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Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:08 am
by Selim Bradley
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote: :lol: Cheer up. Have some...Chocolate. :twisted:
Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Am I misunderstanding what chocolate means? I'm still new here so I don't know many of the in-forum jokes.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:09 am
by YZQ
Selim Bradley wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote: :lol: Cheer up. Have some...Chocolate. :twisted:
Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Am I misunderstanding what chocolate means? I'm still new here so I don't know many of the in-forum jokes.
I think that pic is a comic strip of somehow mixing chocolate with sex rituals.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:11 am
by Xanatos
Selim Bradley wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote: :lol: Cheer up. Have some...Chocolate. :twisted:
Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Am I misunderstanding what chocolate means? I'm still new here so I don't know many of the in-forum jokes.
It originated with this.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:11 am
by Dream
Just to let you guys know, i was on the "report this post" screen, and the only reason i didn't end up reporting a couple of the recent posts in this thread was because i wasn't sure if 4LS would consider them a breach of the rules. When this matter comes up (like, say, in the bacon thread) we generally get near the borderline of what is acceptable in this forum, and i think in this case we have passed it. Telling someone who apparently lived through transphobic violence (if on second-hand account) to basically fuck off and that they shouldn't feel bad/offended about a joke that denigrates them as well as dehumanizing labels or humour is very, very much not acceptable. No, it doesn't matter that it doesn't bother the person who is making the joke, or that they didn't intend the joke in an offensive manner, because it doesn't come off as a joke.

In enjoy bacon and anal jokes as much as the next guy, but this time it just went too far.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:11 am
by KeiichiO
Selim Bradley wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote: :lol: Cheer up. Have some...Chocolate. :twisted:
Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Am I misunderstanding what chocolate means? I'm still new here so I don't know many of the in-forum jokes.
-Comment Removed.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:13 am
by Xanatos
KeiichiO wrote:Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Because it's adorable. :P

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:14 am
by FoxtrotZero
Selim Bradley wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:
Selim Bradley wrote: Everybody is different, I suppose. I know I'm more sensitive to some jokes more than others, but at least here I can tell they are as innocent as possible.

As for thick skin, bring it on. I can't feel pain on my right side.
Are you Hanako??
To sum up my life, yes I am a male Hanako. Creepily so.
Holy crap. Ah, wow. I never thought I'd meet someone with that sort of experience, even over the internet.
I absolutely don't want to pry, but have you told your story somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in knowing more, just because...
Well, lets be honest, part of it is just the perverse interest I have as a human, but there's also the fact that going through something like that makes you a stronger and more storied individual.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:15 am
by YZQ
FoxtrotZero wrote:Holy crap. Ah, wow. I never thought I'd meet someone with that sort of experience, even over the internet.
I absolutely don't want to pry, but have you told your story somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in knowing more, just because...
Well, lets be honest, part of it is just the perverse interest I have as a human, but there's also the fact that going through something like that makes you a stronger and more storied individual.
He did share his story before (I read it). I don't remember which thread it is, though.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:17 am
by KeiichiO
Xanatos wrote:
KeiichiO wrote:Goddammit Xantos, how is that supposed to make me feel better? xD
Because it's adorable. :P
I avoided clicking on it at first... (Thought it was the comic)

I'm terribly sorry, it is adorable T-T

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:18 am
by Fiandra
YZQ wrote:
FoxtrotZero wrote:Holy crap. Ah, wow. I never thought I'd meet someone with that sort of experience, even over the internet.
I absolutely don't want to pry, but have you told your story somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in knowing more, just because...
Well, lets be honest, part of it is just the perverse interest I have as a human, but there's also the fact that going through something like that makes you a stronger and more storied individual.
He did share his story before (I read it). I don't remember which thread it is, though.
The HBHC, iirc.
Man, you guys are posting way too fast. I can't keep up

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:20 am
by Selim Bradley
FoxtrotZero wrote:Holy crap. Ah, wow. I never thought I'd meet someone with that sort of experience, even over the internet.
I absolutely don't want to pry, but have you told your story somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in knowing more, just because...
Well, lets be honest, part of it is just the perverse interest I have as a human, but there's also the fact that going through something like that makes you a stronger and more storied individual.
I don't like going into detail, but here is the relevent bit from my post about it:

When I was 8, my parents too died in a house fire which left me severely burned. I spent the next year in the hospital recovering from the burns that now scarred approximately 50% of my body, from the right side of my face all the way down to my feet. Being the child of two only-child parents whom all their parents had already passed away for various reasons, I became a ward of the state. Even before the incident, I was never really socially accepted due to having Asperger's Syndrome, but afterwords I was either ignored completely or bullied severely, both mentally and physically. The orphanage I was in realized this and, wanting my best interests, sent me to a private school similar to the one you present, though it is not as impressive as Yamaku. While this helped, I still felt exactly as Hanako did for the same reasons.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:38 am
by FoxtrotZero
Selim Bradley wrote:
FoxtrotZero wrote:Holy crap. Ah, wow. I never thought I'd meet someone with that sort of experience, even over the internet.
I absolutely don't want to pry, but have you told your story somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in knowing more, just because...
Well, lets be honest, part of it is just the perverse interest I have as a human, but there's also the fact that going through something like that makes you a stronger and more storied individual.
I don't like going into detail, but here is the relevent bit from my post about it:

