a bit. I wonder how far her skills go in that department. What if in the near future after high school, she becomes some tech savvy nerd? :lol:
"Hey Hanako do you know what meatspin is?" lol I'm a terrible person.

Maybe Hanako would have 1334 ski11z and h4xx the interwebs
And bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips...

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:12 pm
by Hisao&Hanako<3
She's very inquisitive. The way she takes in information is beyond a lot of people by the looks of it.

So, another good gift is music. That will bring out the singing side of her, but I wonder which is the best interest of hers to bring out. They're both time consuming works in and of themselves.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:17 pm
by Xanatos
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:She's very inquisitive. The way she takes in information is beyond a lot of people by the looks of it.

So, another good gift is music. That will bring out the singing side of her, but I wonder which is the best interest of hers to bring out. They're both time consuming works in and of themselves.
Question is what kind of music...I hope she's not into jpop.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:25 pm
by Steinherz
Xanatos wrote:
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:She's very inquisitive. The way she takes in information is beyond a lot of people by the looks of it.

So, another good gift is music. That will bring out the singing side of her, but I wonder which is the best interest of hers to bring out. They're both time consuming works in and of themselves.
Question is what kind of music...I hope she's not into jpop.
To be honest, Hanako seems to be a Yousei Teikoku kind of girl to me.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:29 pm
by Xanatos
Steinherz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Hisao&Hanako<3 wrote:She's very inquisitive. The way she takes in information is beyond a lot of people by the looks of it.

So, another good gift is music. That will bring out the singing side of her, but I wonder which is the best interest of hers to bring out. They're both time consuming works in and of themselves.
Question is what kind of music...I hope she's not into jpop.
To be honest, Hanako seems to be a Yousei Teikoku kind of girl to me.

Curious (and possibly a new musical interest of mine, thanks! :D)...What is this judgement based on? :lol:

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:32 pm
by Steinherz
Xanatos wrote:
Steinherz wrote:
Xanatos wrote:Question is what kind of music...I hope she's not into jpop.
To be honest, Hanako seems to be a Yousei Teikoku kind of girl to me.

Curious (and possibly a new musical interest of mine, thanks! :D)...What is this judgement based on? :lol:
Just a hunch.
The quiet people often have the unexpected musical tastes.
Ever play Saints Row: The Third? If so: Remember Kinzie's comment about "Hardcore Gangsta Rap"? One of my very quiet female friends said that line almost verbatim.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:38 pm
by Jobriq
Hanako jams to that hardcore gangsta rap when she's cruisin' with her homies

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:55 pm
by Xanatos
Steinherz wrote:Just a hunch.
The quiet people often have the unexpected musical tastes.
Ever play Saints Row: The Third? If so: Remember Kinzie's comment about "Hardcore Gangsta Rap"? One of my very quiet female friends said that line almost verbatim.
Yeah, I like Kinzie but if she ever touches the radio in my car, I'll beat her to death with a dildo. :lol: And now all I can think of is SR4's dubstep gun...

Assuming Rin obeys the "true art is incomprehensible" trope, she might listen to this...

As for Hanako...I just can't quit picturing her dancing stupidly (but cutely) to this.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:56 pm
by Steinherz
I can see it too, don't feel bad.
I also felt nostalgic as fuck when I heard that song in Iron Man 3. I hadn't heard it in years until that scene :lol:

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:58 pm
by pandaphil
A shame the game never makes any mention of anyones musical tastes, and is pretty much absent apart from the one visit to the jazz club.

Just judging from the way she dresses, with bits of lace and ribbon, I always assumed she was a bit old fashioned in her tastes. But I can see her liking a lot of differetn types of music. Jazz, some classical, boy bands, maybe some Miku Hatsune,etc. Maybe not so much rap.

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:01 pm
by Steinherz
pandaphil wrote:A shame the game never makes any mention of anyones musical tastes, and is pretty much absent apart from the one visit to the jazz club.

Just judging from the way she dresses, with bits of lace and ribbon, I always assumed she was a bit old fashioned in her tastes. But I can see her liking a lot of differetn types of music. Jazz, some classical, boy bands, maybe some Miku Hatsune,etc. Maybe not so much rap.
Hisao: "Hey Hanako, Lilly and I want to know what kind of music you like."
Hanako: "What for?"
Hisao: "Christmas Gift."
Hanako: "Umm, you sure you want to know?"
Lilly: "Yes Hanako, we would."
Hanako: *pauses for a while* "...Hardcore Death Metal"
Lilly and Hisao:

Re: Hanako's presents

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:03 pm
by Xanatos
Steinherz wrote:
I can see it too, don't feel bad.
I also felt nostalgic as fuck when I heard that song in Iron Man 3. I hadn't heard it in years until that scene :lol:
Haven't seen any Iron Man movies...True story though: I first heard this song sometime in the 90's. Since then, it has randomly popped into my head throughout the course of time. Usually in the shower. Our body wash is blue.

Basically what Emi's doing here is what I see Hanako doing. XD (Note: Emi's favorite color is blue.)

The jazz club was probably mostly Akira's idea. I can't imagine Lilly or Hanako are huge fans.

And a massive portion of death metal sucks. Don't you touch my fucking radio, Hanako. >.>