When I was 8, my parents too died in a house fire which left me severely burned. I spent the next year in the hospital recovering from the burns that now scarred approximately 50% of my body, from the right side of my face all the way down to my feet. Being the child of two only-child parents whom all their parents had already passed away for various reasons, I became a ward of the state. Even before the incident, I was never really socially accepted due to having Asperger's Syndrome, but afterwords I was either ignored completely or bullied severely, both mentally and physically. The orphanage I was in realized this and, wanting my best interests, sent me to a private school similar to the one you present, though it is not as impressive as Yamaku. While this helped, I still felt exactly as Hanako did for the same reasons.
Shit, son. That's rough. Which I know doesn't do your situation justice at all, but I don't know if anything I could come up with to say would really capture just how terrible of an experience that is, particularly without sounding lame and detached. And I can absolutely understand you not wanting to discuss that, but I have to assume that if you seriously didn't want to talk about it, some internet-stranger's curiousity wouldn't be worth a damn.

But I'll say the same thing about you that I say about Hanako. Most people don't have to go through anything that difficult. My past is rough compared to the average person and I lay it down as fact that it doesn't hold a candle to yours (pun seriously fucking not intended, but I can't come up with a better turn of phrase). The fact that you're still here, an emotionally functional individual, says volumes about your character and your ability to perservere (even though, in Hanako's case, that perserverence came at the expense of just about any social contact whatsoever).

We're all stronger individuals for the trials we've faced. I suppose you could say you've literally been through the fire (pun intended this time, and it's terrible of me but I'm a strong believer in being able to joke about our pasts, so I hope you're okay with it). And if I knew you in person, I'm sure you'd have the presence of personality that would make me want to get to know you better. It's just a shame that some people in our world decide to base their opinions of people on petty bullshit.

But I doubt you need a pep-talk from me. I'm sure you get this sort of untrue sympathy a lot (untrue in the sense that I'm literally incapable of imagining that scenario). And I'm honestly just trying to come up with a way to end this post that doesn't seem... wrong. For being adept at the english language, I can be terribly clumsy once I start rambling.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:41 am
by Xanatos
FoxtrotZero wrote:I'm literally incapable of imagining that scenario
But you aren't. You're imagining it now as you read about it and you imagined it when/if you played Hanako's route.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:43 am
by YZQ
Anyway, as the old saying goes,"Tomorrow is another day." Think it was the SEALS who say ,"The only easy day was yesterday." So, forge your path.

Re: If you witnessed someone bullying Hanako...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:50 am
by Selim Bradley
FoxtrotZero wrote: Shit, son. That's rough. Which I know doesn't do your situation justice at all, but I don't know if anything I could come up with to say would really capture just how terrible of an experience that is, particularly without sounding lame and detached. And I can absolutely understand you not wanting to discuss that, but I have to assume that if you seriously didn't want to talk about it, some internet-stranger's curiousity wouldn't be worth a damn.

But I'll say the same thing about you that I say about Hanako. Most people don't have to go through anything that difficult. My past is rough compared to the average person and I lay it down as fact that it doesn't hold a candle to yours (pun seriously fucking not intended, but I can't come up with a better turn of phrase). The fact that you're still here, an emotionally functional individual, says volumes about your character and your ability to perservere (even though, in Hanako's case, that perserverence came at the expense of just about any social contact whatsoever).

We're all stronger individuals for the trials we've faced. I suppose you could say you've literally been through the fire (pun intended this time, and it's terrible of me but I'm a strong believer in being able to joke about our pasts, so I hope you're okay with it). And if I knew you in person, I'm sure you'd have the presence of personality that would make me want to get to know you better. It's just a shame that some people in our world decide to base their opinions of people on petty bullshit.

But I doubt you need a pep-talk from me. I'm sure you get this sort of untrue sympathy a lot (untrue in the sense that I'm literally incapable of imagining that scenario). And I'm honestly just trying to come up with a way to end this post that doesn't seem... wrong. For being adept at the english language, I can be terribly clumsy once I start rambling.
Oh, I'm as shy as she is too. The only big difference between her and me is gender.I only do electronic stuff like this because my therapist thought it would help, since nobody can see what I look like and judge me. And they said I should perhaps try bringing this situation up because with KS, you guys are the closest to understanding, or at least sympathizing. They were right. Thank you for the kind words, but don't burden yourself on my account.